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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Losing Little by Little!

    Good to see you back! We’ve got too dam many people in this country and world and it’s boiling down to a supply and demand. The demand is up and the supply is going down. Unfortunately it won’t get any better ever again. We literally have just lived through “the good old days” of hunting in our country and I’m guessing most of us (myself included) were too busy thinking about the earlier “good old days” to notice it.
  2. yotebuster

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    If you think that glassing allows you to see more animals in a morning or evening of looking you haven’t spent much time in a plane. You can cover infinitely more ground with a plane. No you aren’t going to see every animal, but that is accounted for when they run the numbers. Also if you think your ARE seeing every animal when you are glassing you haven’t glassed very much.
  3. yotebuster

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    You guys really need to take a statistics class. A lot of of talk of lying on harvest reports here, but it’s in both directions, some of you saying that hunters are gonna lie to say they didn’t kill to push for more tags issued and some saying the opposite. If it’s a real issue and it’s actually happening, then one side of the other needs to be of statistical importance. Also how does a mandatory survey keep you from lying? I take them annually in Utah and NM when I’m lucky enough to draw and you could easily lie on either. To suggest that harvest surveys are the holy grail is missing a massive piece of the puzzle. They also have error in their population surveys, so you account for both errors in your statistics when you crunch the numbers. That’s how it works. The only other option would be to hire 50,000 people do drive every patch of cover while the helicopter hovers over to make sure they count EVERY deer. It’s impossible so you count what you can and you use historical data to calculate your true numbers. Same goes for hunter harvest. If they’re really so worried about this alleged rampant lying then they would have to have mandatory check in, and literally have them on every major road accessing areas. It’s simply not possible. They manage archery OTC opportunity based on rifle success in the unit. So with their current management plan, the success and numbers of OTC hunters is actually statistically unimportant regardless of how much it bunches y’all’s panties. The NR numbers are an obvious concern, and even as a NR I would agree with you guys on that going to draw, even if it’s only symbolic. HOWEVER, everything comes back to the numbers when it comes to wildlife management, and the fact of the matter is the 390 deer the NR OTC archers killed is statistically unimportant when spread across a big of an areas as the OTC units cover.
  4. yotebuster

    Past 5B tag holders

    Can you keep us updated? Big antelope are my fetish.
  5. yotebuster

    Free ammo read description

    I just came here to say that if this guy was loading .25-284 back then he was a certifiable bad a55
  6. yotebuster

    Dental Work

    What Houston lacks being a bad coues, elk and muley hunter, he makes up for in being a great dentist!
  7. yotebuster


    I loved my Kuhl pants. Thought I’d found my go to until those punks sent a truck load of outerwear to the terrorists at the DAPL protest and publicized the heck out of it. That being said. These are already bought and paid for so bump for a good deal!!
  8. yotebuster

    Dental Work

    I’m honestly curious how things work out. If you can get X-ray pics with your cell phone before and after as well as a pic of your treatment plan I’d love to see it out of curiosity. You can PM me if you don’t wanna plaster pics of your teeth on here! Hope it all works out and it’s seamless for you!
  9. yotebuster

    Blackhorn 209 black powder substitute

    Last stuff I bought this fall before any of the shortage was $39 a bottle. After tax it was $45. $60 isn’t gouging as I’m guessing that’s close to what it runs now. Smokeless powder has doubled in stores and quadrupled on gunbroker.
  10. yotebuster

    Cva paramount vs rem ult

    Just keep in mind that it won’t be legal for a lot of states as they have a .45 cal minimum in a lot of places.
  11. yotebuster

    Best sight for extending range

    I’ve got the trophy taker option 4. I like it. Has fixed pins I set at 20,30,40, then I leave the floater set for 50 when I’m in need of a quick shot (calling in elk or decoying antelope). You can fold the fixed pins out of the way and have the single floater if you want which is what I do when I have time to range and dial, like in a blind. With my short draw, high anchor point and heavy arrows I can get about 83 yards out of it which is further then I’m qualified to shoot at animals.
  12. yotebuster

    Audad hunt

    Giants! Congrats! You are always doing the coolest stuff.
  13. yotebuster

    Royal Slam Done!

    Good work Bob! You’ve been losing weight!
  14. yotebuster

    Crate of Ammo One Lot Not Breaking It Up!

    I’d buy this if I was local. 9mm, .40 and .223 are all selling for $1 each up here in the oil patch. The rest would be free!
  15. yotebuster

    Unknown Munitions 6.5 CM

    Are these good on elk at 1200 yards or not?
  16. yotebuster

    New 15s.... looking for some input

    The meiptas will be more expensive to own in the long run. You’ll be able to own the SLC HD’s for much cheaper as the resale will be so much better. It’s always made me wonder why guys buy that mid tier glass to save a few hundred only to have to essentially give them away in order to sell them.
  17. yotebuster

    Need Your Spots

  18. yotebuster

    Hello fellow hunters

  19. yotebuster

    Hello fellow hunters

    Haha. Was just gonna type that!
  20. yotebuster


    I’m getting ready to drop my leftover application for 23N early rifle in the mail. Should still be available if they haven’t run the draw yet.
  21. yotebuster

    Hello fellow hunters

    Hey Phil! You don’t have an aunt or a friends girlfriend or anything that works at the game and fish by chance do you? Maybe a tarot card reader or anyone who would know when they’re gonna run credit cards for elk and antelope?
  22. yotebuster

    Tick Tock

    I’m thinking a giant bracket with Rock Paper Scissors tournament. I’m thinking they’d be down to the sweet 16 by now.
  23. yotebuster

    The rumors are ture

    Every other state I put in for is that good or better.
  24. yotebuster

    Cva paramount or rem ult

    It’s a Williams WGRS with a Lyman globe. The key is the Lee shaver reticle. There’s a fine crosshair in there that is awesome. Way way way better then iron sights or fiber optic garbage.
  25. yotebuster

    Cva paramount or rem ult

    That person have any idea when they’re gonna run cards 😂 I hear you, there’s just always a way to be more effective. Here’s a pic of my CO muzzy antelope from this year. 250 yards with all CO legal. I’m good to 300 with it if the lighting is good.