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Everything posted by MRL1984

  1. MRL1984

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    I think the premium system is actually a good idea. The problem is I don't consider any elk or deer hunt in AZ to be of the premium caliber. I already sent my survey but the questions were basically if elk tags cost this much I would still buy one with a scale of strong disagree to strong agree. It asked if one supported the premium hunt can't remember how it was structured, but I wrote on mine, my first paragraph of this post. I don't disagree with the idea, but there is no hunt worthy of being premium here. Especially 36a in December as the 9th rifle hunt. There was a question about cheaper cow tags vs bull. I agree as there is less meat. In all it was about 10 questions 4 or 5 of the scale of agreement level. Then some about what percentage of increase is acceptable. It was really nothing special.
  2. MRL1984

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    As the guy that called it whining I re read the thread. I stand behind the whining comment and wasn't the first to point it out. To amuse you some more,I'm sure they do. Stomping, falling down, rolling, crying while kicking and screaming. :-) I didn't name anyone or call them out. Just said that all the whining smells like occupy, welfare and hippies. Which when we make it everyone should be equal and afford to go hunting. Hunting shouldn't be for the wealthy just like college right 99%? I did the magic survey and its headed back to them. I am going to compose a letter as well. I am not saying folks aren't doing more just pointing out that I see a bit of libtard from folks who present themselves as the anti-libtard. Last I checked occupy did more than whine too...
  3. MRL1984

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    I know I'm not lucky, but I also got the survey. Even made a thread to see how many other folks got one... I don't care about cost, I will still hunt. Y'all can piss and moan all you want, but none of you won't hunt because it costs more. Just like you all bought Prius's (ok at least a V6) instead of your 1 ton lifted monster because gas is double what it was. Oh wait I still haven't seen a CWT sticker on a Prius... You just have to learn to do something unAmerican today, work a little extra anytime you can, spend a little less and save some money. All this whining has the same entitlement smell as occupy, welfare and hippies.
  4. MRL1984

    Southern left over tag questions

    I am with you on the beauty down there, it has a home feeling for me. You know where the good photo ops are when you spend most of your life somewhere. I grew up in 36a, 36b, 34a and 34b.
  5. MRL1984

    Game and Fish survey mailer

    Never going to happen, there aren't any wildlife statutes in title 28. DPS doesn't do anything besides 28. For those that don't know title 28 is all traffic related. Yes they run the state gang task force, but that's mostly rented officers from city and county agencies.
  6. MRL1984

    Game and Fish survey mailer

    I just wondered if anyone else got one of these in the mail. I basically saw it as G&F asking for a blessing on raising cost. I know there is already a thread about the simplification of the licenses. Just was including this for those that didn't get the survey. I answered mine as it asked with my honest input and wrote additional things in the margin. I hope anyone else who got one will do the same. Yeah yeah they won't listen anyway... I will reserve my opinions in this thread regarding tag/license prices and ask that others do as well. Just wondering how many other CWT.com members got the survey.
  7. MRL1984

    Southern left over tag questions

    The herds in the 36s are getting thinned out from my experience. 36c is said to have an extremely high lion population, but I have no time spent there. 36a has a whole 9 hunts counting 2 Jrs and 2 mule deer hunts. Not to mention BP heavy presence in chase of illegals. Only saw one of the mojado herd on my hunt last year. Saw two bucks out of about 40 deer. 40 deer mind you was once a day not 4 days that it was last year. Sadly I hunted harder last year than normal too. I haven't been in B for a few years, but I figure with access opened up a little more and more folks on left over tags the herd will be thinned out over there too. Seems like that was the report from most after last years hunt. Most of us that have hunted the 36s over the last 20 years can vouch that the herds are not what they were and are getting worse. I have hunted 36a all but about 3 years for the last 18, and this year I reached the conclusion that id rather not have a tag then hunt there. As far as the illegals, any of the southern units will have that possibility. I know one or two people who said never again after meeting armed crews in 36c. The illegals are not a problem, its the drug runners and guards that you have to worry about.
  8. Seems like less bucks especially of quality, are getting pulled from the 36s. Strangely there are more hunts and tags every year. I'm sure I will piss off a lot of folks with the following, but this left over tag business has hammered the southern units. I think it adds nothing positive. I think any tag in a year for a specific species should use your bonus point balance. It allows people not to have to choose a tag or a bonus point. I used to hunt and see one or two other hunters in my area, though there was a mule deer and whitetail hunt running concurrent. Now on a whitetail only hunt the hills crawl with people. Legal ilegal and Border Patrol. I think Game and Fish really needs to think less about the money and more about the health of our heards.
  9. MRL1984

    Panic shoppers relax

    Of course .22 is out, no one can reload it and its cheap to practice with. Oh and if your like me blowing through a bunch of it generally just happens. It's also my entertainment during barrel cooling. I'm glad I bought a decent stock of powders and primers and scaled back my calibers before things went silly. The bummer being when my bro came out from the communist republic of Illinois and says,"lets shoot, you have lots of ammo"and I had to say no we can't I'm low and cant replace what I have, I only load for my hunting rifles.
  10. In that case no. Never heard of it.
  11. Check on Arizona Shooting. I have met at least one 6.5 Creedmoore shooter from there, but his name escapes me at present. He lived in the north end of the valley if I remember correctly.
  12. MRL1984

