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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    WTB Garmin Rino 650

    Was that a rhino 650 or Oregon 650? That's a seriously good deal if it's a rino!
  2. yotebuster

    If you had 25 points

    Good luck! If he gets one even close to the size of the mammoth in your avatar he'll be doing great! What's the story on that pig? That's gotta be pushing high 80's or near 90?!?
  3. yotebuster

    WTB Garmin Rino 650

    I just bought 4 for my dad and bros off cabelas on clearance for $379 I think. 650T
  4. Nice! Where'd you get the Eurasian?
  5. yotebuster

    12A and 12B archery draw

    13a and 13b. For 12a/12b it looks like last year you would have had a 55% chance of getting one in bonus pass with 3 pts and a 41% chance in random with 2 points. Remember that if you have three you get a chance in bonus pass as well as a chance in random so you will probably draw it.
  6. yotebuster

    Surprise antelope tag!!!

    My bad. It is onX maps now. Musta changed the name. Same compny out of montana
  7. yotebuster

    Surprise antelope tag!!!

    It's called "huntgpsmaps". It's out of Montana. I would take 3-5 days off ahead and 2-3 for the hunt. If there is a big one left on opening day he won't make it till the second day. It's different then some of the northern units where they go in and out of the trees. They aren't any secret bucks in 19a! The avatar buck is the one I killed in there. Scored 79 6/8. Not quite 80 but I round up!
  8. yotebuster

    Surprise antelope tag!!!

    Yes. You can also get this for your phone. $20-30 and you just download it. Way better then on a gps especially if you have good cell service which you will in 19a. This is a hunt that is truly not doable without a landownership chip or app on your phone. Don't even try it. Your biggest problem with the rifle tag is that all of the really good Bucks will be dead by the time your hunt opens. The muzzy hunt in this unit is the gem. All you can do is scout out the top 10 bucks in this unit and pray for them through the bow and muzzy hunts and the one or two that make it you need to kill on opening day or yore going home with a 75"er. I had the tag in 2010 and shot an 80"ER with my bow. The muzzy guys killed the 84 and 87" bucks I was after. The gun hunters all killed 75" bucks.
  9. yotebuster

    DIY Axis Deer

    I'm tuning into this one!
  10. yotebuster

    Best wearable bino case

    I just scored a sweet deal on a pair of 8.5x42 swarovisions on a local classified page. I've always run middle of the road neck Binos so I wouldn't fret when the got bumped around a bit. I want something to protect these since they are way to nice to beat up. My question is, what is the best wearable bino case? I've aquired a kuiu one at one point and an Alaskan guide creations set but they all seem so huge. Anyone have one that is small and trim? More interested in protecting lenses then the entire body I guess. Looking for something that isn't so big you can store a small child in.
  11. yotebuster

    Tell me your experiences with September 3A3C archery bull

    Lotsa good info on how low of elevation 3a/3c is and how rough 4b is coming from these posts lately! Keep it coming!!!
  12. yotebuster

    Unit 23 sucess?

    If that's the case it means I drew deer elk and oryx. I hope you're right but afraid you probably aren't!
  13. yotebuster

    Sako 7.82 Lazzeroni Warbird with PICS

    No muzzlebreak!?!? Good lord!!
  14. yotebuster

    Surprise antelope tag!!!

    Gun bow or muzzy?
  15. yotebuster

    Unit 23 sucess?

    How are you finding out all of this info Red? I heard they got rid of the back around way of finding out draw odds early this year?
  16. yotebuster


    I think this guy was just being a dick.
  17. yotebuster

    15A, 15B, and 18A ELK HUNT

    Good lord. 6 points. Coulda had a late rifle bull tag in a lot of units or an October cow tag in a primo unit. I don't know anything about those units so I'm no help.
  18. yotebuster

    Ruger M77 7mm Remington Mag. $375

    This is a sweet deal. I'll buy it if you can drive it up to ND for me!
  19. yotebuster

    Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

    +1. If you get back on here and keep us updated with scouting pics etc you'll be blown away by all the info people will help you with over the years. Throw up a pic of you and your son with your elk this coming sept! Good luck!
  20. yotebuster

    Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

    With the exception of chevelon itself, and maybe wildcat I don't think there's a spot in 4B that has more then a 150' elevation change? The places I've hunted in there were flat as a table top!
  21. yotebuster

    Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

    I concur. Atleast when they are feeding by you can shoot the first one instead of waiting for the last one. I would say that killing a raghorn or spike might be easier then a cow since you can call him in.
  22. yotebuster

    Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

    Isn't it at the same time as the bull hunt? There's an October cow hunt but I thought that was rifle?
  23. yotebuster

    Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

    There are a lot of elk in 4b with higher density being in the area south of the 504 rd. Don't over look the north PJ country but for highest density stick to the southern half. Get up 3 hrs before light and listen for bugles. Get the wind right and head them off. Won't be hard to kill a cow in there.
  24. yotebuster

    Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

    There's more elk south of the 260 though!!!