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Everything posted by randyolson

  1. randyolson

    Fishin' with Jeanne

    Nice....! Looks like alot of fun!
  2. randyolson

    Trophy Coues Deer Episode!

    Ryan, really enjoyed the video.....very demanding as you said......Thanks, Randy
  3. randyolson


    God bless all the firefighters that were lost in the Yarnell fire. My warmest sincere blessings and deepest sympathy go out to the families as well. I know its a difficult time now but, hopefully from the help and support of others it will help lesson the pain. I am so gratefull to these firefighters and their families for all they do and have done. It's definately a very difficult job they do. So "THANK YOU" from the bottom of my heart....!!!!!! It's a sad shame that we lost such wonderfull people......! My prayers go out to all......!!
  4. Have you noticed now that when you go to the doctor, even if its an eye doctor, the questions that are on the forms that you are asked? Do you feel homicidal or suicidal? Do you have or own a gun? What in the world is going on???????
  5. randyolson


    Our fore fathers carefully thought out with great wisdom to create the outstanding documents that would protect the people of this great nation. Wouldn't they be so angry and disappointed that everything they had worked so hard for and put into place for the people of this great nation would be torn to shreds by our political leaders of today!? With their own adgenda's (once put into office) they are shredding the constitution piece by piece and bit by bit. They swore to protect and uphold the constitution and you can see where this has been going....Lies, lies, and more lies.....What do people really think when they stand on the steps of the white house? If the statue of Lincoln could come to life and stand at the memorial, I do believe that he would walk away with his head down in disappointment!! Thank God for freedom of the press too since they have become such liberal BS journalists....and report only half truths....You don't believe, turn on a talk radio station today or the tv and listen to the news..............! The stupid stuff they come up with......and this just did't start yesterday!!!
  6. Thanks for the heads up.....Will give them a call!
  7. Yes Gun Control........That explains the Fast and Furious scandal huh? Holder still prancing around free as a lark!! Commie dirt bags!!
  8. randyolson


    How right you are...........This is unbelievable!! All these commie dirt bags!!! The time has come for all of these way out liberal politicians who don't support the constitution, be arrested, tried and exiled from this country!!!
  9. randyolson

    Colorado boycott

    For example, John Kerry, his wife owns the Heinz Co. John McCain, his wife owns Hensley Dist. Company (Anhauser Bush Products) So where do you think alot of their money comes from? Where do you think that dirt bag Bloomberg got his money? Finance.....We are loosing our houses and he is smiling cause he is worth 27 billion dollars. It goes on and on. All the anti gun people that own gun companies / stock in gun companies.....Making millions and talking out the side of their mouths at the same time. It goes on and on.....All these people (politicans) that SWORE (took an oath) to up hold the Constitution of the United States and talking out the side of theirs mouths at the same time. Laughing at those of us who put them in office in the first place and how stupid we are!! It goes on and on!!!
  10. randyolson

    Colorado boycott

    We need to start boycotting more than Colorado.....How about the companies these dirt bags (senators and billionaires) own that are anti gun. Quit buying their products.....Hit them where it counts!!!
  11. Yes, it's a shame on the Arizona senators part (McCain / Flake) and !!! I will not be voting or supporting anything they are involved in ever again. I do feel sorry for those who were and have been innocently killed in any and all the shootings. Especially children. My thoughts and prayers, as always go out to those families. However, why punish everyone because of a few? (I do know that that is the way of this society these days). This whole thing is crazy!!! I can think of many better ways to spend the tax payers money rather that for Obama’s agenda. Plus this attack and all others against the 2nd amendment (OUR Constitution) is darn right un-AMERICAN!!!!!!
  12. randyolson

    Draw Results Out

    Congrats to all of you who drew an elk tag. I drew a 6A Archery (bull) Tag.
  13. randyolson

    Sally- My Trophy Buck

    Very nice buck. Congratulations!
  14. randyolson

    Scrub Rub Bull

    That' a pretty cool video! Thanks!
  15. randyolson


    Congrats on your buck and other amazing accomplishments!
  16. randyolson

    Finally Got Er' Done...

    Congrats on your nice buck! You really worked for that and should be proud!
  17. randyolson

    My 2013 Coues & Javi

    Way to go! Nice buck! Congratulations!
  18. randyolson

    Happy New Year,My Birthday Buck

    Thats a great buck! Congratulations!!
  19. randyolson

    My 2013 "Fighter" Buck

    Congrats on the nice buck!
  20. Very nice buck! Congratulations!!
  21. randyolson

    New Years Eve Buck

    Congrats on a nice buck! Way to hang in!!
  22. randyolson

    Nogales city limit buck

    That's a biggin alright!!
  23. randyolson

    Short December bowhunting video

    That was a super video!! Thanks for sharing!!
  24. randyolson

    2012 Muzzy Buck

    Congrats! What a great hunt by the sounds of that story! Thanks for sharing.
  25. randyolson

    My first 100"+ Coues deer

    That's a great buck! Congratulations! What a story thanks! Good luck on nursing school. My daughter just finished nursing school at GCU.