    WTS : Colt LE6920 MP-FDE AR15 Magpul M4 5.56

    Its pretty easy to rack up 15 posts on a site you have business on. I think it is a possibility that it will be seen soon on this site since multiple folks are behind it. Helps keep the trolls out as well.
  13. Why does the old dead dude get a say in the matter? Decide what you like and go with that. You can always change a stock...
  14. I only have a pound of RL22, so im waiting to test it. Do you notice any temp sensitivity with it?
  15. Checked berger book and it shows max charge of 51 grains with the 140 and 4831sc. Should of sent this while I was looking, because I can't remember what 90% full it was. Got them loaded up to 51 today, going to load one bullet in half grain up to 53. See what pressure signs show up if any.
  16. I just got my savage dialed at 100 with Nosler trophy grade Accubond 130s. Seems to like that better than the HSM 142 Sierra. I am going to be loading the 140 Bergers in the not too distant future, but I'm doing development for 3 other guns at the moment well. Finally got serious about loading and a weekend with nothing but time. I don't think you have to get hung up on what load works best with the cooper. Just troll around for what 6.5 loads are working for lots of folks and develop a load based on it. A load I picked up somewhere had the following: lapua brass, fed 210m primer, 4831sc at 53 grains, and a berger 140 vld hunting. At least that's what I wrote in my notebook. So drop 10% and start from there is the plan I'm goin with. I need to see how it compares to the berger book too.
  17. Agreed... Not really, but seriously though get your kids to wear plugs any time they shoot. Hearing loss, much like an STD/VD is easy to avoid if you wear protection, and an awful thing to end up with. Thankfully I only have first hand experience with hearing loss.
  18. MRL1984

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    That's another good scam speaking of phishing emails. They steal your relatives/friend/acquanitece email. Send you an email from their account of I got locked up/stranded/sick in A foreign country send money for me to this wire number. Generally sent to grandparents to bail out grand kids. That one really gets folks because they don't call to confirm and send the money for the emergency. Muleskinner go to ic3.gov and send the info on yours. Most likely it goes to an innocent naive middle person who thinks they are going to get their share of the millions so they keep forwarding all the funds from folks who get the email you have.
  19. MRL1984

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    Kinda like the Nigeria scam Muleskinner. How did it get there? Who you know in Atlanta? You found me a new one for me :-). How come he opened it if it has your name? How was the English? Sentence structure? Spelling? Pretty obvious it's a scam unless you have a reason to have left 2-3 million there.
  20. No more ear plugs for me, they will be a waste of time. A can works much better. Touché. The can will also help take the recoil down. I will however say with my lack of machine skills, ear plugs are far cheaper. The stamp alone would buy more plugs than I need the rest of my life.
  21. MRL1984

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    The reason they say they won't investigate under 100k is because most the time it's a dead end. I followed the rabbit down the hole on a few I took and they end up in non-extraditable countries. The Canadian royal Mounties are very hardcore in pursuit of Internet crime and identification theft. If you all had a clue as to how many people fall for these scams and the Nigerian scams you would understand why the local PD and FBI really don't care. In the end the bank becomes the victim of most electronic fraud. They cover your loss for someone using you credit info, and try to stop payment to where it was used. Most time that is too late, so the bank is the only one out. They don't care about continuing prosecution since they have insurance to cover the loss. It's crazy to think how identities are traded in a ID stock market. They trade them like baseball cards. As well as credit information. Almost all your information unless you are really good is available online one way or another.
  22. MRL1984

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    I forget I see this all the time, and ic3.gov is the place you report it to unless you fall for it then call the local PD. the key is to not be greedy, and think about things. I haven't seen a new scam in the last 6 years. So yeah this is really old news and people still fall for it. Casey is right. Only do person to person deals on CL. Strangely you say the old bucks are tryin to pass on info, but the young bucks seem to be on top of it :-) seems that most folks I know that fall for it are 40 plus. Now you may make me look through my cases to see who the youngest was. You don't go to jail for cashing the check either. You just have the money for the whole check taken back by the bank. If you already sent the money you get hosed out of the money you sent as well. My favorite was the lady cashing the checks that were returned and wiring the money so she could get her lotto winnings.
  23. MRL1984

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    Go to IC3.gov and report it to them. They won't care either, but it beats posting in a hunting forum classified ad section about it.
  24. I don't understand what the hang up is with needing ear plugs for a break. If you shoot anything you need ear plugs that simple. That is the dumbest excuse to write off a break. NO one should be shooting without hearing protection. I learned that the hard way. If you aren't shooting at running game, it's not too big a deal to take 3 seconds and put in some plugs. I know they are heavy and all that though... I think the caliber portion has been covered, but Ill add a nickle. It really depends on the kid as well as the gun. Seems a 243 kicks a lot more now than I remember as a kid. I know a 270 has more recoil than any other gun I shot, mainly because I have a whole one shot with the ruger boat oat stock. The lady hunter in 308 kicks real good compared to the SPS varmint I had. How about some managed recoil loads for practice then slip the full house load in on the hunt. They won't feel the extra bump during the adrenaline dump on the hunt.
  25. MRL1984

    .223 ammo for sale

    Stop showing your communist market ideas by crapping in everyone's ads. This is America and we have a free market. Means you can offer things for whatever price you choose. I think you really need to be banned from posting in the classified ads permanently.