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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. They usually get it back pretty fast. I'm anxiously awaiting that $8300 I sent them!!! They kept $240 of it this year so I'm happy!!!
  2. yotebuster

    Camera Land brings you Big News from Leupold

    The VX6 3-18 is the finest "hunting" scope made. I've got 4 of them and love them but I wish they made a 4-24. The new zero lock turret is the best turret design out there for hunting situations. No non sense. The thing that sets leupold above all others for me is the scope caps. Yes you read that right, the scope caps. I won't own a scope that doesn't have flip up scope caps and a few years back (maybe a decade) butler creek decided to make theirs all self destructing and they don't last a single hunt. I've tried bikini covers and neoprene but I want something that deploys quick and doesn't get lost. The aluminum ones for leupold are the ultimate. Wish someone made good aftermarket ones for my huskies and nightforcd scopes.
  3. yotebuster

    Pelican 65 quart cooler

    ^ That sure oughta help this guy sell his cooler 😟 Just a thought. Maybe start a new thread about cabelas coolers?
  4. Finally caught up with this buck in late October after he put the slip on me the last two years. Oldest buck I've ever killed. Based on my trscam pics and his teeth I'm guessing 7 1/2-9 1/2. Best part of it all was I was able to scout him from my bedroom window and killed him 150 yards behind my house! First deer I've ever killed on my own land! He made awesome potstickers!!! Tough old guy, ended up having to grind everything including all the steaks which is something I NEVER do!!!
  5. yotebuster

    What's it worth/WTS--Model Win 12 16ga

    Put up a pic and some specifics. Vented rib, solid or bead? Cut stock? Lotsa variables that take it from being worth $150 as a shooter to several thousand.
  6. yotebuster

    Chainsawing Coolers!

    My biggest gripe about these high end coolers is the size and weight. They take up twice as much room on the outside for the same space on the inside. I have a pelican 65 and I hate it. It's so heavy it's a pain to load into the pickup or boat empty and defitely a two man job when it's full. I originally bought it to just keeep ice in when we hunted unit 13 in NM and it was 70 miles to ice. It sorta worked but I ended up buying a chest freezer brand new for less then I paid for the pelican, it not only keeps ice all trip (we run it off a inverter generator all day when not in camp) but it will hold 5-6x as much as any cooler.
  7. yotebuster

    Question about bonus point

    Wrong.....I only buy bonus points for bighorn and buffalo and I have a loyalty point.You need to be gettin in on the draw! Unless you're 12 and gonna live to be 100 you'll never get yourself into a position of a guaranteed tag so it's gonna be luck of the draw (slim chance luck no matter how many points you have) until you die. May as well take a crack at them each year!!I have no desire to shoot a buffalo....right now, but I may down the road. You're right about the bighorn though. Next year I will start putting in. Yeah I was kinda in the same boat. Except I put in and figured I'd worry about it when I drew. Well looks like I'll be finding out this June!!! I drew a bull tag with 16 points so I think I lucked out. Now whether I wanna spend two weeks straight sitting in a blind, I'm not sure.....
  8. yotebuster

    San Carlos Rocky Mtn Bighorn 2016

    Wow! Congrats!! I'd shoot either!!
  9. yotebuster

    Hornady 140 eld-m

    This was a 210gr 30 cal I believe. There's so many awesome bullet choices out there that do perform well on game I don't see a reason to use on that has jacket separation unless it was the only thing the your gun would eat I guess. That'd be a good excuse to get a new gun though!
  10. yotebuster

    Hornady 140 eld-m

    I saw some pics of some of these things recovered out of an oryx after a rodeo trying to get it killed. Complete jacket separation and lead was nowhere to be found. I'm gonna steer clear of them unless the start bonding them or make an all copper version.
  11. yotebuster

    Question about bonus point

    Wrong.....I only buy bonus points for bighorn and buffalo and I have a loyalty point. You need to be gettin in on the draw! Unless you're 12 and gonna live to be 100 you'll never get yourself into a position of a guaranteed tag so it's gonna be luck of the draw (slim chance luck no matter how many points you have) until you die. May as well take a crack at them each year!!
  12. yotebuster

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    It was a funny movie. Sorry if I taught any of your kids the F word.
  13. yotebuster

    Colorado Deadline is today

    I would kill to have the 17 points I have in CO for deer and elk in any other western state!!! Yet I still keep plugging along hoping someday to catch a tag to shoot a 310 bull!!
  14. yotebuster

    Unit 10 Early Archery

    I believe the Big Bo permits are limited so you might wanna get on that asap. It's very inexpensive when you factor in that your dad has been eating a $150 hunting license every year for the last 18 years to draw the tag so if I were in your shoes I'd get that bought asap. Even if you don't hunt the big bo it's worth the small fee to make sure you can ( you probably will).
  15. yotebuster

    Drew my 1st AZ Elk tag!!!

