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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Missouri Snows

    Glad you got some. Any day you can kill an adult snow goose is a good day. Big storm rolling through today and tomorrow. That’s the only way to kill adult snows consistently is a blizzard or fog. E callers in the spring make for awesome fog or whiteout hunts! Back when I was in college at ND state I would track the spring blizzards and just skip class and go where the birds and blizzard would meet! Shot 57 adult birds in 2 hours one morning by myself. Woulda had 3-400 if there woulda been a big group of shooters.
  2. yotebuster

    Dad Passes

    Sorry to hear that Bob! 98 is a pretty solid go at it though and from the sound of it he kept pretty active up till the last few years.
  3. yotebuster

    Packer for hire?

    Go to the Home Depot parking lot in Glendale and pick up a few “packers” to help out!
  4. yotebuster

    Bull Elk 22 South

    Google and learn the gutless method, boned out quarters and get a good pack frame. Anyone who spent 8 hours dragging an elk is not someone you should take hunting advice from. If you have the November hunt it will be cool enough to hang the quarters and you’ll have time to get them out. If not, be careful you don’t shoot one too far in or have lots of friends.
  5. yotebuster

    Bull Elk 22 South

    There’s a loooongggg story behind that. That being said, power lines can certainly have good feed and should not be overlooked.
  6. yotebuster

    Hunt Tracker: New Mexico

    Thanks for clarifying that. I panicked after reading this and went into my account on NMGF worried I had missed buying something and would get booted out of the draw. It’s just the $65+$4 like you said.
  7. yotebuster

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    I like it so far. If the gun ever failed me I could take the scope off an beat an elk to death with it. Wish they could squeeze 3-27 out of the ultra short. I ordered a 3-27 ps2 first but it was gigantic. The 3-20 is a little heavier then the 2.5-25 March it replaced but its rock solid. The March had a calling on another classic looking 7STW of mine that needed a better scope! How’s your March working out?
  8. yotebuster

    Too Hot

    I think that’s a perfect use for that cartridge. I would just step back to where you had it and stick with it. 2800fps with a 143 will kill any javelina within a mile. I would think any permanent damage to the rifle would be visible. That’s why they put gas vents on the side of them so if you really overdue it it’ll go that way. That being said I wouldnt try it again. If even drop a little lower in case you have it out when it’s really hot outside. Thank you for not going on forums and claiming elk kills at 800+ yards with it. I have no doubt it will do it under ideal situations, there are just too many keyboard jockies out there running creedmoors with no idea what they are (aren’t) capable of. It sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it though. If she ever draws an elk tag, as much as I hate to say it, it would make a good short range elk gun for her too. I’d just use the 7mm to be safe though!
  9. yotebuster

    Too Hot

    Hate doesn’t even describe how I feel about the creedmoor. Their marketing tactics get people into this bind. Build a low capacity cartridge and crank it up to max PSI out of the gate. Take any of the aforementioned cartridges and you can get away loading them “hotter”. Take a creedmoor and do the same and it starts to blow up. I see posts on forums daily about this caliber and guys loading it for long range elk hunting. Yes it’s accurate, but it’s not a long range hunting caliber and certainly can’t be turned into one by loading it hot. The guy was looking for feed back, I’d say he loaded it way to hot trying to make it into a .264 win mag.
  10. yotebuster

    Too Hot

    But. But. But. Hornady says on Instagram/Facebook/twitter/every shooting magazine/and everywhere else they can squeeze it in that the creedmoor is the best cartridge in the entire world?!?! I don’t see how it is possible that any other cartridge (.260, 6.5 PRC, 6.5 Swede, .264 win mag) can do 2850 but the creedmoor can’t!!
  11. yotebuster

    Too Hot

    Ahhhhh. The good ol creedmoor!!!!
  12. yotebuster

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    Proof research .28 Nosler with a 3-20 Schmidt and Bender is my latest elk killer.
  13. yotebuster

    Swarovski 15x56 HD - $1900

    Can’t believe these are still for sale. I still see guys trying to got $1400-1800 for non hd’s
  14. yotebuster

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    I think he’s referring to a .50 cal sabot with a .45 cal bullet in it. The sabot makes up the other 0.05 cal. Don’t load a .45cal sabot in a .50 cal rifle. I’m guessing it would just fall out if you tipped the rifle forward, along with your powder.
  15. yotebuster

    Wyoming Guided hunt advice?

    It’s not that easy unfortunately. Fairly easy, yes, but not that easy. First of all, he’ll correct me if I’m wrong but Eli only guides in a handful of the top producing units, so I wouldn’t call him for a 0 point opportunity hunt. He knows a lot about antelope so maybe he can point you in the right direction? Secondly, while there are units that don’t require any points to to draw, most of them are nearly, if not entirely private, so you will likely need at least one or two points to get into a unit with a decent amount of public land to go DIY. Other option would be to draw a tag and then pay a trespass fee or hire an outfitter. Outfitted hunts can be done fairly cheap ($1800-2500) and trespass hunts even cheaper. While these guys are correct that antelope are easy to find and kill, just be darn sure you have a place figured out to hunt if you are going to draw a 0 point unit. If you wait a year or two and get a point or two then you can got to a unit where there’s endless public and endless goats. If you want a really nice buck you’ll likely need to wait longer or find some private that is letting them grow up a bit. I would buy a point in Montana as well if you’re looking to get into the antelope game. There are hunts there that can be done with one or two points as well. I spread my chips on the table that way I get to hunt them as often as possible. I had 3 antelope tags in 2017. 2 in 2016 but none last year. My wife and I love eating them and I love hunting them. Look to other states as well, there are some good options elsewhere if you do a little research. I’ve killed over 15 antelope and only 1 was in Wyoming.
  16. YES!! They still make them. I’ve won many a trophy with these bad boys. Thumb tight is fine onto the base, but make sure you tighten the ring screws until you booger them up good.
  17. And don’t get the weaver rings with the screws in both sides. Find the old ones that just hook in on one side and have the nice flat head screws on that side. Less stuff to go wrong. They probably don’t make them in 30 or 34mm so you’ll have to bend them a bit.
  18. When I’m mounting scopes I usually tighten it down in the rings about halfway, then when adjusting the eye relief and leveling it I twist it back and forth a bunch. This makes nice little Z shaped scratches in the scope finish and crushes the tube a little so it fits nice in the weaver rings.
  19. yotebuster


    Every year there’s a few hits about 3-4 days later from the people who either don’t know how to check or their CC doesn’t allow them to check their pending transactions. I’ve noticed it’s fewer this year and I’m guessing it’s because the cabelas club visa was notorious for this and they’ve been transferred over to capital one which has a super easy and transparent website.
  20. Lance you must not know a dang thing about mounting scopes.......
  21. yotebuster

    CC Hit

    8 grand to try to go hunting. You get it all but about $100 back.
  22. I think they made a dec 7-15 hunt this year in NM. For the most part the above is correct, not really a rut hunt and they’ve been pressured but atleast the weather is nice and it works out with you MT schedule.
  23. yotebuster

    CC Hit

    $7912.00 hit from NM for me. You’d think that would be good for something wouldn’t you?!?
  24. yotebuster

    Powerlines and feeding

    Mowing them should only help.
  25. yotebuster

    Hunting other states

    Limiting applicants to one choice is the best thing a state can do to maintain odds. I wish nevada and New Mexico would change. A majority of applicants (for whatever reason) put the hardest few hunts. In states with multiple choices you can play the table and it brings odds way up in mid and lower tier hunts. If they all did away with multiple choices your odds would go up dramatically