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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    When you're against Assad so you fund rebels who are fighting Assad and you're against ISIS too but the rebels you just funded just became ISIS but you're still Against Assad so you basically bomb Assad in solidarity with ISIS but you're against ISIS but it's okay because nobody believes it anymore when some nutjob on the internet claims that they're ISIS because Assad is bad and so he must be totally worse than ISIS and there totally won't be a power vacuum like there was in Iraq and like there was in Afghanistan and like there was in Libya or like there was in Cambodia so you bomb Assad or at least claim that's what you're doing but you're really helping ISIS take over the Middle East while you bomb women and children and pretend it has to do with getting Assad or something and then there's something else about the whole thing being a proxy war against Russia because Russia supports or for some other reason to hate Russians Assad but that's crazy talk too because the Russians clearly helped Trump win the election and he's against Assad even though he claimed he would bomb ISIS but now he's bombing other people in a way that helps ISIS in their battle with Assad but...
  2. yotebuster

    Email from NM Game and Fish

    Ugh. I hate to wish away a weekend but Montana and NM results will both be out next week! Cant wait!
  3. yotebuster

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    I guess I like the sound of it. Rich guys with governor tags eat a heck of a lot fewer bucks and bulls then lions do, and theres gonna be a lot more of them if HSUS keeps pushing and wins. Its all about money and they have never ending coffers and we need to be smart about making sure we stay a step ahead.
  4. yotebuster

    G&F new TAG printings

    Too funny, man!!!! I thought I was the only one!! First thing I do when I take one out of the envelope is sign it.
  5. 220 swift with 55gr vmax
  6. yotebuster

    Minimum Height for a Feeder Pen?

    Cant a mate just come on and ask a simple question about how high usall like our feeder pens!!! Jk. I think this is somehow spam.
  7. yotebuster

    Minimum Height for a Feeder Pen?

    Whats a feeder pen?
  8. yotebuster

    Does this look right?

    Technically speaking you want the arrow to go through the center of your hand. Obviously that makes shooting not fun so we compromise and put the arrow rest above our hand. This causes the bow to torque the arrow when you shoot (hence why you want to cradle the grip as high as possible and not low on your palm). The Berger hole is actually higher then most rests need. Essentially you will get best flight with your arrow as close to the shelf as you can get proper clearance for fletching, broadheads, and arrow rests to fall. This usually lines up somewhere around the Berger hole, but not always.
  9. Anybody know when they were supposed to be out last year? Was it two weeks early on the nose? Two weeks early this year puts it on April 11 which would be cool
  10. yotebuster

    19a Az first hunt !

    I drew the tag in 2010 and 2016. I paid for access both times. 2010 I killed my buck on there and it had a majority of the big bucks on the unit in there. 2016 I never stepped foot on the ranch. If youve got the cash it cant hurt. I dont think they sell out the slots like they used to so you might be ok to wait and scout and if needed pay for it.
  11. No way!?! Congrats!! I have a major urge to shoot a black buck. I heard they had some in Hawaii so I have always planned on going there for one to avoid having to go to Texas! Which ranch did you hunt?
  12. yotebuster

    Unit 10 Early Archery!! -Big Bo Ranch??

    I would do it. You waited 11 years for the tag. Thats like $7 a year for the Bo Permit. Youll spend more on gas in the first morning of scouting then you will on the permit.
  13. yotebuster

    Summer mule deer cape. PRICE Drop!!!

    If you put up a pic of the buck it will help sell it. A mature buck cape is far more desirable then a 2-3yr old. Also if you have measurements that will help as well.
  14. yotebuster

    4B Roll Call

    Why dont you just buy beef then? Cheaper and better eating
  15. yotebuster

    NM Deer app question

    They credit it back to your card. Not sure how that will work in your situation. Im guessing theyll send you a check or call. I tried to outsmart my cc company one time and spent all my points from my purchases to NM thinking they couldnt take them back if I didnt have them and they made my point balance negative!!! Didnt really work out!
  16. yotebuster

    Could moose live in AZ?

    Moose will always be reasonably close to willows. Even in the arid looking stuff they inhabit in Idaho and Wyoming, they arent far from live water with willows around it. They will move up into the sage in the summer to get away from the bugs but they always need willows. I think some of the stuff along the little Colorado up in unit 1 could probably hold moose.
  17. yotebuster

    Montana Rifles ASR 7mm Magnum. SOLD

    Did you sell the stock with it as well?
  18. yotebuster

    Win. Mod 12

    Ill take it if youll ship it. Im in ND and can get you my ffl paperwork. Ill cover shipping as well.
  19. yotebuster

    Antleope unit 8 hunt.

    I thought coming on asking for a good map to get started was a good way to start. He could have asked for honey holes or places. Instead he asked which map would be the best. You obviously have extremely limited experience hunting new areas if youve never used a map. Some places have privat roads that you will be trespassing if you go on. Antelope also have to drink, so you can use a map to find those places. I can truly say that Ive never hunted a new area without owning or atleast downloading a map of it.
  20. yotebuster

    Late Archery Bull... Whose been successful?

    Late rifle or archery? (Not even sure if they have a late archery hunt in 9?)
  21. yotebuster

    Antleope unit 8 hunt.

    Get OnX as well. Once you use it you wont be able to go back. You will want a paper map as well for research and to verify.
  22. yotebuster

    Anyone use a March rifle scope

    Bump. Anyone have any info?
  23. yotebuster

    Antleope unit 8 hunt.

    This sounds like a fantastic plan. Especially in areas with private land and private roads.
  24. yotebuster

    Anyone use a March rifle scope

    Im in the same boat as you. All the online reviews are either really positive or really negative. Im between a March 2.5-25 and a Schmidt and bender 3-27. I really like the size and the weight of the March. Hopefully someone here has some thoughts on them!
  25. yotebuster


    Is this an older one or a new production?