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Everything posted by randyolson

  1. randyolson

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    You sure could not tell by that big smile that you were very happy on a trophy like that!! Great looking deer for sure!!!! Congratulations!!
  2. randyolson

    12A West

    Great shooting!!! Congrats!!!
  3. randyolson

    Big Muley!

    Fantastic!! What a buck!!! Congrats!!!
  4. randyolson

    Unique Coues!!!

    Very UNIQUE indeed!! Congratulations on a very nice buck!! He looks super!!!
  5. randyolson

    First buck for new gun

    You are absolutely correct! Congrats on your buck!!
  6. randyolson

    2013 WT Hunt

    Sounds like a great time. Alot of excellent discoveries and on top of all you got your deer. Congrats on your nice buck!!
  7. randyolson

    Finally Shot a Big Buck!

    That's just super!! Congrats on the deer!! Thanks for sharing!
  8. randyolson

    Brothers first deer!!!

    Thats just super!! Congrats on the fine Buck!!!
  9. randyolson

    Wifes first Muley

    Excellent!! Way to go on your wife getting here first muley!! Congrats!!
  10. randyolson

    Unit 27 Success

    Very nice Buck!! Congratulations!
  11. randyolson

    Desert Buck Down!

    Congrats on your getting your deer.....Thanks for sharing the pics and the story!!
  12. randyolson

    2 of 3. Dads first coues buck

    Congrats on getting your deer!!
  13. randyolson

    2013 Buck

    Very nice deer!! Congrats!! Thanks for sharing!
  14. randyolson

    Dec Buck BACK!!!!!!

    Very nice pics!!!!! I have been wanting to see all the mounts that Josh White has and is doing.....! I have seen a couple and think he did a very nice job!! I am still waiting to draw that late Dec. tag.....still no luck!! Keep the pictures coming!! My blood is always flowing....My ear is bent always on any hunting stories or pics!!! Thanks!
  15. randyolson

    Unit 29 forcast

    Good Luck!
  16. randyolson

    Well Deserved Buck

    That was a very nice and unfortunately sad story that you told!! Sorry to hear about Gunner!! I am sure he is in a wonderful place! GOD Bless!!!! The deer is fantastic!!! Congrats and thanks for sharing the story and pics!!!
  17. randyolson

    My Daughter Awesome Hunt!

    Congrats!! Nice deer!! Great pics and story!! Thanks for sharing....Sounds like a great time!!
  18. randyolson

    second to last day buck

    Thats a super buck!!! Congrats! Thanks for sharing!!
  19. randyolson

    Almost time!!!

    Nice looking buck!! Got luck on the hunt!!
  20. randyolson

    New Mexico Bull

    Nice Bull, Congrats!! Too bad about your hunting partners rifle.
  21. randyolson

    21 wt

    Very nice looking deer! Congrats!!
  22. randyolson

    36B tag filled

    Super! Nice buck, congrats!!
  23. randyolson

    Tag Soup but also a success

    Nice story! Maybe no deer, but I do believe that the time you and your dad had together is and was much more important. Never can replace that with anything!! I would of loved to of been able to of done that with my dad.....Way to go!!
  24. randyolson

    Finally, the curse is broken

    Congrats on getting your deer and lifting that deadly curse!!