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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    27 South 28 North Rocky Tag

    I had it for first choice!! I’d probably come here first looking for some help but know my limits when it comes to figuring shoot out. I’ve put over 1000 miles on my pickup the last two weekends moose scouting up here so I don’t mind doing the work when logistics allow that’s for sure. Trying to get from BFE North Dakota to Morenci isn’t the easiest thing to do every weekend though!
  2. yotebuster

    27 South 28 North Rocky Tag

    That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. I sometimes draw bow tags and hunt with a bow. I sometimes duck hunt. Sometimes I draw incredible tags 4 states away and hire a guide. Sometimes I draw tags 4 states away and don’t hire a guide. I have hunted several places where I legally HAD to hire a guide. Does that mean I need to hire a guide when I hunt in my back yard for whitetails for the rest of my life???
  3. yotebuster

    27 South 28 North Rocky Tag

    If I lived there I would figure that hunt out myself, which is exactly what I did when I lived in AZ and had an antelope and elk tag. When you’re 1500 miles away it’s often cheaper to hire a guide then to travel to scout. I have a once in a lifetime moose tag here in ND this year (on par with a sheep tag in AZ) and I’m doing that on my own and would never even consider the alternative. If I had a 27/28 sheep tag I’d be all over hiring some help.
  4. yotebuster

    27 South 28 North Rocky Tag

    As a fellow North Dakotan, I would hire a guide. As much as I love DIY stuff this tag is that incredible and it’s tough to cover the country you need to in there from 1500 miles away.
  5. yotebuster

    Anyone have a Raptor?

    Get one with an ecoboost. 3.5L ecoboost is fast becoming the best gas motor Ford ever built. Mine goes like scalded cat.
  6. yotebuster

    Out of stater with a few questions

    Instead you’d be hunting 4 acres 😂. I’ll take 4 peaks anyday!
  7. yotebuster

    Out of stater with a few questions

    You don’t wanna hunt deer in GA.
  8. yotebuster

    Blackhorn 209 at Sportsmans

    Dang. Says kn stock but then won’t let me check out as it says out of stock there.
  9. yotebuster

    Bino Pouch Recommendations

    Anyone running the new EL ranges in a medium marsupial? I’ve had a AGC for a decade or more and used it with a half dozen different pairs but it’s a little too tight with me new EL ranges due to the beer belly on the bottom of the barrels so I’m looking to change.
  10. yotebuster

    Miss me Bitches

    I only clicked on this because I thought it was BC777 or Naturegirl.
  11. yotebuster

    Need help with muzzleloader

    Get one with atleast a 209 primer ignition. Use blackhorn 209. It’s hard to find right now but it’s worth looking for. It’s oil based so you clean up with hoppes no 9. Pyrodex and 777 were designed to be cleaned with water back in the old days before removable breach plugs. They’ve stuck to their guns with it because they’ve marketed it so heavy they can’t give up on it. Problem with water based powder is they take on water from humidity in the air. The powder is really touchy if it’s not sealed anymore and the residue takes moisture out of the air and makes consistency very tough. Anyone who’s shot 777 will tell you how good their rifle groups but then when the take it out again itlll shoot different. Different yet again when it’s been in and out of a hot or cold car or tent and back into the field. Long story short, it’s garbage so just get some blackhorn 209 and use that.
  12. Wow! Didn’t know anyone still shot percussion guns unless they had to. These have quite a following in Idaho though as they have an exposed cap which makes them legal.
  13. yotebuster

    SOLD please delete.

    Bump with lower price $1475 shipped
  14. yotebuster

    Swarovski 95mm obj for ATX/STX $1650 shipped

    Bump with lower price $1650 shipped.
  15. yotebuster

    Looking for a docter

    Don’t mess this up man, the dude wants to air mail one in from 140yd with a xbow. I can’t say I don’t wish I could do the same!
  16. yotebuster

    2021-22 governor's bear tag

    Thanks for buying it! I’m no help but excited to see how it goes!
  17. yotebuster

    Sheep charges

    I’ve got the 95mm obj for sale here. Save yourself $400 on that part atleast! Or I’ll trade you for your sheep tag. I’ll even throw in a 2020 F150!!
  18. You have to buy a license to apply in pretty much every state in the west. It has more to do with Pittman Robertson money allocation then anything. That’s why most states have you buy a combo hunting/fishing license as they get to count it twice. Doesn’t have anything to do with USO. Maybe did back in the day but every state has caught onto the game and that’s what they do now. I’m currently licensed to hunt in: AZ, NM, UT, NV, CO, MT, OR, ID and ND because of this. I don’t mind paying the fees if they’re going directly to game and fish vs into a states general fund.
  19. yotebuster

    Wyoming help needed

    Congrats on the tag. Keep me in the loop on how that goes. Do you have to apply for access to all thay oil and gas checkerboard stuff? I hunted 61 a few years back and just slept in the truck on the BLM.
  20. It’s better then NY in the spring and summer too.
  21. Are they even around anymore? I hear a lot about outfitters but nothing about them in years.
  22. I spend thousands of dollars every year on non refundable applications across the west as a NR. That’s just part of the game, you gotta pay to play. I read and understand the rules and try to make them work for me rather then against. I’ve drawn a dozen or so really GOOD tags that would have all cost me $5,000-$100,000 if I had to go out and buy them at an auction so I don’t count it as a loss at all. The money goes to fund wildlife (even though I don’t agree with a lot of what G&F offices do with it that is what it is) so I’m ok with it. If they don’t want to eat a NR license fee then there’s always deer hunting in the Catskills.
  23. yotebuster

    Swarovski 95mm obj for ATX/STX $1650 shipped

    I would have one if they made a set that were straight. I just can’t get on the angled train! I glass from the truck way to much up here in ND. That’s why I wanna drop to a 85mm. This thing cracked my side window on my pickup last fall glassing for deer!
  24. Used these for one year. They have an outdoorsman stud on them. They’re the best ballistic calculating RF binos out there that I’m aware of. A couple smudges on the rubber armor but glass is perfect. Comes with box and whatever came in it. $2475 shipped. PayPal gift or you pay fee on it. Thanks!