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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Ojo caliente outfitters reviews

    What part of WA? My fiancé is from there and I've been looking at trying to kill me a blacktail one of these years but there's almost no info out there.
  2. yotebuster

    Ojo caliente outfitters reviews

    This hasn't been very constructive so far. Seems like a great question for this forum. If I had a clue I'd help!
  3. yotebuster

    Once Fired Brass - 300 WSM, 270 Win & 218 Bee

    What a steal on that bee brass!!!
  4. yotebuster

    Good weekend at alamo

    Nice work! Good luck with the strippers next weekend!!!
  5. yotebuster

    White Bambino

    That's awesome! That one is really white! How old is the pic?
  6. yotebuster

    Best trail cam these days?

    What do you do with the electric tape? My new coverts over trigger all the time even on the lowest sensitivity mode.
  7. yotebuster

    Best way to meet hunting bros

    If you're looking for "bros" you should go to the broad head brotherhood on FB. Lotsa "bros" on there.
  8. yotebuster

    Unit 9 early rifle

    +1 on the muzzleloader! They're great and all but why risk the opportunity of a lifetime with potentially wounding an animal? If she wants more of a challenge then hold out for a bigger bull. I'm not much help but I can tell you that she has one of the best elk tags in the world!!
  9. yotebuster

    Gauging Interest -- HK USP 45

    Ugh. That was a good deal.
  10. yotebuster

    Do I need a 20yd pin ?

    My suggestion is that with a bow like that you limit shots to 40 so a 5 pin sight probably is overkill as you won't need the last two pins. There's a lot more then speed that you gain with a new bow. The accuracy you'll gain with the new parrellel limbs and cam technology far outweighs the speed gain. You can get s really nice used bow that is head and shoulders better then a nova for what you probbaly put into yours with the biscuit strings and monkey tails.
  11. yotebuster

    Do I need a 20yd pin ?

    I've killed more stuff at 20 yards or less then all other yardages combined so I keep it. It's not much difference in drop but a few inches on a string jumping coues deer is a lot.
  12. yotebuster

    Colorado Refund

    I got my deer but no elk. I saw my brother got his elk the other day. They're kind of all over the map with those refunds.
  13. yotebuster

    Earless doe

    I've seen that happen to deer in ND and oryx in NM from a bad freeze but I wouldn't think that would be a problem there?
  14. yotebuster

    Good Tag? 7 East Peaks Hunt Area 10/21-10/27 Any Elk..

    Awesome Bulls! I'd be REALLY surprised if any of them came out of the 4th hunt though. Although the old saying "elk are where you find them" is somewhat true. Late October is truly the hardest time of the entire calendar to find a bull elk. Combine that with 50 straight days of over the top hunting pressure and some seriously vertical country and you have absolutely the most challenging rifle bull elk hunt in the state. I'd hire timberland and go smoke the first branch antlered bull you find of that's what you're after. Better yet, shoot a big fat cow.
  15. yotebuster

    Would you shoot this bull?

    In my opinion that is a way way bigger bull though. His ends are still way bigger and swollen, that bull will keep adding length for a while now. Hard to tell from the angle but looks like a toad.
  16. yotebuster

    Would you shoot this bull?

    Am I off on this assumption? Wondering if anyone out there has chronological pics ever couple weeks of any Bulls on trail am? We used to raise elk so I watched them grow all summer but they were also captive so their diet was certainly different. Any input?
  17. yotebuster

    Would you shoot this bull?

    I guess I'm no expert by any means but it sure looks like that right G5 is awful skinny at the base if it's gonna get much longer then 4-5". Yes he could still add a lot of growth on his lower time length as they still carry some mass on the ends but that tail end is getting awfully thin to be adding much more on it.
  18. yotebuster

    Would you shoot this bull?

    are you calling me a liar? Haha. No. I believe the pic came from when you said it did, just saying it's hard to believe a bull would grow that fast and seem to be slowing down already.
  19. yotebuster

    Would you shoot this bull?

    Depends on the unit. Doesn't look like he's gonna grow much more then that. Seems hard to believe that he's that far along but he sure looks like he doesn't have much left. Some units and tags I'd be jacked with a 310-320 5x6 but if I had a unit 9 or 23 or 1 tag I'd be letting that old dude walk. Maybe I'm wrong and he's gonna have great big back forks and super long times but it sure looks like he's only got a couple inches to go.
  20. yotebuster

    Lasik eye surgery - $1400

    Wow! Great deal! If I were closer I'd be all over it.
  21. yotebuster

    Rim waters with a fly rod

    Stay at willow springs or woods canyon. That way your non fisherman can bait fish with ease. Then run up to chevelon early in the morning without them. Hike down on the upper end of the lake and fish where the creek comes in. If you want to fish moving water you can beach your pontoon and hike up the creek.
  22. yotebuster

    Rim waters with a fly rod

    Chevelon without a doubt from what you're describing. It's the ultimate float tube lake! Should be pretty free of crowds too.
  23. yotebuster

    New Zealand 2016 (pic heavy)

    That's awesome!! Congrats on some great animals! I'm going in 2017 and this has me pumped up!!
  24. yotebuster

    OTC Elk Hunts

    Sounds better then the OTC hunts in all other states. I know a lot of guys who've hunted otc in Colorado and not seen an elk and doubt a 383" bull has ever come out of an OTC unit off public land in most states. Timberland outfitters was the one who kills a lot of elk up there.