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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    n.m. javelina

    Saw a bunch of em in the floridas when I hd an ibex tag. Nearly every wash leading up to the base had a herd.
  2. yotebuster

    If I want meat?

    Are you going off the regs book odds?
  3. yotebuster

    If I want meat?

    Your first choice is actually easier to draw then your second choice so if your name comes up most likely that's what you'll get. You're 3rd 4th and 5th choices won't matter as they won't have leftover tags in them. Looks like you have a 13.8% chance on your first choice with no points. Get your hunters safety if you don't alreay have it and youll double your chances every year. Also come one here a little earlier next year and you'll get a little more feedback before you apply. Likely could have drawn a late bull tag nearly as easy as that tag and there are some cow tags with much better draw odds. Good luck in the draw!
  4. yotebuster

    Winchester Model 70 .30-06 pre '64 $2000 OBO

    I bought one in a .270 on here with an old weaver for $600-700 a while back. Can't remember who I bought it from. Still haven't shot it. It's in kinda tough shape though.
  5. yotebuster

    Brown trout

    Good to know. We caught a 22"er on the snake last fall moose hunting and ate it for camp meat and it wasn't very good. I'm guessing it was just to big. I'll give a small one a try next time I get a chance!
  6. yotebuster

    Brown trout

    All of the Browns I've eaten were kinda nasty. They were also fairly large fish though? I usually release Browns and keep rainbows.
  7. yotebuster

    Ice Fishing

    I bet those trout are delicious out of that cold water! They really fight on a stubby little ice rod!
  8. yotebuster

    Ice Fishing

    Wow! Only 14" where I was fishing in ND last weekend! You could just about drive a truck on with 10-12"!
  9. yotebuster

    Ice Fishing

    Do you guys use an ice auger or just chip through with a bar? How think will the ice get?
  10. yotebuster

    Bee ammo

    I actually do have a little 25-20 ammo around the farm somewhere. No brass though that I know of.
  11. yotebuster

    PSE Tac 10

    Adam you're gonna just sit there and grin when you shoot it the first time!!! Cocking it the first few times is scary as heck but you'll get used to it!!
  12. yotebuster

    PSE Tac 10

    This is a smokin deal! I've got about $1400 wrapped up in mine. My sister in law used it for elk once but never got a shot. Waiting to draw a Wyoming elk tag to dust it off!
  13. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    Alright let's make a checklist here: 1: approach em and talk about it 2: negotiate 3:? Feel free to finish filling this in. You will have to put a few million in lawyer fees in there somewhere.... You can figure out where that money will come from too, after all you do know how "bizness werks". Maybe you should have a contingency plan ready in case they tell you to stick it, because they will. Then we can get the government involved and have us a nice little eminent domain case going. Startin to sound a little bit like government overreach now isn't it?
  14. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    Explain to me how to split this ranch in half and deed one half and turn the other half into public Mr. Lark. I would LOVE to hear how this can be done without trampling on the owners rights or even the taxpayers rights. I actually think it's a good idea, but I'm also sane enough to know that it would never happen.
  15. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    I do actually understand what checkerboard land is. I have been to the big Bo, never been lucky enough to hunt it though. ND and MT are full of checkerboard private. Does it suck? Yep! Do I think that it would be unconstitutional to tell a rancher that we are taking this 200,000 acres on the west side and giving you 200,000 acres on the east side (or do you divide N to S? You didn't think of all of that did you?) and then we'll have a public block and a private block? Absolutely! I know you guys have spent enough time in the woods and desert to know that certain areas are better then others for game, cattle, crops etc. How exactly do you propose they divide it? No one is saying you can't drive down a publicly maintained road and hunt the checkerboard that touches it. It's done all the time in NM and MT. Again, a publicly maintained road is accessible to the public. Sometimes you have to do a little research to figure out which roads are publicly maintained and which aren't. Sometimes prick landowners will gate roads they can't gate. It does happen. Am I saying that's ok? No. Those are abuses of power just the same as the govt abusing their power. If you come up with a good plan to end the checkerboard fiasco across the western U.S. I would love to hear it.
  16. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    I guess I was raised to stay out of people's private business. Whether it's their land, their marriages, or their lack of ability to type coherent sentences. It's a free country and you have a right to the things that are yours, you just can't go around forcing your ideas on other people. Seems pretty simple to figure out. Even for a "dakota punk".
  17. yotebuster

    PSE Tac 10

    I've got a tac 15. It's frickin sweet. Someday I'm gonna kill something with it.
  18. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    Holy crap!!! That is the most left wing socialist thing I've ever heard in my life!!! "Hey everybody! Let's hold these American landowners at ransom until they do what the government wants of them!" Good lord. I was concerned that the liberal hippies were dumb enough to vote for Bernie Sanders, now we've got CWT members getting more extreme then he is!! This is sickening.
  19. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    When I read the political posts on here it's pretty obvious this forum is loaded with republicans. When I read a post about private land (rights) on here a bunch of democrats pop out of the woodwork. I'd even go so far as to use the "S" word. You can't get much more left then thinking that you have any right whatsoever over someone else's property.
  20. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    If kids have been crossing your land to get to a city park for 10 years and you throw up a brick wall, the city , state , or even parents could go to the courts to get a prescriptive easement and make you put an unlocked gate in that wall and a path for kids to cross to the park. If the park is landlocked and crossing your land is needed to get to it , an easement by Necessity could be obtained legally by a city, state or individual.... Ultimately if the state really wanted to they could use eminent domain to secure easements on all these roads used by generations to access PUBLIC LAND keeping any from being locked up... That would not stop an individual from restricting use of their private land but would allow ingress and egress via these roads to the general public to public lands... I do not know about you, but I would rather see my Tax Dollars and Tag fees spent securing access to OUR PUBLIC LANDS for all now and in future generations versus trying to bring wolves back or studying the mating habits of the chupacabra. Sounds like you should get crackin on that "easement of necessity" on the Big Bo.
  21. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    If your yard backs up to a city park are you ok with kids and dogs going across it all day to get to it? Landlocked public is nothing new. I'm guessing that was considered into the purchase price when they bought the ranch as well. They sell ranches in MT all the time that will say 24k acres, 12k deeded. You're buying 12k acres but it locks in leased land. You still pay the state/Feds for rent depending on who owns it. If you can figure out a way to access it, it's all yours!
  22. yotebuster

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    That's the first logical quote I've heard regarding the Big Bo. I'd like to see how everyone would like it if their neighbors started hoping the fence and walking through their backyard every morning and evening on their way to work. They'd understand in a hurry what private land means. Private land is private land. They can charge what they want when they want. The $500 fee won't even come close to paying the taxes on their land.
  23. yotebuster

    Lifetime Liscence/ Draw for Non-Residents

    I had this exact question. I emailed game and fish becuase I wasn't sure whether to check resident or non. She told me to check non resident and that the computer sorted me into the resident pool based on the fact that the first two letters of a lifetime license are LH. I did in fact draw a tag that I could/should not have gotten as a NR so it seems to work.