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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Registering vehicles in Montana, anyone doing it?

    What’s reprehensible is taking 40-45 cents of every dollar I earn with little to show for it in return.
  2. yotebuster

    Hide your guns from your ex!

    Sorry, I have no idea what storage brings in Payson, I always thought climate controlled storage was like $80 month for a garage but times have likely changed and I’m just clueless to it! Good luck on everything!!
  3. yotebuster

    Hide your guns from your ex!

    This serious?!? $350 a month for a connex?!?
  4. yotebuster

    Registering vehicles in Montana, anyone doing it?

    Seems like when I lived down there I saw a lot of SD plates that were people that had post office boxes and registered their vehicles in SD for whatever reason. Not sure why I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. yotebuster

    Mexico dead head

    They take them away and make you feel like a child for thinking it somehow wouldn’t be the end of the world to bring a couple bleached out pieces of dried bone across. Ask me how I know.
  6. yotebuster

    Early rifle bonus points 23S 23N

    You guys are forgetting about point creep. Dig a little deeper and see how many people are chasing it. Also look at last years odds with 23 points as that’s the tier you’re on. I’m guessing you’re 5-10 years out.
  7. yotebuster

    6b elk

    Lotsa elk in all those units. I’d pick the worlds greatest unit fourbee but that’s just me.
  8. yotebuster


    I might be coming down in Feb, if you still have it I’ll come take a look.
  9. yotebuster


    Ohh man. If you drive it to ND and fly yourself back I’ll buy it!
  10. yotebuster

    Early rifle bull

    Gorgeous bull! Congrats!
  11. yotebuster

    Budget Rangefinder?

    +1 on this one. I bought one just to carry backpacking for sheep as a backup as it’s all plastic and weighs like 2oz. Lightning fast, Angle compensating, and ranges to 1500 easily. Would take it over my Leica 1600b any day. Same thing, got it on sale at SW for $125.
  12. yotebuster

    Cummins emissions recall ?

    The problem with the 5.9’s is they’re stuck in a dodge truck. The best thing that ever happened to Dodge was Fiat buying them out and scrapping the brand for Ram. The fit and finish and little details are so much better. The best in the industry for sure.
  13. yotebuster

    Cummins emissions recall ?

    I just traded my 21 6.7 but still got the letter. Traded it as the DEF system was acting up and wasn’t sure if it was covered by powertrain warranty. Probably coulda kept it as I’m guessing this recall woulda fixed it for me.
  14. yotebuster

    Whitetails in 3C

    That’s a GREAT buck for 3c!!
  15. Despite what the app magazines might say, there’s no “great units” when it comes to coues. Just different terrain, access and things to contend with. I would personally use those for a mule deer tag (archery kaibab) and go to MX and hunt em in the rut with a rifle with no other hunters. You’ll see less deer and less rut with more pressure in December then you saw in Jan during your archery trip. If you do decide to go, six eh would be as good a bet as any unit. Maybe look at twenty three as well. The further you can get from the valley in either one the better. Big muleys are expensive, MX coues are cheaper. I’d use the points to go have a crack at a big muley and then go to MX for coues if it was me.
  16. yotebuster

    Freaky Teeth On My Ram

    You got any more pics? Looks like they’re covered in black calculus. Saw a deer like that once but it wasn’t jet black like that.
  17. yotebuster

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    I keep coming back to this post to look at that pic over and over.
  18. yotebuster

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    Incredible ram!! WOW!! Love the flare on him! Looks like the scouting pic is more of a Mexicana and yours looks like a Nelsoni? Were you on a boundary unit? The bases are so so so cool on that ram.
  19. yotebuster

    Cbp shutting down ports

    There’s a few hardworking whites out there. Let’s just say the ratio isn’t there on whites fellas. I’m in ND, so it’s a different blend here for sure, but all of our crime, all of our welfare cases, are all white dudes. We don’t have many Mexicans up here, but the ones we do all work their rears off, don’t complain, and pay their bills. White guys had their good generations and their over with now in general. This generations Mexican concrete finishers, roofers and landscapers are raising the next generation of contractors, doctors and lawyers. It’s happened with plenty of other ethnic groups in this country, it’s the American way and it’s a dang good one. I love to see hard work pay off for people.
  20. yotebuster

    Cbp shutting down ports

    We need to just crank the gates open and let em in. White folks don’t want to work anymore and I don’t know an industry that isn’t in dire need of more help. Don’t quite understand the “they’ll take our jobs” mentality. The only hard workers I know anymore are Mexicans and Central Americans. Bring em in, make sure they aren’t gonna strap bombs on their chests and blow up a building and send ‘em north. We need the help.
  21. yotebuster

    Picture going around .....

    I can see 170. Take away a couple inlines, the split beam, and alll the little points and everyone would believe it’s a 135-140 buck. Add them back in and you’ve got 30” or more easily.
  22. yotebuster

    Some 3A BS

    I’m not super familiar with these ranches, what percent is deeded and what is check boarded with public? As a private landowner in another state, I’ve always felt that true private ranches in AZ get the shaft by the draw system, but that all goes out the door when it land locks significant public land, especially when they have grazing rights for pennies on the dollar for those public acres. A lot of states, my home state included have non transferable landowner tag systems which I feel are a reasonable compromise. While I have certainly benefited from landowner tags in other states, I do understand the frustration and fear of what transferable landowner tags can do.
  23. yotebuster

    LabRadar with Accessories $500 SOLD

    Garmin on order?