    Good tag! Don't forget that most people in AZ wait 18-22 years to hunt bulls during the rut with the rifle! You've got one of the best elk tags in the country! Yes there is some hassle and yes there could be some heartache if they postpone or cancel your hunt but from the sounds of it you don't have many if any points invested to go make the best of it. You'll be chasing the same elk the 6b guys waited 8-10 years to chase with a bow and 18-20 years to chase with a rifle! The bulls will be where the cows are that time of year and the cows will be in the depot for sure. Listen for bugles and you may be able to catch a heard in the buffer area to chase or if there's a heard in the limited area you can catch them coming out at the fence crossings. I was in there on a October cow hunt with a buddy and the area was tore up with rut activity. They were pretty well blown out of there by his hunt but we did get into one herd and he missed a shot at 130 yards. I wouldn't worry to much about scouting but if you can get in and deer hunt the last couple days of the deer season it won't hurt. Don't plan on seeing much for deer though! Finally, thank you very much for your service!!!!
  16. yotebuster

    Wyoming Antelope/ Deer Winter Death rate

    I'm in the same boat on Colorado deer. I have 17 pts and could probably grab a pretty good tag this year because of all they hype but dunno how bad it really is. My experience with winterkill here in ND is it usually gets the fawns and the sick but the mature and up and coming bucks are ok but it might be different in the mountains.
  17. yotebuster

    Rem 7400 '06

    The drop won't matter. All rifles drop at long range.... a lot... so you have to compensate for that. Yes a 257 weatherby loaded hot will drop significantly less then your 30-06 at 500 yards but you have to adjust for hold over with either one, just a little more on the 06. You could get one of these new ruger bolt guns or a savage for around $300. Both should shoot right around an inch at 100 or better. I bet you could re sell your 7400 for nearly that or more fairly easily as they seem to have a cult following. Maybe it shoots just fine. Get it on a bench and see how it groups at 100 and you'll know if it's worth trying to make it a mid/long range gun.
  18. yotebuster

    Rem 7400 '06

    What kind of groups does it shoot at 100? The 7400's I've been around struggle to stay inside 4" at 100. If you take that out to 500 you're talking a 20" group. Might wanna look into a good bolt action to go with the vortex bdc if you wanna take it that far. The 30-06 end of it will be fine to that distance.
  19. yotebuster

    Rare Russian Hunting Pups for Sale

    Do they only hunt Russians?
  20. yotebuster

    Nephew picked up a few

    Good lord. He need any new friends??? That triple browtine bull is cool as heck.
  21. yotebuster

    Believe it or not

    Wow!!! I officially eat my words! Now I need to know what happened!!!
  22. yotebuster

    Believe it or not

    What receipt are you guys talking about the receipt I have emailed to me just says the amount I paid, date and other generic info. Every receipt I've ever gotten shows your choices as well You can also go into your account and go back to 2011 and see every app you submitted and every choice you put. I personally print off a sheet after every app that has my hunt codes and conf numbers on it as well. I think what everyone is saying is that the only way the elusive 3rd choice bull tag would be believable is if they'd just take a second and print off their choices from the account or one of their reciepts proving that. Not saying they have to but I for one won't believe it until I see it. Computers don't make mistakes. If they made such a perfect mistake as to juxtapose your first and second choice with your third but still manage to run a draw with 150,000 applications in it without doing it anywhere else I would be shocked. Anyhow, I'll eat my words if I see proof.
  23. yotebuster

    3/17 CC Hits?

    You can still withdraw your NM app and re apply for a rifle or muzzy hunt in October so you don't have a conflict.
  24. yotebuster

    Believe it or not

    I'll believe it only if I see an app receipt with choices on it and a tag with the code on it. Until then I stand firm that they screwed up their numbers.
  25. yotebuster

    Are you looking for a TALL High Quality Tripod?

    I'm glad you wrote something as I saw the 1lb 7oz thing and thought that was the weight on the tripod and was about to order it. Then saw that you said the aluminum was same weight which got me really fired up to order one.