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Everything posted by randyolson

  1. randyolson

    Coltons Giant Archery Muley

    Super Deer.....!! Congrats!!
  2. randyolson

    opening day buck

    Any deer you get with a bow is a trophy....Congrats!!
  3. randyolson

    Sons first buck

    Thats pretty nice....I should of been so lucky as to have a deer like that as my first. Congrats!!
  4. randyolson


    You can go through the King ranch and hunt up against the border of the reservation...Pretty good there...
  5. randyolson

    Giant Nevada velvet buck!

    Thats an awesome deer...Congrats
  6. randyolson

    Trail Cam Elk Video

    Nice cam footage...Thanks for sharing!
  7. randyolson

    2012 First Archery Coues

    Nice deer....Congrats!
  8. randyolson

    36B Hunt starting Nov 30th

    Yes, it's a must to camp with others. Even then you never know. Just to stay alerted at night I set up a remote driveway monitor, motion detector which worked really well. At least that way you have some warning if someone is in camp. You can get these at Harbor Freight. Hope this helps and good luck on that hunt! By all means, Be Careful!
  9. randyolson

    Archery Elk Tag Unit 6A

    Got lucky this year and drew an archery bull elk tag for 6A this year....Hopefully all pans out. Been scouting the unit already to find out where the monsters are...There are 4 of us in the group and I sure do hope we all score..! Would be nice.....
  10. randyolson

    December Succes

    Nice deer. Congradulations! Sounds as though you really put in your time and deserved that one...!!
  11. randyolson

    My late archery bull 360 3/8

    Congradulations on the very nice bull. You should be exceptionally proud of your accomplishment!!
  12. Try Black Bute, (South of Wickenburg and use the game and fish water tank book (you can purchase at the Game and Fish Office) to find the tanks that were set up by them. There is a blind that was set up and used rarely. You need to get and check out the areas in which you hunt to know your game and what might be there. If you just want a deer or a big deer. Good Luck to you!!