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Everything posted by lionhunter

  1. lionhunter

    Ramsy 8000 lbs. Winch (SOLD)

    Game hauler, It is the Mod # REP 8000. I don't know if that is new or old, but I do know that the 3 or 4 times I have needed it on lion hunts it has save my @$$. Let me know if interested. Thanks for the look.. ps, I still have the 08 Xforce also. (Won $50 bucks with it tonight!!!) -Whitey_
  2. lionhunter

    Glassing up......

    I hunted lion hard for 22 years, and although we treed a ton over dogs I went for years not seeing any lion without the dogs treeing them. *(Side note: anyone that thinks treeing lion with dogs is the "easy way" is WRONG. At any rate; I had one year when I saw 7 lion in one year without the dogs! I glassed a female with 2 kittens (36-c), glassed a tom (21) had one run off a water hole (6-, one crossed the road in front of me (12-w), and one crossed I- 17 in front of me while going coyote calling. All of those were in the same year. Other than that I had one cross the 87 while I was heading up to bear hunt (Mt. ord), glassed one in 36-c this year while huntin Coues, glassed another in 36-c while hunting, and I am sure that I am forgeting a few. On top of these we have walked up on several trees with lion in them while coon huntin. Of course we pulled the dogs and let the lion go. It is truely amazing how many we have, and where lion are in Arizona. Good Hunting, Whitey
  3. lionhunter

    Looking out for a .243 Junior Rifle

    FYI, I saw a youth model .243 on backpage.com/ phx/ sporting goods. Today. Check it out. Good luck Whitey
  4. lionhunter

    mathews switchback XT

    Bump for one of the best bows Mathews has ever built. (I have had a few) What year is the bow? Whitey
  5. lionhunter

    Free Bows

    The bows have been spoken for Thanks for all the interest. Whitey
  6. lionhunter

    Free Bows

    I was given two OLD hoyt compound bows that I have no use for. I would like to give them away to anyone that could use them. pm if interested. I live in NW Phx. Whitey
  7. lionhunter

    Free bows

    Both bows are definately adult size bows. As for the draw length and weight I have no clue. One needs strings, the other has strings, but I would definately replace them before shooting it. Like I said, I was given the bows today by an old lady at work. Anyone that could use them is welcome to have them. Whitey
  8. lionhunter

    Free bows

    I was given two OLD hoyt bows today. I have no use for them and would like to give them away to someone that could use them.. I live in NW Phx. I will post pics tonight Whitey
  9. lionhunter

    Minox 10x42 Binoculars

    How much??????? Whitey
  10. lionhunter

    Leupold 4.5-14x40 with boone& Crockett reticle

    Cowman, $475 is as low as I will go cash. If Cabellas has them for $509 then I say go to Cabellas. By the time your out the door with taxes added your at $550. No offense, but mine is like Brand new. Singleshot, No thanks on the lab pup. I have two black labs now, and that is about one and a half too many! Thanks for the offers. I would be interested in rifles, pistols, optics etc....... Thanks, whitey
  11. lionhunter

    Swarovski AV scope for sale

    As per our phone conversation I will take it. -Whitey_
  12. lionhunter

    Swarovski AV scope for sale

    I would like to take a look. Where are you located??? I will email you. Thanks Whitey
  13. lionhunter

    AZ Dry Ground Lion - 4-3-09

    Come on Tyler; how about a story to go along with the great pics......... I know those windy days can lead to some very tough trailing conditions. looks like you guys are really gettin after it. Nice work -Whitey-
  14. lionhunter

    Help newbe

    I agree with the above posts to a certain exstent... However, coyotes are still coming in to calls, so keep on trying if you do not want to wait untill next fall. I would also mix up the locations of your calling. Good luck. p.s. try some coyote vocalizations this time of year. ie female invitation, male challenge, and pup in distress should all pay off about now. -whitey
  15. lionhunter

    Foxpro Fury

    I have hunted with them a couple of times, and they are very hard to beat. I still prefer to call with human blown mouth calls, but like you said calling with a mouth call can get old in a hury. Good luck and enjoy.. Don't be afraid to use some of the sounds that you would not think would work in your area; sometimes they work better!!!!! Whitey
  16. lionhunter

    Winchester bullet question?????

    Thanks for the info and the offer for more info (Ben), I do have the Nosler 6th ed. Manual. I think the problem with that info is that those loads were tested in a 26 inch berrel, and 99% of the short mags are built with a 23 inch barrel; mine included. I will keep after it... They thing shoots great, so maybe just figure out the new aim points... Thanks Whitey
  17. I am trying to reproduce winchester Silvertip 150 gr. 300 wsm loads. Does anyone know if there is a way to findout what powder/ primers that they use in their factory produced bullet???? Is there a web sight to look it up, or does Winchester keep it a big secret?? I thought it would be easy to get that bullet shooting the same speed by reloading my own, but so far the closest I can get is around 100 fps slower..... Any info would be helpful. Thanks Whitey
  18. lionhunter

    Winchester bullet question?????

    Shooting the Factory Winchester 150 Silvertip I get 3250 ish out of my set up, and my scope is calibrated to it perfectly out to 550. I figured that reproducing that speed with the same of simular bullet would be easy, but so far the best I have been able to get is 3150 with imr4350 and 150 gr accubond. This speed is fine with me other than it is eating me up knowing that I can do better with something I can buy over the counter, and the fact that I would have to "re figure out" my scope....... Whitey
  19. lionhunter

    WTB FOXPRO electonic caller

    I am looking to purchase an electonic caller. Let me know if you have one that you would like to part with.... PM with detail.. Thanks Whitey
  20. I am in the market for a Fox-Pro e-caller. (FX-3, FX-5 etc) Feel free to call with info if you are wanting to sell one.- Whitey (602)620-9113 (I guess after 25 years of coyote huntin I have admitted that I suck at callin........)
  21. lionhunter

    black ice bowtech

    Is the bow adjustable of do you have to change a cam? Thanks Whitey
  22. lionhunter

    Antelope Eaters???

    Any contact info? How do you sign up etc. Thanks Whitey
  23. lionhunter

    Hunting with Muzzle Brakes

    I have a 40% hearing loss in my left ear thanks to a 300 win mag with a break on it, and a cues buck a couple years ago and a bear the year after. I have shot that rifle maybe 3 times without hearing protection, and everytime I say "never again" and everytime I have had protection in my backpack; just did not take the time to grab them. Now I tie the ear plugs on the back of my ball cap so I have no reason not to put them in... But to answer the question asked....... If I had to take a quick shot at the right buck without hearing protection------I probably would. -Whitey_
  24. lionhunter

    lion pictures

    My weight estimate is #135. "nice tom"! Punkin head!!! Your pictures are bringing back a lot of memories!! Let me know if you ever need an extra guy out running roads, I would be glad to help. -Whitey-
  25. lionhunter

    Best Morning Ever!!

    By the sounds of it, (no pun intended) I need to toss all my mouth blown calls and invest in that fox pro!!!!!!!!!!!! Good day of callin Whitey-