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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Kansas 2019

    You crush him? He a 4x4?
  2. yotebuster

    Unit 27 Semi Live Late Bull Hunt

    The question is how big of a sunshade does he have on his scope? #vortexnation PS- he got himself a dang nice bull!
  3. yotebuster

    Taxidermy Nightmare!

    I can’t believe I missed all of this.
  4. yotebuster

    Swaro 15's HD VS Razor 18 UHD

    Hog hunter was selling some 18 UHD’s. He’s a connoisseur of obscure and different binos and I think he was less then impressed by them if I remember right.
  5. yotebuster

    Swarovski Repair - Dissapointed

    I understand the reasoning behind it, I believe when you buy them used you can have the warranty transferred fairly easily. I guess it protects a person from theft and would potentially identify a thief if there was ever an issue with them. Would really open a can of worms if the person you bought them from didn’t cooperate.
  6. yotebuster

    Coues to Midwest Whitetail Conversion

    Eastern whitetails are all in the preseason prep. I have food plots of corn, rye, soybeans and sugar beets in my backyard. My brother literally shot his buck this year (a 7.5 yr old 5x5) out of the guest bedroom window! If you don’t do any prep work it can be an absolute grind. To just show up on a piece of public and hang a tree stand and kill a big buck would be a feat. I get more enjoyment out of growing food for them and watching the pheasants and deer utilize what I’ve built for them then I do actually hunting. I know honestly too much about the deer in the area. I spend so much time watching them that I’ll talk myself out of shooting a buck in hopes it gets bigger the next year. I rarely shoot a buck anymore as I worry that he’ll get bigger and usually the neighbors shoot him anyhow. I really enjoy spot and stalk hunting in areas where the animals are new to me. Fortunately where I live in ND I can be watching whitetails on my place one morning and I’m a 20 min drive from endless public land spot and stalk muley or whitetail hunting that afternoon.
  7. yotebuster

    Coues to Midwest Whitetail Conversion

    I’m too big of a geek to not run numbers on this. If you take 170 (b&c eastern) times 0.65 you get 110.5 which is darn close to 110 (b&c coues). For p&y I had to do 0.55 to get 125 to roughly equal 70”. So if you split the difference and use 0.6 and just divide or multiply depending on which direction you’re going that seems to be the nerdy way of doing it. So your sons buck would be about equivalent to a 100” eastern. I would say any coues is a bigger trophy then any eastern in my opinion, that’s even coming from a guy who spends much more time killing easterns then coues.
  8. As far as federal rules go, you can have multiple guns on you legally. I do it all the time when hunting snow geese in the decoys. I’ve killed hundreds of birds by emptying my gun on close decoying birds and picking up my second gun and killing another one or two. As far as lead with you in the field, I guess until you kill a duck or goose you’re probably legal but as soon as you do you have broken the law, even if you shot the duck with non toxic. So many good (or even better) non toxic options why bother.
  9. yotebuster

    41W Sheep 2019

    The one you put first pic of is one of the uglier rams I’ve ever seen and the one you shot is one of the prettiest rams I’ve ever seen!! Congrats!
  10. yotebuster

    Smoking prime rib, then travel

    A normal uncovered prime rib will raise 7-10 degrees resting uncovered. I would either go for about 115 and no more and cover it then heat it in the broiler, or better yet smoke it and take it to 100 and then finish it in the oven when you get there. Don’t take it to 125 And insulate it for an hour or you’ll be eating boot leather.
  11. yotebuster

    Unit 27 Semi Live Late Bull Hunt

    Heck yeah!!! This is awesome! Congrats!!
  12. yotebuster

    41W Sheep 2019

    Awesome! I dunno much about sheep but other then a broomed end and maybe lighter bases that ram looks like a big one?!? It’s like his horns get fatter out past the base.
  13. yotebuster

    Diesel Gelling?

    Same way they can check any and every semi truck on the road for compliance.
  14. yotebuster

    Unit 27 Semi Live Late Bull Hunt

  15. yotebuster

    Kansas 2019

    I’d have a hard time passing that muley!
  16. yotebuster

    Kansas 2019

    That muley buck is awesome! Do you need a muley stamp in the unit you are in?
  17. yotebuster

    Unit 27 Semi Live Late Bull Hunt

    If you’re finding cows and spikes but not mature bulls you’re looking in too easy of country. Take your paper map and a highlighter and highlight a 1.5 mile band on each side of every road in the areas you wanna hunt. Then take another colored highlighter and highlight anything that remains. You’ll find that in 27 it’ll leave a lot of spaces, particularly in the southern part. Then using the topo figure out places that have decent hiking access to those areas, steep country that you can glass with out having to drop into it is a bonus.
  18. yotebuster

    Diesel Gelling?

    A lot of time in northern climates they automatically switch their pumps to a #1/#2 blend. You have to look hard in ND to find straight #2 diesel after about November. You should be good down to zero or so with straight untreated #2 but I’d throw some Howe’s in it just to be safe. Nothing worse then gelling up.
  19. You are correct. The freedom plans have no monthly fee when not in use. They are slightly more expensive though but well worth it. I usually only run mine 2-3 months a year. Never heard of a gspot, I probably couldn’t find it anyhow......
  20. Hey Dan what’s the story with the cull hunts in the good elk units? Do you need a guide? Is it a 5pt only or a designated elk or how does that work? What time of year are they? I’d just like to hang out in there sometime in September!
  21. yotebuster

    Xmas Tree Cutting In Tonto?

    Just cut a nice big saguaro.
  22. yotebuster

    Uh oh...

    They don’t make crap off of generics. Hence the constant push to create new medications. Yes big pharma is a problem in different situations, no, big pharma isn’t getting rich off of selling hydrocodone 5/325’s for $8/ 50 of them.
  23. yotebuster

    Uh oh...

    Opioid crisis was started by the media and a society who is predisposed to addiction through boredom and lack of real problems in life. Opioids have been around long before big pharma ever showed up. There’s always been a sector of society who is prone to addiction, we just never had a name or a villain until the “opioid crisis” and “big pharma” came around.
  24. yotebuster

    Uh oh...

    Yes. Big pharma sells brand name drugs like Vicodin for instance. Everyone says they were prescribed “Vicodin” no different then when we say we are going to get a “Kleenex”. Most of us actually go get a generic tissue, and nearly all of “Vicodin” prescriptions are filled as hydrocodone/acetaminophen which is the generic version. Big pharma makes it’s money on stuff that is still under patent. All the common opioid painkillers are way off patent. Not saying opioids aren’t an issue, but big pharma isn’t making any money on them.