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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Mathews Switchback xt

    Smoothest shooting bow ever made
  2. yotebuster

    Role call for UTV'S and Side by Sides

    yea funny, but you will F a $60, 000.00 truck up getting to where your hiking.Who spends $60k on a truck? Who spends $12 on boots?
  3. Two words: Hoochie. Mama.
  4. yotebuster

    Oct 2013 dads whitetail

    Looks mounted to me!?!
  5. yotebuster


    I guess I don't even get it.
  6. yotebuster

    Can you fly and hunt the same day in Arizona?

    There's some nice big chunks of public on the baca float that I've wondered about doing this exact thing into. I wonder if anyone has ever tested this?
  7. yotebuster


    The little town to the north of where I grew up in ND had the prefix 867 wih the area code 701. There was a little old lady who had that number. Her name wasn't Jenny though.
  8. I can't tell if that's a 350 bull and that's the biggest sum beach I've ever seen or if it's a normal sized dude and a 320 bull.
  9. yotebuster

    Credit Card Charge Contest for Raffle Tickets

    I'm already out I really don't care about the raffle ticket I just really wanted them to start hitting cards today
  10. yotebuster


    I was totally expecting something like this
  11. yotebuster

    16 ft aluminium boat and motor

    Isn't that a different boat listed above it? Yours is #2a isn't it? Good price! Should sell once people start heading up to the trout lakes.
  12. yotebuster

    New hunting Truck

    Friends don't let friends drive gassers. Yeah I just can't stand them, cheaper, more reliable, you don't smell like a diesel refinery when you get done filling up, cheaper to work on, quieter, cheaper to fill up, cheaper oil changes, cheaper maintence, no injectors to CONSTANTLY replace. I just dont get why anyone would want to own a gas pickup! (Notice I said pickup because it has 2 axels and not 3 or 4 which is what a truck is I grew up on a farm/ranch and have been around diesels my whole life and they have their place, but that place isn't in a hunting pickup in my opinion. I know I'm gonna get flamed for this but in my opinion you are spending a minimum of $5k a year extra by owning a diesel when you factor in initial purchase price, maintenance and added cost of repairs. If you can afford that so that it sounds cool when you rattle along the trails then knock yourself out. I'd rather spend that money on draws, landowner tags and time off. Oh I forgot to add DEF. What the heck kind of racket is that joke?!?
  13. yotebuster

    New hunting Truck

    Jesus. Bulletproofing, extended warranties, deletes, replacements. Ever think about buying another brand? Or better yet a gas?
  14. yotebuster

    Chumlee stew

  15. yotebuster

    Grand Canyon Bison

    They did a similar thing in ND to thin the elk herd in Theodore Roosevelt national park. They ended up doing a draw of hunters from the public. It wasn't as cool as it sounds. They pretty much used them as sharp shooters. They paired them in 2's and had helicopters locating the elk. The "hunters" then shot every single elk they could get, Bulls cows and calves. They left them lay and packers with horses came behind and boned them out and the meat was donated. The "hunters" didn't even get to approach them. I guess I like that they used public hunters instead of wasting money on sharp shooters, and to some people that might sound like fun, but for me that's not hunting and I wouldn't want part of it. They killed 8-900 elk in a week if I remember right. I'm guessing this "hunt" will follow a similar structure so don't anticipate a true draw tag and a hunt if they use public hunters. Could help if you were holding a tag across the fence that year but it's gonna make it really tough in the coming years after the slaughter. In my opinion this is not good for hunters.
  16. yotebuster

    Garmin Rino 650t

  17. yotebuster

    Steyr Mannlicher S 7MM

    It came that way and I agree with you haha. Not the most aesthetically pleasing break. Haha. Looks like one of the old poly chokes they used to put on shotguns
  18. yotebuster

    Steyr Mannlicher S 7MM

    What the heck is growing on the end of the barrel? Cool gun otherwise. I've shot one and they have a smooooth action
  19. yotebuster

    Looking for a good Crossbow broadhead

    I've shot the 125gr. Rage xbow head. They have slightly stiffer retention for the faster speeds. Never killed anything yet though!
  20. yotebuster

    1979 browning citori SOLD

    There's always guys on here looking for reasonably priced double barrels and dropping $5-700 on some Turkish pos. This is ten times the gun as any of those mossberg, cz's, or stoeger's will ever be. Someone buy this so I don't have to. I have no use for a gun that doesn't hold three shells or more but this is a steal!
  21. yotebuster

    Antler repos

    I totally thought this was gonna be a thread about a reality show where people repossess antlers they sold to buyers and didn't get paid for.
  22. +1. Do you even own anything that isn't "top of the line" "coolest thing ever made?" It doesn't matter if it's a gun, Scope, Binos or accessories. If wilderness1 has something for sale I want it. I almost never can afford it, but I want it.