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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Max Bonus points

    Lotsa units with good public access in that tier. I would get OnX for your phone if you don’t already have it. Combine that with a gohunt or hunterstrailhead membership and you can cruise through and find a unit that works for you and you can draw. Remember to search for units that could be drawn with 4pts last year as that’s what you had if you want a guarantee.
  2. yotebuster

    Max Bonus points

    Could draw 57, 64 or 68. Would’ve been enough for 61 a couple years ago but they cut the tags in half last year. Good reason to not wait around. He’ll never have the points to draw 60 but a book buck can come from any of those units.
  3. yotebuster

    Max Bonus points

    Burn em! Should be able to get just about any hunt you want.
  4. yotebuster

    WTB-- Swarovski STX 95 Case

    Does anyone make a stay on case for these yet? I’m in the same boat. Had a cool neoprene one for my STM but can’t seem to find one for the X
  5. yotebuster

    Favorite Christmas Gift Growing Up.....

    Yeah I don’t think if I had kids I’d get them started on such a big caliber, but I was infatuated with wildcats!! That thing knocked the piss out of me, no muzzle breaks back in those days, atleast not mainstream!! My first rifle was a ruger 77/22hornet, then a Remington 700 in .17 rem then a 25-06. So I worked my way up to the STW over several years.
  6. yotebuster

    Favorite Christmas Gift Growing Up.....

    My dad got me a Winchester model 70 classic sporter in 7mm STW for Christmas when I was 12. I was infatuated with the caliber after reading Layne Simpsons articles about it in shooting times over and over. I got to work handloading for it right off the bat. That was back in the pre laser rangefinder days. I loaded 120gr ballistic tips (they had just come out) at 3900fps. Could hold right on a deer out to 425 and right on their back line if you thought they were a little further. I’ve killed atleast a hundred deer with it, easterns, muleys and coues. A dozen elk or so. Moose. Oryx. Antelope. Muskox and hopefully in a week I’ll kill a free range bison with it in WY. I had it rebarreled once as I washed the old one out fairly quickly but kept the same blued sporter profile and walnut stock. It’s a beautiful gun and short of backcountry type hunts where I’ll take my Proof .28 nosler, it’s my go to rifle to this day.
  7. yotebuster

    Weatherby 340 weatherby mag

    I was trying to make a funny. Post reads. “fired 257 times, one Alaskan moose”. I read it as he shot one moose with it 257 times. Not sure where it went from there. Good deal on a great gun. Would make a good LR coues and elk rig.
  8. yotebuster

    Weatherby 340 weatherby mag

    Did you hit him all 257 times?
  9. yotebuster

    Over/Under Shotgun

    If you’re getting into the double barrel game for style I’d save up a little longer and look for a good used 101, citori or beretta. You can pick them up for $800-1000. The fit and finish will be better then the Turkish guns. If you’re doing it for reliability then I’d stick with an auto. I’ve been around far more guys with over and under issues then with auto issues. Three shots can come in handy a lot of the time too!! If you just want an excuse to buy a new toy then I’d go handle all the current Turkish guns (CZ, Stevens, Stoeger etc) and see which one fits and looks best. Make sure you can get it in 28” barrel minimum and better yet 30”. Most people don’t realize they aren’t comparing apples to apples with doubles. The receiver on most shotguns is 6+” long so a 26” double barrel has less sighting plane then a tactical riot pump or auto. Only double barrel I have has 32” barrels and I think they’re too short. That being said I shoot a beretta auto most of the time with a 30” barrel custom ordered on it.
  10. yotebuster

    Colorado Unit 40 Elk Archery Outfitter Inquiry

    I’ve researched 40 a bit to burn my 20 elk points on a muzzy tag. From what I can find Biggerstaff and Mike Lawson are the only two options. $7000-9000 each for only 5 day hunts. I just can’t stomach the thought of dumping that kinda cash on a 5 day hunt while still having to burn 20 points to chase bulls that aren’t as big as they have in 4b. I will never catch 10, 2 or 201 but there has to be a better option. I think Sea2er is right too, they are definitely booked out a bit and won’t take a deposit till you have one point over what it took the previous year.
  11. yotebuster

    22 south muzzleloader elk

    Great story. Looks like you guys have that hunt dialed in! Pretty stand up to take someone you meet in on your target bull!
  12. yotebuster

    Swarovski SLC 15x56WB Habicht Binoculars

    You’ve got a lot of nice optics!
  13. yotebuster

    Kansas 2019

    Awesome buck! Congrats!
  14. yotebuster

    Kansas 2019

    5.5 up?!? That a 28 nosler? 450 yards!!
  15. I love the desert. Just don’t know how much good 36 acres of it would do except maybe for subdividing for housing. You’d have to sit there a long long time to kill a deer on it.
  16. Wow!! I get it for development land, but for desert hunting land? We just bought a bunch of farm/hunting land back here in ND for $1000 an acre, and I was thinking we overpaid!
  17. Holy crap!!! $10k/acre?!? Am I missing something here?
  18. yotebuster

    4/4 bull hunt

    awesome story. Sounds like a dang good time!
  19. yotebuster

    FS: Three 8 lb jugs of any IMR powder

    Didn’t realize this stuff was recalled. Was digging through my powder cabindt the other day and I have a pound from a while back. Liked it for my 243 WSSM. I should send it in I guess. What was wrong with the powder?
  20. yotebuster

    Kansas 2019

    ^ this. I like the whitetail you killed but I’m not gonna lie that gnarly old muley buck you put a pic of made me tent up a bit.
  21. yotebuster

    Coues deer with a lever action?

    I have a model 53 Winchester in 25-20. Probably not a deer cartridge but I decided to try killing a doe with it one year in ND when I was a kid. I shot it at 50 yards and it was dead on and pretty accurate. 86gr bullet but it’s going pretty slow. Looks just like a mini 30-30. Anyhow I slid in to about 150 yards from a doe one day and lined up on her and shot. She just stood there. Shot again. Same thing. She finally walked off and I checked for blood and nothing. Took it home and shot it at 150 and it was about 18” low!! Looked up the ballistics in a loading chart (this was before apps existed) and sure as heck it dropped that much. Also came to realize it had like 250 ft lbs of energy. That’s when I decided I probably should leave the 25-20 home when deer hunting. Stupid high school kid mistake. Just glad I didn’t hurt anything with it.
  22. yotebuster

    UNIT 11 M for 12/13/2019

    I had to look that one up. Has to be the only either sex deer tag in the whole state for adults? Sorry I’m no help. I think SEEKER killed a 400” elk, a 160” coues and a 220” muley in there though.
  23. yotebuster

    Kansas 2019

    Sweet!! That radio collar is cool!!
  24. yotebuster

    Kansas 2019

    It’s this guy!!