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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Tick Tock

    You don’t think that looks like a dude that could wreck some portholes?
  2. yotebuster

    Tick Tock

    Agreed. There was one other snafu a few years back where it went a few days after for draw posting if I remember right.
  3. yotebuster

    Tick Tock

    Don’t these people know it’s a drought year and the bulls aren’t gonna grow antlers this year and the cows won’t grow any meat?
  4. yotebuster

    Tick Tock

    I get one of my credit cards knocked out due to fraud atleast once every 6 months. There are tens of thousands of people in the draw so every hour they delay the draw people lose out on tags due to their cards shutting down from fraud. No big deal until it happens to you.
  5. yotebuster

    Tick Tock

    I’m so glad to see this post!! Ran back into my office after a long appointment and frantically checked my phone and no charge..... so I figured I was screwed. Glad to see no one else has any either!
  6. yotebuster

    Misc Bullets FS

    I’ll take the 7’s if AZkiller changes his mind. Never mind. Just saw you weren’t shipping and it’s a long drive for me!
  7. yotebuster

    Arctic cat 400 4x4 automatic

    Gas gas gas. Anything with ethanol in it starts breaking down within 2 weeks. Never ever run that crap in small engines. Rinse the tank and change the filter and put some fresh 91 octane pure gas in there and it’ll touch right off.
  8. yotebuster

    Arizona women target serial killer of Heber wild horses

    Not all heros wear capes!
  9. yotebuster

    Elk archery setup

    Paper tuning is invaluable info. Is there a good pro shop near you? (Not Sportsmans warehouse). I used to be an archery tech at one and if someone came in that was new to it, we would try to help as much as we could. Try to buy what you need from them as well, that’s how they make a living, but most guys that work in those shops truly love archery and will help you out.
  10. yotebuster

    Winchester 94/ Ruger 77

    Pm sent
  11. yotebuster

    Elk archery setup

    A lot of good advice here and a lot of bad advice too. The take home and the consensus here seems to be shot placement and it couldn’t be more correct. I killed my first archery animal (eastern whitetail) when I was 7. I was shooting 22 pounds out of a Browning fox 2 with 18” draw and 20” 1816’s. I had 125gr cabelas laser pro mags (because they were cheap and on sale for $1 less then the 100’s. Talk about a yard dart of an arrow. Shot him in the ribs and it sunk in to the other side. Woulda done the same to an elk at the same distance and angle. Second take home is to make sure your arrows (more importantly your form) isn’t keyholing. It doesn’t matter how much weight your arrow has, if the center of mass isn’t behind the broadhead when it hits you’re going to be short a huge percentage of the “mathematical” energy you think you have. This is where the bounced off shots stories occur. Arrows don’t bounce off of critters if the animal is square and the arrow is square behind the head. Watch slow mo videos of arrows leaving bows, particularly with poor shooting form and you’ll see what I mean. Arrows work by putting the limited energy behind a tiny tiny point (hence the importance of sharp heads) and driving it it. If the arrow is tailing when it hits the energy is driven away from the tip and everything goes downhill from there. Weight forward can help recover poor form. Heavy is important, but not as important as proper spine (also a 400 spine is LIGHTER then a 340 so don’t believe everything you read on here). You get weight by switching arrow types within your spine, not by going up in spine. Look at the grains per inch of different arrows within the proper spine for your length and weight. The number on the spine (300,340,400 etc) is the amount of deflection of a given length shaft with a fixed weight of pressure on it. Shafts have to have one flex coming out of the bow or the stuff I was talking about before happens. Heavier heads will create a little more flex in theory, as will more poundage. Worry first about what shoots well and second about design when it comes to broadheads. I’ve shot rage since they come out because they fly well and I have a ton of confidence in them. I’ve killed 30-40 critters with them in that time from javelina to elk. Haven’t lost one yet, and if I did it would be my fault not the broadheads. Lots and lots of wivestails out there about broadheads. All of it is anecdotal evidence. I’ve trailed and lost significantly more animals friends have hit with fixed heads then mechanicals, but again that’s just anecdotal. I will say if you make a poor shot that is back on an animal, a mechanical is your best friend. If your poor shot is forward on the animal, a small two blade fixed head is your best friend. The best is to get something that shoots well and hit them between those two spots.
  12. yotebuster

    1st Owner Looking to buy a new 4 Wheeler

    My 700 pioneer sucks. 3 speed gear transmission so it’s looking for a gear a lot of the time. No low range which really sucks for steep up or down hill. I wouldn’t buy one. Does what I need on the farm here in ND but wouldn’t be my first choice for mountain riding.
  13. yotebuster

    1st Owner Looking to buy a new 4 Wheeler

    I’ve got a rancher, foreman and a pioneer. I love the two quads, I wouldn’t buy another Honda side by side though. (Although I’ve heard they addressed a lot of the problems the 700 had with the 1000.). If I were to buy a new side by side I’d get a gator 835r with cab/heat/ac. A buddy has one and it’s awesome.
  14. yotebuster


    These things are cool. Cheaper and more fun to shoot then a 5.56. I’d be all over this if I lived closer.
  15. yotebuster

    Best mule deer taxidermist.

