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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    WAR in Kentucky!

    Ol Trump is really digging up every last way to lose his last few supporters. Is turning the Turks loose on our only Ally in the area and letting them mow down the last few Christians in Syria going to be enough to open any eyes?
  2. yotebuster

    SOLD 1998 Polaris Sportsman’s 500 and trailer

    Dang good deal!! If we could figure out how to get it to ND easily I’d buy it just to leave my weed sprayer on!!
  3. yotebuster

    20B Youth Hunt Help

    Are you guys using tripod mounted binos? I’m not help there but it’s just a matter of finding them unfortunately. Rut hunter is a desert muley finding machine, but if you are up high and glassing from tripod mounted binos you should start turning some up. That unit should have deer from top to bottom.
  4. yotebuster

    What resort/place?

    So eating at the “flying V” isn’t a code for something.......?
  5. yotebuster

    Bi-pod recommendation.

    My problem with all the newer high end bipods is they are aimed at the tacticool crowd and super long range guys (or atleast guys that think they are super long range guys) and not hunters. A lions share of my kills have been in situations where the grass was too tall for a prone rest, whether it’s off a bipod or pack or whatever. I realize the value of a prone shot with a good solid bipod but I also am a hunter first and foremost and a shooter second. If I have a good 300-500 yard shot that I can make quickly from a seated position I’ll take it any day of the week. If I can get to a spot and shoot prone I will but just thinking back on the last year and a half I’ve killed 3 eastern white tails, 3 mule deer, one elk one mountain goat, and a muskox and all were shot from situations where a prone shot was not possible.
  6. yotebuster

    Bi-pod recommendation.

    I’ve seen those, it just seems kinda pointless to spend over 4 times as much for a bipod that I have to carry an extra set of legs for and mess around to set up. Harris is out in 1 second and ready to go. I’ve shot far more critters seated then I have prone. Especially for youth hunters, a seated shot at 100-200 yards with a good bipod is a great shot.
  7. yotebuster

    Bi-pod recommendation.

    As far as I can find no one else makes a bipod like the harris that allows tonshoot off your but as well. I have the 3 position one. Perfect length unextended for prone and perfect extended off my butt. Love those bipods. I would spend big money for a lighter one thatndid the same thing but as far as I can find none of them do. Simple, fairly inexpensive and they work.
  8. Sucks that it happened but that’s pretty cool to hear you got it knocked out. Those boys learned some stuff that night, not just how to change out an inter cooler in a Walmart parking lot, but that giving up when life gives you a little crap isn’t the answer. They learned to figure out what the problem is, how to fix it quick and keep on going. I’d say honestly 90% of the guys in here, myself included would have punted on a day or so of the trip and turned around and waited for the next day and headed up a couple days later. Kudos to you for pushing on and teaching your boys to do the same!
  9. yotebuster

    Desert Landscaping Question?? HELP PLEASE!!

    Sorry to hear about your dad.
  10. yotebuster

    Desert Landscaping Question?? HELP PLEASE!!

    Post a peer reviewed medical journal study that shows this and I’ll buy it. The stuff that pops up on your Facebook that your aunt Lucile saw in Mother Earth news doesn’t count. Glyphosate is one of the safest Ag chemicals we have. It’s been targeted because of who is behind it, not what is in the jug. I’ve farmed for 20 years and I can assure you there are chemicals out there we need to be worried about but round up isn’t one of them. Roundup will only give you trouble if you use photosynthesis to eat every morning, it degrades almost instantly when UV hits it so it has absolutely no residual. Don’t believe the hype or you’re just as bad as the CNN following hippies out on the Kalifornia coast. We truly all wouldn’t be on this forum discussing coues deer if we didn’t have roundup, we’d be fighting WW3 in some nasty butt heck hole in the Middle East.
  11. yotebuster

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    Awesome bull!! Congrats! Bet your boy was fired up!!
  12. yotebuster

    Got tickted by azgf

    Occupied means being used, it may not mean that someone was actually there. Would you want someone hunting 240 yards from your house if you weren’t home?
  13. yotebuster


    You got any of them Mar Gay cats for sale???
  14. yotebuster

    SOLD Game Processing - Grinder

    I’ve got this one too. If you got your finger started in it you’d be burger in the far end before you knew what hit you!
  15. Like $200,000 for an elk tag!
  16. yotebuster

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    Awesome!! Keep after it! The cool thing about moose hunting is a big one can literally show up any time, anywhere, scouting doesn’t mean crap to a rutting moose!
  17. yotebuster

    Bonus point and draw odds publication

    Anybody have it for last year? I can’t seem to find it online. Sitting on enough points to scare a Gould’s tag but wanted to do a little digging to decide what to do.
  18. Is it really even hunting anymore if you’re using a long range knife? I mean come on, all these guys do is sit on a ridge, dial the knife in and kill them from a mile away. Not even fair for the animals anymore.
  19. yotebuster

    Hogwire bowstrings

    Caleb is gonna get to the bottom of this....
  20. I reread my paragraph and my wordsmithing sucked. I meant I wish Berger’s were bonded.
  21. Awesome bull! I’ve had good luck with Sciroccos but can’t seem to get the long range performance out of them like I do with the bergers. Wish they would bond them! I’ve killed 6 elk with them and haven’t had any issues like you say, but I have seem them really blow up on shoulder shots. I have heard the same issues with the ELDx and my moderate dislike of all things hornady has kept me from messing with them. If you can get them to shoot, you won’t be dissatisfied with the performance of the Scoriccos. Same goes for Barnes TTSX’s.
  22. yotebuster

    Which weapon would you choose?

    Use a rifle. You can always set a max limit of 50 yards if you want the experience of getting close. Unless the tag tells me I have to, I always gun up the best I can. I’ve killed a pile of stuff with a bow, a muzzleloader, and a rifle and I’m not high and mighty about any of them. Hunting is hunting and killing is killing. If you want mode challenge then look for a bigger bull or a closer shot but put the animal down as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  23. yotebuster

    Ted Nugent and Michigan

    The difference between back east and western hunting is most people only have a small plot of private to hunt. Using bait as an attractant to get them onto a place to legally hunt is commonplace. Not saying it’s good or bad, that’s just the way you hunt. Anyone who’s watched the Nuge knows he won’t be found more then 20 yards from a tree next to a corn pile.
  24. yotebuster

    2019 Antelope hunt

    Yes. Sorry didn’t mean to downplay the buck. The southern units are usually second fiddle to the ones up north but from what I’m seeing comingnout of the north units this year you killed a bigger one then most of them turned out!!
  25. yotebuster

    2019 Antelope hunt

    That’s a great buck, especially for a southern unit!!