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Everything posted by MRL1984

  1. MRL1984

    AZGFD License "Simplification" Bull****

    I don't understand why so many folks need to come here to "vent" "rant" or "experiment" about their own inability to follow directions. You made a mistake. Learn from it and move on.
  2. MRL1984

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    I see the awesomeness of a deer vs semi. Doesn't mean I want to kill deer with a semi. Lighten up guys, other than the story about leaving all but the back straps and head of an elk that sucks.
  3. MRL1984

    Border units

    Last I heard all the left over tags were gone this year. Guess most folks feel warm and fuzzy about south o' the 10. In the end ones nuts don't have to clank all that hard to be willing to hunt south. Just have to know the risks like most anything else in life. We all have our things in which risk outweighs the reward. Aids didn't make the world celibate...
  4. MRL1984

    ruger lcp 380

    My wife didn't like shooting her lcp. Said it beat up her hand. She didn't have the racking issues naturegirl described. My wife took over my Sig P232 after the first magazine. Accurate little gun with a fixed barrel. Also it's Da/sa not sa like the 238. Not that it matters but small concealed with that little thumb safety for some is a fail. My wife had two gun toating momma purses. Then a friend from work gave her a coach purse so needless to say she uses that for carry now.
  5. MRL1984

    .270 Ruger American Rifle for sale

    May work better in the classifieds section.
  6. MRL1984

    wtb a bow for girlfriend

    i agree with this. it turns "me time" into "we time". it's good to get the girls out there, but i made this mistake once. you spend more time chasing arrows and trying to figure out why they can't shoot consistent groups than you spend trying to hone your own skills. maybe I'm selfish, but just my $.02 Yeah you may be right but...you may be wrong. Just as likely to end bad not including her. Depends on both of them, I enjoy having my wife along to shoot more then going alone. I would much rather her be along and enjoy the activities I do.
  7. MRL1984

    wtb a bow for girlfriend

    I would suggest going to Archery talk forums as they tend to have a lot of used bows for juniors and/or women. There are some good deals to be had if you just keep an eye out.
  8. MRL1984

    Federal Law Enforcement Officers

    Casey I think you summed up my feelings as well.
  9. MRL1984

    Need opinions on a new sidearm

    The thing to remember about any gun you intend to carry and shoot is practice. I carry a Glock and don't have any concerns with contact shots, class 2 or 3 malfunctions. Mainly as I got lots of practice clearing them in Gen 3. As much as I hated Glock the Gen 4 works for me. I agree that less practice makes the revolver a better choice. You're apparently not recoil sensitive so the possibilities are pretty endless.
  10. MRL1984

    WTB Sig Sauer P239 mags

    Midway has 8 rounders as does topgun supply. Sig sure is proud of their mags. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/833547/sig-sauer-magazine-sig-sauer-p239-9mm-luger-8-round-steel-matte?cm_vc=subv1833547 http://www.topgunsupply.com/sig-sauer-p239-9mm-8rd-magazine.html
  11. MRL1984

    Looking for Brass Want to buy

    Keep an eye on other forums. Saw some on snipershide this morning but it was already sold. It was 100 pcs of factory win brass for $80. Lots of sources just a matter of having the free time to keep an eye out.
  12. I use the RCBS electronic scale. Works good for me.
  13. MRL1984

    Looking for Brass Want to buy

    Norma from what I have read is second only to Lapua. Nosler depends on who you ask.
  14. Not color filled. It's easier to fill after the fact. I did my last lower with model paint.
  15. Please send questions comments and concerns via PM. SPF I have a spikes tactical stripped lower with calico jack logo rather than the spider. Hasn't been built on. Looking for $100, as I paid $107 after tax. All firearms purchase rules apply. Gone thanks JLG! Going to send the 300 Win Mag Encore barrel around again. Looking for $200.00 can make a deal for the Vortex Viper scope that currently sits on it if buyer is inclined. Probably another $300 for scope. Stainless with break. Also have a magpul MOE AR Grip would sell for $20 can ship for $5 extra. I am also going to add my Colt 1911 rail gun. Stainless 100 year commemorate model. It was used as a duty piece for prior owner so shows some carry wear. I would do $950.00 Will be in valley Friday afternoon. Not sure what's going on with the phone picture combo so I will add them when I can.
  16. MRL1984


  17. MRL1984

    Anyone still waiting for their tags?

    We have received tags from the original draw, as well as left over tags at my house. The left overs came about a week ago, the first draw about two weeks ago.
  18. PM sent with the info.
  19. http://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2709316#Post2709316 300 WSM in Mesa. Not sure if the link will work, but it's on classifieds on Predator Masters. I'm know he will cut a deal for local pick up as I asked. If you're interested I have his number as well.
  20. Pistol and rifle are both gone, closing out this old thread. Will make a new one once I decide what to keep and sell.
  21. The guys I work with are wearing them and they have quite a following going. I am a Danner guy, but I have had the same pair for 7 years with one resole this year. As for women's camo yeah not fun. I am a fan of the sparkling stuff on camo that will really help conceal my wife from watchful eyes...
  22. MRL1984

    Savage 11 LRH 6.5 creedmoor w/Valdada

    Yes it does. I've noticed when it's shot open, then it likes to stay open and is extremely hard to close until cleaned.I have the same rifle in 6.5x284 would rather have got the Creedmoor.
  23. MRL1984

    WTB Left Handed Rifle

    There is a 300 Win Mag savage 111 on AZShooting. Been there quite a while. Wants 550 for it. Already has a break.
  24. MRL1984

    Gun Question

    I've sold many with a flash of an AZ ID, and a warm fuzzy feeling on the meet. Actually last one I figured the AZ license plate was good enough. I usually stick to forums that are geared to AZ folks though.
  25. MRL1984

    Slide fire again?

    It is over and done. It was a down powerline, pretty much burned up to the slide fire and ran out of fuel.