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Everything posted by randyolson

  1. Congrats on the nice buck! Thanks for sharing the pics and the story.....!!
  2. randyolson

    Another great Coues hunt!

    Right on!! Congrats!!
  3. randyolson

    My Buck!!!

    Nice wide rack, definately!! Congrats!!!
  4. randyolson

    First coues deer. Unit 21

  5. randyolson

    Opening morning success

    Nice....!! Way to go!!!
  6. Fantastic!!!, Thanks and congrats!
  7. randyolson

    Another opening day coues!

    Very Nice Buck....! Way to go! Congrats!
  8. randyolson


    Holy Moses!!! Congrats to the hunter for a good shot and all involved.!!
  9. Super!!! Very nice deer!! Congrats! Thank goodness for good buddies!! Great story and thanks for sharing!
  10. randyolson

    Another long range coues down!

    Awesome!!! Way to go! Congrats on the nice looking deer!!
  11. randyolson

    2013 leftover tag buck!

    Congrats on a nice buck!!
  12. randyolson

    Sunday Morning Success with pics

    Congtrats on your nice buck....!!
  13. randyolson

    Finished my sons huge buck!

    I have worked on a few deer heads and know how involved and time consuming it is with just preperation and then the mounting. I will definately say, if this is your first mount, you are a natural!! You have done a very nice job.. And what a spectular buck too!!! Way to go!!! Keep up the good work!!
  14. randyolson

    San Carlos Unit B.....MONSTER!!!!!

    WOW!! Congrats!!!!
  15. randyolson

    Unit 21 Whitetail.

    Congrats on the nice buck!!! Thanks for sharing.....!!!!
  16. randyolson

    San Carlos R-100 buck

    Very Nice......!!!!!Congrats!
  17. randyolson

    Fun in The Sun...My 2013 Buck

    Congrats on your nice buck!! Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
  18. randyolson

    32 hours and counting

    Good luck to all of you on your hunt tomorrow!!
  19. randyolson

    San Carlos Unit A...freak!

    That buck is absolutely awesome!! Congrats on a tremendous trophy!!
  20. randyolson

    Speaking of recalls......

    Yes, that's just fantastic!!! We need to do this across the nation!! Definately get ride of all these dead beats in our government.....
  21. randyolson

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    That's awesome.....thats what we have been waiting for.......
  22. randyolson

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    How about a camera that has a built in locator and if you try and remove it it will destroy the camera....? Then at least it could be tracked down. Could have an in the cell phone maybe. Have to remember that these game cams were originally designed for those that have many acres of private property to set up in. Unless you have that luxury then it's something we have to put up with. Hopefully these people will get caught some time or get what they got coming to them...Ya think? By the way.....Mr. MarkGann.....What is that tattoo of on your left butt cheek.....might as well share it with everyone...., huh?
  23. Really enjoyed your story! Great buck!! Congrats!!! Thanks for taking the time to write the story and post for all to read!!
  24. randyolson

    6A Bulls

    Great Pics.....! Thanks for sharing.....! Awesome!