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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Uh oh...

    Big pharma makes zero dollars off prescription pain killers. I don’t know a single doc or dentist who writes them for anything other then generics.
  2. Nope. Awesome binos and great price BTW. I just wish they would put the button on the right side. I know a lot of guys that have them and love them. Say that you get used to it real quick. Anyhow bump for a great deal! They should sell quick at that price.
  3. If the button was on the correct side I’d be all over these.
  4. yotebuster

    Taylor-Biggest Buck In The House

    Ho. Lee. Phug. That buck is insane!! 31” INSIDE!!! Unreal! What a perfect incredible buck and perfect incredible hunt!!
  5. yotebuster

    Unit 1 Semi live late archery hunt

    dang!! Bad timing on the snow. Country looks fairly open so maybe you’ll still turn him up.
  6. yotebuster


    That right there is the picture of a bada55. Shooting wild horse with a savage 99 .22 high power!
  7. yotebuster

    Unit 1 Semi live late archery hunt

    Holy crap!! That pic of the lion with an arrow in the face is epic! Good luck with the rest of the hunt!
  8. yotebuster

    1987 Suzuki Samurai Tin Top

    How many dollars?
  9. yotebuster


    I don’t even own one of these yet I still want this for some reason!
  10. yotebuster

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Also we need to get a gofundme going to get you a new orange hat.
  11. yotebuster

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Congrats Adam!! Love the chocolate antlers on that buck!
  12. yotebuster

    Kodiak Sitka Trip

    Thank you Houston! That was exactly the type of info I was looking for!
  13. yotebuster

    Kodiak Sitka Trip

    If you don’t mind me asking Houston, is there a big cost savings between a guided hunt and a transported hunt? Did you notice any significant differences? I honestly prefer to not have a guide as I like to make my own decisions, that being said there’s a lot of logistics to those hunts and I know a guy needs some help with equipment and access to the animals. Packing, caping etc is something I also like to do myself, so that’s no issue. Did you compare and contrast boat vs float plane etc?
  14. yotebuster

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    I’ve noticed up here when it gets really cold they just flat don’t move much. It’s a large expense of energy to stay warm when up and moving. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re out like crazy this afternoon.
  15. yotebuster

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Good luck!! Been a cold fall up this way. They should be rutting good though!
  16. yotebuster


    Great deal. I’ve got one of these and they’re the best thing short of a wall tent.
  17. yotebuster

    Sandhill Crane Hunters

    Crane is wonderful. Closest thing I can compare it to would be a real good beef sirloin. My wife and I don’t buy meat at the store so I do miss fatty meat like a ribeye now and then and a good plucked corn fed mallard or a blue wing teal are what I use to scratch that itch. Those specks in the pile are plucked up as well to go on the grill. They are my favorite goose by far. Snow geese are excellent but the skin is too thin and tears too easily to pluck them so the get breasted out for poppers or brats and jerky.
  18. yotebuster

    Sandhill Crane Hunters

    Cranes all bailed out of ND so we’ve switched gears to webfooted critters!!
  19. yotebuster

    Sandhill Crane Hunters

    Pretty much everything is open when the crane hunting is best. If you were trying to combo it I would come in mid October. Pheasant, grouse, partridge, duck and goose season would all be open then. You can hunt cranes closer to AZ in TX and OK I believe. I’m not sure how conducive that is to freelance hunting though as I’m guessing a lot of that land is leased so you’d be ahead to go with an outfitter. Waterfowl hunts are surprisingly in expensive though, I would guess between $150-300 a day for a guided hunt down there and that would get you access and decoys etc. might be cheaper to go that route then to drive all the way to ND. No one in ND cares about cranes so most landowners will let you hunt for them so access is fairly easy to get. The limit is 3 in ND and I believe the same all across the central flyway. If you go to Saskatchewan it’s 5. They’re dummer up there too!!
  20. yotebuster

    Sandhill Crane Hunters

    Send me a PM. If I’m not around to take you out in ND I can atleast line you up on some areas and you can use my deception decoys while you’re here.
  21. yotebuster

    Sandhill Crane Hunters

    We’ve been beatin up on them in ND. They’ve all bailed on us though as of last week
  22. yotebuster

    Shooting from a boat in NM

    I killed my Idaho moose from a boat. There it just has to not be under power, which since we were floating a river is essentially never. Saw plenty I could have shot right from the boat but was off of it when I killed my bull coolest pack out ever though!! I really wanna hear the story behind this and a NM hunt!
  23. yotebuster

    IAC Hawk 982 12 GA Shotgun $120

    Good deal! I think these are 870 clones aren’t they?
  24. yotebuster

    Grilled Mallard

    Looks really good. Did you split the carcass with bone in or fillet the breast and leg out with skin on?
  25. yotebuster

    WAR in Kentucky!

    You haven’t made a single comment on this thread that wasn’t direct at me. That little passive aggressive gem was just tossed out at no one in particular then I guess.