    Clay at Mogollon!! He did the one on the bottom right when I was living down there. He’s a very very close second to Brian Kadrmas at Dakota Taxidermy who has done most of my other work but I’m guessing you’re looking for someone in AZ
  16. yotebuster

    Old state record brown

    I love Chevelon! One of my favorite places!
  17. yotebuster

    GameStop Craziness!!

    Lion hounds from the sound of it.
  18. yotebuster

    WTB M3000 or A300 12g shotgun - found one ..thanks cwt

    Pumps are easy to run just like when upland hunting. You’ll either be in layouts, back boards in whites or in a pit. Any way you cut it you can pump just fine. I’ve got a few berettas I’d sell but I’m up in ND so I’d have to ship them through an FFL to you. Make sure you swing a stoeger first if you go that route.
  19. yotebuster

    WTB M3000 or A300 12g shotgun - found one ..thanks cwt

    I’ve had a pile of berettas. Love them. Started with a 302 then a 390. Then a few 391’s, 391 extremas and extrema 2’s and finally a couple a400 extremes and my last is an a400 light. The a300 is an awesome gun. It points and shoots totally different then a stoeger though. I’ve had two Benelli’s and disliked the inertia operating system as well as they didn’t fit me at all. That being said my brothers all shoot them and they fit them well. I would say whichever fits you best would be what I’d go with. The a300 will NOT take an extended magazine though, and will only hold 3+1 which is the primary reason I don’t own one. Not sure on the stoeger. Honestly if it’s just for this hunt I’d just pop the plug on your 870 and shoot it. You’re familiar with it atleast. You likely won’t shoot near as much as you think you will. The banner snow goose hunts everyone sees in the videos are rare. They don’t show pics and videos of the day to day when the birds don’t work and the shots are long and the piles are small but the flat truth is I bet I shoot 90% of my snow geese in 10% of my hunts and the other 90% of days are single digit days.
  20. yotebuster

    .22LR 3550 Rounds

    Dang. I just sold 8000 rounds for $675. I mighta got taken!
  21. yotebuster

    GameStop Craziness!!

    I’m still waiting for my Enron stock to bounce back. 🤞
  22. yotebuster

    Dead On Taxidermy????????????

    I had a taxidermist up in round valley country keep a couple elk and a coues for 3 years. (Different guy). Finally had to just go get the capes and horns and walk on the deposits. Swore I’d never do that again and then did with two antelope heads to some clown in NM that ended up with a euro and a head mount for 4.5 years (outfitter recommended him and I listened). I was back there hunting a couple years later and mentioned my mess to the outfitter who had recommended him in front of some other clients and he acted like it had never been a problem. Later that month I got threats from the taxidermist on my personal cell, business phone and business Facebook for slander because none of the other clients left any work with him after hearing my story. Turned messy in a hurry with him threatening my business and my family. The guy was off his rocker. Forgot to mention when I did finally get my work back from him the first time after 4.5 years I had to have the mount redone with a new cape. It was the last animal my step dad killed before being killed in a car crash so now every time I look at it I have to relive that nightmare and think of the $1500 I have into a simple antelope head mount. So needless to say I NEVER EVER leave taxidermy with anyone but my go to guy anymore.
  23. yotebuster


    Neither is great! That being said you couldn’t pay me to live east of the Mississippi River! Too much humidity and too many people. If I’m gonna live somewhere with crappy weather it better not have any people! It’s been consistently 25 degrees colder in eastern ND then western this year. That’s a big difference when you’re talking highs in teens and single digits vs 30’s and 40’s all winter. Nicest winter I can ever remember here in western ND! 6 more weeks and it should be set up to be one of the best years for deer and pheasants in decades!!!
  24. yotebuster


    I was about to buy one for $550 on gunbroker!! I’d kill to have a place near me in ND that did a decent job of keeping up with powder on hand!!
  25. yotebuster

    Lifetime License

    It’s all about outliving everyone else!! It’s hard to believe it could take 40-50 points to get some tags in the future but that’s definitely gonna happen. I think around 60-70 is where the creep will start to end of a guy can live long enough!!