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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster


    That bad boy is any choke you want it to be. At just the turn of a wrist
  2. yotebuster

    Pacific Northwest Tuna

    We are going out of Westport this summer as well!
  3. yotebuster

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Does he have a statewide, year long, any weapon, either species tag again this year?
  4. yotebuster

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Well put Brian. It’s interesting to actually hear “the whole story” on these things. What the heck are the odds that of the only two tags like this in the entire state, with 365 days a year to hunt that you guys would end up on this buck at the same time on the same day!?!! I realize that coues bucks of this class aren’t behind every tree so it’s possible but man that is unlikely! Good luck with the rest of the hunt and thanks for your support of AZ wildlife.
  5. yotebuster

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    That exact same argument could be made from someone who can’t afford a $120 elk tag from the state. Drawing the line at what you personally can afford doesn’t it any different that you too are buying a public resource.
  6. yotebuster

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    If I’m not mistaken Wyoming commissioner tags allow you to hunt only with the open weapon during the open season. So either they were breaking the law or you were bowhunting during the rifle season.
  7. yotebuster

    Big Horn Cape needed

    Holy crap!!!! This is incredible!! I’d be willing to pitch in $50 to that guy to buy him something cool if you wanna start a go fund me!! Way cool!!!
  8. yotebuster


    You can call me whatever name you want. I’m a fiscal republican, can give a crap less who someone wants to screw, where they want to go to church, or what color their skin is, I have two gigantic safes full of “assualt rifles” and high cap mags, I don’t for a second believe they banning them is gonna help society in any way, I wear carhartt pants and T shirts, I farm a few hundred acres and am an army veteran. If you wanna pigeon hole me as a “hipster” and put everyone in that group as “against the cause” then you are definitely missing the big picture.
  9. yotebuster


    A hunting trip without a place to go a season to hunt in or an animal to hunt is just a hike at best whether you’ve got a gun in your hand or not, and certainly regardless of the capacity of the magazine. Once again, re read the post. Do it slow if you have to to keep up. The original post was about whether someone was anti gun because they were democrat. My take home point is that we need as many hunters as we can get on our side. The fact of the matter is that the largest growing sector of hunters are essentially hipsters who vote a different color then we do, but they are the key to the future of hunting.
  10. yotebuster


    Re read the post. I prioritize hunting, public land access and habitat for wildlife above gun rights. I own somewhere around 50 high capacity magazines. At least a dozen AR-15’s, but I am not about to alienate and entire group of people who are pro hunting because they vote a different color then me.
  11. yotebuster


    +1. If any of you guys ever thought Rinella was anything but a Democrat you’ve had your heads in the sand. There’s a big push of democrat hunters out there, not saying you have to join them, but they’re better on your side then against it in my opinion. If I had to pick between losing my right to hunt and losing my right to have a 30 rd mag for my AR-15 I can assure you my AR mags are out the window. For all of you saying that you shouldn’t have to choose, I agree, but unfortunately time’s a changin. We WILL lose rights over so called “assault rifles”, it’s coming sooner or later. I’m a card carrying member of the NRA and a staunch fiscal republican, but I also realize the writing is on the wall. We need people like Rinella, BHA and their gang of hipster hunters if we are ever going to have a chance at having a hunting future. You can be an all or nothing lemming, or you can think for yourself and prioritize what’s important in your life.
  12. yotebuster


    8” at 60 isn’t terrible. Don’t listen to that guy. Keep practicing. Spend your money on gas and time off. Limit your shots to 40 and just get out as much as possible.
  13. yotebuster


    I can’t believe this hasn’t sold!! Heck of a good deal!
  14. yotebuster

    Big Horn Cape needed

    I would have a lawyer get ahold of that tannery. I think $10k would be a bargain for a life size desert bighorn cape (if you could ever find one) and in my opinion “my” cape would be worth far more then any replacement if this happened to me. They have insurance for this type of thing, part of the deal when you’re in that type of business. Good luck with finding one. This really really sucks.
  15. yotebuster

    Desert Muzzy Buck

    Awesome!! Congrats!
  16. yotebuster

    Hunting the gullies in the flats

    Sounds like you might have pinpointed the reason the deer in there are untouched!!
  17. I’m thinking of booking a Mexico trip for Jan 2020. I’d like to bring my dad and a buddy. They are both mid 60’s and in decent to crappy shape. They both still hunt hard in ND (pretty easy) and can get around enough to kill an elk each year, but they couldn’t hike several miles a day. Anyone hunt any ranches they would recommend that are a little flatter or have some half butt road access on them? I know I’ve seen a few pics on here of some guys hunting some really flat ranches. Any place where they high rack them? I know I’m setting myself up to get flamed here but not trying to be lazy just wanna find a place I can hunt with my pops. Thanks in advance!
  18. yotebuster

    How to price trophy coues deer

    I suppose I asked for that..... I really don’t give a shoot. Maybe I was just trying to stir the pot or something.
  19. yotebuster

    How to price trophy coues deer

    Isn’t it illegal to pickup deadheads with hide on them? Let alone sell it?
  20. yotebuster

    Best trail cam these days?

    Looking to get another half dozen or so. My stock of covert assasin 2's is finally running out due to malfunctions. I have never been more impressed with a cam then I was the assasin 2. I bought a few Mp8 coverts and they are absolute garbage. I haven't used a moultrie since the film days but would be willing to try them, the only brand I won't buy is a promos I guess as I don't really like that company. Any thoughts in what's best. Don't care about black flash, would rather have a good long distance IR flash. I want something that won't false trigger on grass in the wind and is reasonably priced.
  21. yotebuster

    How is YOUR coldbore?

    1201 yard squirrel?!? I knew you were a bada55 lance but I guess I didn’t quite expect that!! That has to be some kind of record. I may as well quit hunting.......
  22. yotebuster

    Sig range finders

    I agree with this tactic with the exception of sig and Leica units. Every one I’ve owned has done all or nearly all they advertise.
  23. yotebuster

    Buck Officially Scored 200 0/8" gross 197 4/8" net

    Not sure on the conviction. Last I heard that guy kinda spiraled off the deep end though. Guess he started doing budget dude on dude adult films. I think he still uses the name “Bonecollector” now but it has a significantly different meaning. Edit: This is just a joke. I don’t have any idea what happened. Just figured you were the same guy!! Am I right or am I right?