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Everything posted by MRL1984

  1. MRL1984

    Reloading supplies

    Have a bit of a variety of reloading stuff available. If I can ship it without Hazmat I will ship for an extra $5 to cover the flat rate box. Only trade interest would be H4350 and the right set of 6.5 Creedmoor dies. All powder is sealed. 1) Gone 2) Gone 3) Gone 4) Gone 5) 1 pound Hunter $25.00 6) Gone 7) Gone 8) Gone 9) Gone 10) RCBS 7-08 FL Die Set $30.00 I never used them and they look like I got them new. I'm on the east end of Tucson. PM offers as I will get notified, will also have precedent of "I'll take it" over posts in ad. Thanks.
  2. MRL1984

    Good Guy Buyer List

    +1 for mmlj.
  3. MRL1984


    You probably talk during the National Anthem and God Bless America, while you sit with your hat on.
  4. MRL1984

    Parker Canyon Lake

    I wondered why the Pike hadn't been thrown down yet. Never managed to catch one but that was my goal the last time I went, wow been 14 years now...
  5. Why so many new threads for each optic? One thread with edit of your original goes a long way to not eat up server space and classified ad space.
  6. MRL1984


    SpotnStalker I always thought you were getting an unfair deal in this forum. You keep it moving and all, but then you turned the section into a music video section. additionally you neglected to keep it metal or at least the nuge... I do have to admit the Katy Perry video isn't so bad with no sound though.
  7. MRL1984

    23 hours 54 minutes

    Could be worse you could already know you successfully got your bonus point, and it will be at least one more year until you get a tag... Isn't this the time for load development, archery practice in anticipation of the archery elk tag, varmint hunting, spring training, and riding mountain bikes?
  8. MRL1984

    Mathews Z7 and/or HTM release

    Maybe try Archerytalk, it's a little better than ebay as you will still have to ship but you don't have to share your payment.
  9. MRL1984

    Trouble posting pics

    CWT is actually one of the better sites for photos, especially if you are not a photo bucket user. I use the site below to compress photos. Works from my phone as well. On optimization can save as new or overwrite the old. http://www.imageoptimizer.net/Pages/Home.aspx Added some free range walmart chickens to this bad boy.
  10. MRL1984

    Virginia Beach Nationals

    Alright it's your rodeo...
  11. MRL1984

    Virginia Beach Nationals

    So at $8 I get 7 free tickets. At $20 I only get 5 free tickets? Yout don't see a problem there? Edited because your prices have me super confused. Seems like your hosing yourself. Rough use of your discounts 15 tickets should be $11 rather than $8.
  12. Get on Archery talk classified ads, that will help with price. I use the seven deadly pins as 80 is as far as I care to shoot currently, so I can not really tell you much about the sliders. I believe you can use a 3 or 5 pin housing though. Spott hogg stuff isn't as complex as it looks, just a matter of getting it figured out.
  13. MRL1984

    Any one know?

    Yes if I recall correct from a prior thread, though all 3 pins move the bottom pin is the one you use for the dialed yardages.
  14. I recently started shooting the Stan sx2. I find I shoot more consistent groups with a thumb release. I don't notice much extra noise from it over the finger release. I prefer it over the trigger type release. How it works on hunts remains to be seen, but I am 1 for who knows how many with a finger trigger and didn't manage a shot with the thumb release. I don't like the clip in to loop and go idea much as Murphys law finds me often. I can preload the trigger set and slip the jaw closed later so my plan was to set the trigger and "flip in" close to shoot time. Back tension shooting can be achieved with any release, I actually thought that was the proper way to shoot a bow regardless of the release. ETA Maverick posted while I was typing, glad someone agrees on back tension.
  15. MRL1984

    6.5 Grendel AR

    As much as I hate to say it...check AR15.com. Weed through all the BS to get the info you need. Predator masters has an AR section and guys on that site run them as well.
  16. MRL1984

    What's BP really after| Speculation

    The military planes in general stay to the east of where this was. It was fixated on a spot or an area that is a pick up spot for illegals. It lapped the area three times that I noticed. With each pass it lowered in elevation. In thirty five years of going to this area I have (my family owns property there) yet to see this or a military aircraft do maneuvers in this part of the unit. Cartel overwatch... The cartel acquired the plane the same way they do RPGs and whatnot. Loosen up the tin foil, the stuperbowl is in state so the military is probably helping keep an extra look out for "Johnny Jihad" and his Isis crew.
  17. MRL1984

    What's BP really after| Speculation

    David Monthan runs A10 maneuvers down in the 36s. have y'all missed Korengal and Restepro? The Afghanistan looks a lot like AZ, almost looks like some great deer hunting.
  18. MRL1984

    Bow for 13 year old girl

    Also look at mission craze. Keep an eye on archery talk for a used one. Its a lot like the ruckus in the adjustment only you can go bigger. Up to 70 lbs and 30 in draw. Quick goggle fu it's 15 lb minimum. 19 in draw minimum.
  19. MRL1984

    How Did She Do It?

    I thought her boyfriend happened to be hunting near by and used the other gun his gun. May be a different case.
  20. MRL1984

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Yes really. It's called a joke, and a jab at the fact that the conservative party generally frowns on handouts. Last I checked there was a lot of Fox News fans on this site. Before you go and think I'm a libtard, note I said we in the first post. As much as it pains me to support either of the two parties, the conservative stance on the 2nd amendment gets the win. Hope that is clear enough for anyone else who can't read past mooching kids. Takes the fun out of having fun with irony when you have to spell it out. ETA I still stand by give the kids something for doing some work. Straight A's, helping G&F on projects rather than just for showing up. I guess y'all are in favor of participation trophies in sports and no one loses as well.
  21. MRL1984

    Looking for BDL bottom metal

    Also check snipershide, LA tends to last a little longer than SA over there.
  22. MRL1984

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Kind of hard for me to follow you on this. The hunt is work for the kid? I've hunted from 10 for big game and sooner for small game and the only work involved is the pack out. Every other bit of it is pleasure and the true reward of hunting. heck I get as much out of taking sunrise and set pictutes each day of my hunt as filling a tag. Tag soup has been as good a hunt on many occasions as a filled tag. I never felt the need for a prize or present after a hunt. For me time spent with my dad was the prize. I realized it even more this last year as it will most likely be my dad's last hunt, since he couldn't even make his half butt attempt at trying to hunt. Guess the two of us are on two different ends of the spectrum. My sense of humor clearly doesn't work for you. Maybe if I put a smiley after the mooching kids it would have helped.
  23. MRL1984

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Elkaholic start your own thread and bump it til Amanda makes it a sticky. It is that simple. It will most likely die fairly quick as this thread did, other than people talking. Especially since we tend to be conservative and that means no free handouts for the mooching kids. I'm all for giving stuff to kids, prefer a discount to giving though. Teach the kid not to expect handouts, and give a sense of ownership since they spent something for an item. ETA could incorporate doing volunteer work for G&F to earn the item.
  24. MRL1984


    Again??? Good news he set up his own stuff and didn't take yours. Glad I don't have the patience to sit in one place, saves me these headaches. Forgot to mention first come on the day of the hunt gets the spot for the day. You will get all sorts of answers...
  25. MRL1984

    Police Shootings

    Tyler Stewart was in his first year, he graduated NARTA this year. 24 years old. He is the 115th officer to die this year in the duty.