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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Are you looking for a TALL High Quality Tripod?

    I think you're looking at the head weight, the cf is 3lb 10oz and the aluminum is 4lb 7 oz.
  2. yotebuster


    You always have the coolest stuff.
  3. yotebuster

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Truer words have never been spoken, especially from a guy with a giant desert sheep in his avatar picture. How many points did that take again!?!?
  4. yotebuster

    3/17 CC Hits?

    You had a lot of points and put in for the cow hunts? I am all about meat hunting but you are more committed than I am. Now I'm curious too! How many points did you burn? I'm assuming if you had more then a couple points you drew 6a cow in the bonus pass?
  5. yotebuster

    2017 Finds

    Not a giant, I mean, I don't know what is big for coues, but I am pretty certain it is a coues.Put up a pic of it next to a beer can or something for reference. It looks pretty big to me! All I had was a 20oz bottle Nice! Looks like with spread that's a high 90's buck! In the original pic it looked huge! Good find! Was this in the gila?
  6. yotebuster

    2017 Finds

    Not a giant, I mean, I don't know what is big for coues, but I am pretty certain it is a coues. Put up a pic of it next to a beer can or something for reference. It looks pretty big to me!
  7. $6000 for a bull elk? Wyoming commissioner tag sells for $10,000 to get to go into that unit to hunt. That's complete BS.
  8. yotebuster

    2017 Finds

    Is that 3rd pic a giant coues?
  9. yotebuster

    Cow elk caliber for kids rifle

    If you go with the 7-08 or the 7x57 give the 150gr scirocco from swift a hard look. I've killed elk, moose, deer, oryx, and a boat load of smaller stuff with them out of my 7mm STW and all of the recovered bullets could have been in an advertisement they looked so perfect. Anywhere from 15 yards to 1015.
  10. yotebuster

    Matched set + MORE

    That's way cool! Bet he was glad to drop that mess off his head!
  11. yotebuster

    Count your AZ blessings!!!

    I disagree with this theory, and here's why! There's 38 million people in Cullifornia..... not to much common sense over there!!! I did have an old man from ND tell me something once that was probably pretty true. He said "a bird has a brain the size of a pea and he's smart enough to leave ND for the winter."
  12. yotebuster

    Count your AZ blessings!!!

    You are right on. We just used crane decoys that day but the field had a hodgepodge of 700-1000 cranes, 1500-2000 Canada geese and a few thousand ducks in it the night before. We limited easily on cranes (3 each) and Canadas (8 each) (both lessers and greaters) and also killed our limit of pintails (2 each) that morning. It was a fun hunt with just me and my dad!
  13. yotebuster

    Count your AZ blessings!!!

    Here's another pile of good reasons!
  14. yotebuster

    4B Roll Call

    Whatcha drawing every 3-4 years?
  15. yotebuster

    Count your AZ blessings!!!

    Hey Bob! It funny I felt the exact same way about my 4 years in AZ! It must be where a guy is raised. I can handle and love the cold. I'm out all winter in it, fishing, hunting, trapping, whatever it is I'm out in the cold and it doesn't faze me! When I lived in AZ I felt like the summer in the valley was exactly like winter in ND. You run from the car to your work our home and stay inside all day for 4 months (or at least I did because I absolutely despise the heat!). Anyhow, I learned to head to the mountains every chance I got, and the winters are incredible! I miss glassing the desert in January with my bow in hand soooo badly when it's cold and windy up here. But I also really love the changing seasons here. The days start to get rediculously long and it does start to warm up (65 last Saturday!). The lack of people makes for a hunter/fishermans dream!!!
  16. yotebuster

    Count your AZ blessings!!!

    Here's 103 reasons to live in ND!
  17. yotebuster

    Utah Elk

    You've got one heck of a preference point portfolio!!! I woulda thought 25 points would get you just about any sheep tag you wanted? You've definitely got your pick of elk tags. I'm jealous.
  18. Wisconsin has ducks? I think if you look hard you'll find duck hunting in AZ that will rival anything in Wisco! I moved back to ND so I'm no help, but I was amazed when I lived in AZ how there seemed to be ducks just about anywhere you found water!
  19. yotebuster

    Looking for left hand coyote rifle

    I think most calibers you mentioned would kill a right handed coyote too.
  20. yotebuster

    Utah Elk

    I've got 12 elk 12 rocky and 8 for all other species. I'm a sucker for putting in for all species in all states so they get a bunch of my money every year.
  21. yotebuster

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    I'm getting a whole other deck from our Tucson chapter. I'll set five aside for you from that! Do you have my info from last year, still? Thanks! Couldn't find it. I sent you a pm. Thanks!
  22. yotebuster

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    I'll take 5 if you have them still. If not I'll take what you have.
  23. yotebuster

    G7 BR2 Rangefinder ?

    I'm in the same boat right now trying to figure out which to get. I'm going with the Sig only because it is smaller and held vertically with one hand. I know that's not ideal for long range but it's necessary for shorter range quick shots and that's just as important to me.
  24. Anybody ever do this on your own? This should be a really simple one. I have a Winchester model 70 that has two holes with proper spacing on front and only one on back. Spent an hour on the phone with leupold trying to find a one piece base that will fit it so I don't have to drill a fourth hole and their best suggestion was to drill another hole on the rear and use their two piece base. I should be able to mount the rear base and torque it down and mark the hole with a punch easy enough so lining it up will be simple. I'm just scared to do it. The nearest smith to me here in BFE North Dakota is 2.5hr drive. I tried to retap a stripped out 10/22 receiver in high school and did a horse sh1t job of it but that is a soft aluminum receiver. Not sure if steel is easier or worse?
  25. yotebuster

    Drilling and tapping

    . I'm gonna check with a machinist. The hole on my other model 70 (that I know is factory drilled and tapped) goes clear through on both rear holes so it should be a fairly easy hole for a machinist to drill.