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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Rainbow and Lake Trout..

    That’s Tempe town lake.... lake trout capital of AZ
  2. yotebuster

    rcbs charge master 1500 dropper and scale

    Sweet! Thanks! If I can’t get it dialed in I’ll just buy this one and run two wide!
  3. yotebuster

    rcbs charge master 1500 dropper and scale

    If you don’t mind me asking, what did you upgrade to? My only complaint with my charge master is it’s kinda slow (I timed mine and it’s right at 50 seconds with log powder on an 86 grain charge. Seems to take most of its time with the trickling). I’ve been debating upgrading but also though about just getting a second one so they could run side by side and speed things up a bit.
  4. yotebuster

    Unit 27 outfitter

    There’s some good bulls in the bighorns from what I’ve heard! Good luck. Having someone with know how is worth the points! I worked in Detroit lakes my first year out of school, couldn’t wait to get out of there!! You think ND is cold and gray in the winter, try spending a winter in MN!!!
  5. yotebuster

    Rainbow and Lake Trout..

    Wow! That’s a big laker for a small piece of water! Where was this?
  6. yotebuster

    Unit 27 outfitter

    Where you going? I’m one behind max. Missed one back in college one year and I’ve been regretting it ever since!
  7. yotebuster

    Unit 27 outfitter

    I don’t think people have ever sat down to do the math on some of the stuff they put in for. My current draw strategy is trying to work out and work on my mobility and range of motion. No joke. I’ve come to the conclusion that to draw a lot of the tags I started putting in for 10-15 years ago that I figured I’d draw in 20 years are all going to be 30-40 years out. Not because the supply will finally catch up with the demand, but simply because I will have to outlive all of the people in tiers around and above me and still be physically able to go on the hunt. It seems crazy but there will be people that die with 50-60 points for a lot of tags and never see them, myself included (god willing).
  8. yotebuster

    Lightweight (ultra light) Rifle Suggestions

    I’ve got a bergara premier mountain 2.0 in 6.5 Creedmoor I won in a raffle (the only way I’d ever own a creedmoor!) I’d sell you. I don’t think there’s a gayer caliber out there for true long range hunting like all the bros make it out to be, but I gotta admit it would be a great lightweight deer caliber, or kids elk and deer rifle.
  9. yotebuster

    Pray for me, my wife is already with god.

    So sorry to hear this. There really are no words for something like this. Stay strong and keep praying.
  10. yotebuster

    Bison reduction project

    6.5’s aren’t even legal bro.
  11. yotebuster

    1st muzzle loading shotgun tom

    Awesome! Always wanted to do that! Killed a few with a muzzle loading rifle but never a shotty! I’ve heard you can make loads that will outdo a regular shotgun.
  12. yotebuster

    Bison reduction project

    One is a hunt where you get to take possession of the animal. The other is just killing an animal and walking away. Big difference atleast for me.
  13. yotebuster

    Surgeon scalpel 308 nightforce shv

    What kind of stock is that?
  14. yotebuster

    Bison reduction project

    They did something similar up here in ND with the elk on Theodore Roosevelt national park. Except you couldn’t approach them and couldn’t collect any part of them. Just shoot them and walk away. They hired packers with helos and horses to pack them out and donated the meat. I wouldn’t want any part of that. If I got to keep a bison for meat I think I’d be down for something like this. That’s a cool way of doing it. Hope they get someone who is qualified and doesn’t ruin the name for everyone else. 3/5 in 4” at 100 in hardly a “qualified” shooter!
  15. yotebuster

    Winchester model 100 .308

    I’ve picked up a few over the years in shooter shape for $350-450. The pre64 bring more money, .243, 284 and 358 bring more money to way way more money respectively. Carbines bring more as well. Cool guns. Dad has killed a pile of critters with his .284 pre 64. It actually shoots about 1.5” at 100 too.
  16. yotebuster

    My WILD 12AW Late Hunt Trip

    Bob, you need to have teeth left for them to age you.
  17. yotebuster

    Vegan billboard near you!

  18. yotebuster

    Thoughts on High fence hunts

    My dad and I raised whitetails when I was growing up. It was really fun and I learned a ton about deer in those years. Our end market was shooting farms, we didn’t allow it in our place but that’s where they ended up. I don’t hold anything against people that make their living that way or people that want to do that for fun. I shot a red stag in NZ and it was on a high fence (all the stag hunts are if they’re anything bigger then a raghorn, if anyone tells you different they’re full of it) it wasn’t my cup of tea and I won’t do it again, but that’s my opinion only. A lot of the other guys hunting there were amazed by all of the game and had the time of their life. That’s their choice and their experience and that’s none of my business to get involved in.
  19. yotebuster

    Ride Now

    I thought all vehicle salesmen were required to refer to their customer as “boss” or “bossman”.
  20. yotebuster

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Good luck man.
  21. yotebuster

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Sorry just saw this. Thanks for asking! My weird taste stuff is almost all back to normal except I noticed my moms prime rib which is my favorite meal ever smelled like piss over Easter dinner. I didn’t wanna say anything and offend her so I asked my wife on the drive home if the prime rib tasted different to her and she said it was excellent. That sucks as it’s like my second favorite thing to eat! As far as my lungs go they are getting better. I had heard that you can damage lungs and they’ll essentially grow elsewhere to recover so I dunno if that’s what’s happening or what, it’s been slow going but I’ve been riding stationary bike since it’s been cold here up until recently and now hiking our hills behind our house nightly and it’s getting better. I’m getting some asthma like symptoms occasionally that I didn’t have before the rona so I keep an inhaler in my pickup in case that gets worse but so far so good. I’m hoping I can be back to normal by elk season this year and hopefully improve my fitness after that from where I was as I’ve got a NWT trip planned in aug 2022.
  22. My first 4 took a year and a half. Hoping for shorter on my next one since my trust is set up but no idea really.
  23. yotebuster

    2015 Maserati Ghibli

    The only one around our little town in ND has personalized plates that say “DOES185”.