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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Remington 722 .222 Rem Magnum

    Is that furniture factory original or has it been modified. Most of the 722s Ive seen were kind of plain Jane looking. This one looks pretty cool, maybe a deluxe version or something?
  2. yotebuster

    Remington 722 .222 Rem Magnum

    A 222 rem mag is ballisticly almost identical to a .223. If Im not mistaken it may be even a little faster. It was Remingtons answer to the popularity of the .223. It didnt catch on. Sweet gun and awesome caliber though !
  3. yotebuster

    Password Recover

    Did you try Bosco?
  4. yotebuster

    Any 22 magnums for sale?

    Look into a 17 WSM if its just a varmint/coyote rifle. You can get a savage B mag for about $250 and theyre a nice light gun that would be great for a kid.
  5. yotebuster

    The tinder fire

    I thought the Tinder fire was something trphyhntr got a couple weeks after meeting up with a right swipe nasty?
  6. yotebuster

    Kaibab - early vs. late hunt?

    Ive always thought that the strip was 13a and 13b and that Kaibab referred to 12a and 12b. I realize there are portions of the 12s that arent really on the Kaibab plateau but I guess thats what Ive always thought of it?
  7. yotebuster

    Kaibab - early vs. late hunt?

    7 should put you in the bonus pass with about a 50/50 chance if we are talking west side. If you hold out for the late hunt you are about 8 years out with no point creep and probably more like 15-20 years out if point creep stays the same.
  8. yotebuster

    Kaibab - early vs. late hunt?

    Probably a little lower then that actually as that is what your chance wouldve been last year if you had 13pts. With point creep you pretty much just stay at about the same level you were last year with a tiny bit of upward correction when people draw or die!
  9. yotebuster

    Kaibab - early vs. late hunt?

    Looks like you are about 4 years behind the curve on 12aw late and about 7 years back on a 13b.
  10. yotebuster

    3C early archery Guide??

    Shane Koury kills some good bulls out of there every year.
  11. yotebuster

    Exercise thingymajig

    That looks it would hang dry atleast 4 shirts and 3 pairs of pants.
  12. yotebuster

    Lady Luck on the Kiabab, bull down 2018

    The last couple days of my June hunt last year they were starting to fence water in the park. That and the dry spring might be the perfect storm for tag holders this year to be successful. Congrats again on the bull thats a heck of an accomplishment. Anyone whos actually had that tag and gone through the mind games it throws at you will understand what an achievement it is. I wouldnt think twice about using a rifle. I think a lot of people (myself included) dont understand the logistics of that hunt and think that if theyre just sitting in a blind they may as well bowhunt but theres so much more to getting a bison killed (let alone a big bull) then just poking a hole in his lungs at 15 yards on a salt.
  13. yotebuster

    Email from NM Game and Fish

    When is Utah? Mid to late May?
  14. yotebuster

    Big Bulls

  15. yotebuster

    Draw Results out Today 4.18.18

    Good luck! I got all red on mine
  16. yotebuster

    Bad News from NM G&F

    So does that mean if it lets me put a license in my cart I got turned down for everything?
  17. yotebuster

    Bad News from NM G&F

    Dang. Im pretty sure I drew a rocky tag and an ibex tag that first go around. Now I wont get it again when they re run the draw.
  18. yotebuster

    Dorky question

    Do you have a blind? Thats the most important tool of trying to kill a turkey with a bow. I do and will be taking it. I 'm thinking I will probably head to our spot Thursday evening after dark to put it up so it is in place Friday morning. At the very least it will keep us a little dryer since rain is in the forecast. Both Draysen and I are relatively novice turkey hunters. We both now have a couple of seasons of "chasing" them and he has one turkey under his belt. But this will be our first time solo without my friend/mentor who, despite his jokester ways , has taught us most of what we know about turkeys. I've been practicing hard with the calls and hitting up the seminars, while Draysen has been practicing with his bow DAILY for months. It should be interesting. At the very least, it will be fun. We plan to head up north to units 1/27 tomorrow night. Pm sent
  19. yotebuster

    Dorky question

    Do you have a blind? Thats the most important tool of trying to kill a turkey with a bow.
  20. yotebuster

    Dorky question

    Theres actually a company out there making merriams decoys now. I dont think it matters but part of the fun of decoy hunting is the decoys themselves. If you just flat wanna kill a turkey, I hate to admit it but Bob is right, they dont really help you that much unless archery hunting out of a blind. If youre running and gunning with a shotgun just lean up against a treee and hold still and call and theyll come into shotgun range just fine. I think more turkeys get buggered by guys trying to quick set up their decoys when they have one coming in hot then get killed by decoys.
  21. yotebuster

    Lady Luck on the Kiabab, bull down 2018

    This is so cool!! Congrats!
  22. yotebuster

    Weatherby Mark V 375 H&H mag

    Nice rifle and good deal! I think that would work just fine in Africa as well!
  23. yotebuster

    walk in freezer

    Looks like one heck of a smokehouse to me!!
  24. yotebuster

    Federal TSS

    Whats the velocity on them? Looking for some heavy loads for eider and emperor geese in Alaska and the small pellets would be great for not wrecking plumage.
  25. yotebuster

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    Wow, you pretty much nailed it. I cant claim it as I read it on an anti statist FB page but its pretty much spot on!