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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    .284 175gr Swift A-frame bullets WANTED

    Thanks! Appreciate the help! I’ve got some 175 partitions that shoot similar that I can use if necessary and will load some up as a backup in the meantime. Thanks!
  2. yotebuster

    .284 175gr Swift A-frame bullets WANTED

    Thanks. They’re in Canada and won’t ship to USA.
  3. yotebuster

    Elk Arrows. KE/Momentum

    I was an archery tech in a pro shop for 3 years. Never said bows can’t be tuned that well. People can’t be tuned that well.
  4. yotebuster

    Massive Utah buck

    Texas heart shot! Drought years are good ones to go after cactus bucks I guess!
  5. yotebuster

    Fast-paced 2021 NM Pronghorn Hunt

    Very cool! I look forward to the story of this hunt on here every year!
  6. yotebuster

    My WILD 12AW Late Hunt Trip

    Stud buck and great mount as usual from Clay!
  7. yotebuster

    Need Help for bull elk tag in 27

  8. yotebuster

    Ban on Russian guns and ammo

    Trump is the only president in recent history to do an all out “turn it over to the govt” ban on a gun part when he banned bump stocks. Not a ban on production, not a ban on import. A true, you are a felon if you don’t comply ban. This Russian ammo import ban was in the works during his presidency. It doesn’t have anything to do with sides. If you think that 45 was any more your friend then 46 you are wrong.
  9. yotebuster

    Elk Arrows. KE/Momentum

    I agree in theory but not in practice. The level of tune you need to throw those big long broadheads straight is beyond what most people’s shooting ability. I shoot a 500 grain arrow but my groups open up substantially with any fixed head ive tried, especially in wind. I don’t buy the whole single bevel “breaking” bone thing and I absolutely don’t want front end steering on my arrow (which is what a single bevel does). I think Ashby’s research is so focused on shooting African crap at 12 yards on a hay pile they forget that you also need to be able to hit things at reasonable hunting distances. I would agree that my bow would kill best with a 325gr single bevel head and a 800 gr areow at 15 yards, but if I’ve got that shot, it will do just fine with my 500 gr VAP and a rage.
  10. yotebuster

    Drew Unit 42 New Mexico- NOW what lol?

    Pretty positive those are eastern whitetails just FYI.
  11. yotebuster

    2021 19A Rifle Tag

    With a rifle I’d hunt the Fain if you can still hunt that. That’s hard stuff to hunt with a bow so a few might get by in there. Don’t get your heart set on a buck just yet as the bow hunts and muzzy hunters will mop up most of the really good bucks so you’ll wanna keep a close eye on one toward end of muzzy season and kill him right away on opener.
  12. yotebuster

    Super Raffle Bull

    Is that last years raffle or this current one that just won? I’d fallow that tag till next year if it was mine.
  13. Like new, never been outside, only used for window mount a few scouting trips. Too heavy for what I’m doing. $1650 shipped or trade for an 85mm in new or near new shape with a little cash on your end. Retails for $2099. Comes with box and caps.
  14. yotebuster

    Swarovski 95mm obj for ATX/STX $1650 shipped

    Sold it to a buddy here in ND who just bought a BTX. Good luck this fall to everyone!
  15. yotebuster

    Buffalo & Elk mounts 4- sale

  16. yotebuster

    Swarovski 95mm obj for ATX/STX $1650 shipped

    I’ve got a 65mm already! I think it’s as good as sold. Just haven’t met up with the guy yet. Can’t remember if this is Dave or Dan but good luck to you guys with the hunts this fall!!
  17. yotebuster

    RL 26 8 lbs unopened

    Great deal. Wish I could get some of that up here in ND!! Scored some N568 the other day. Didn’t think I’d see that for years!!
  18. yotebuster

    Swarovski 95mm obj for ATX/STX $1650 shipped

    I think I’ve got this sold. Thanks!
  19. yotebuster

    Good News

    Huntin season is almost here!
  20. It’s not the .45 cal that makes them shine. It’s ditching the sabot. You shoot the same bullet just no sabot. Getting consistent long range accuracy day to day and in a variety of conditions with a sabot is tricky at best.
  21. yotebuster

    Northern lakes fishing— caught a beast

    Awesome fish!! A 30” walleye is gonna run between 8.5-11# depending on how fat it is. That one is probably 9-10 I’d say. Still a giant for a little lake like that! Very cool!
  22. yotebuster

    Anyone have a Raptor?

    I was expecting Walker Texas Ranger to step out of that f’er. That pickup needs to stay in Texas where it belongs.
  23. yotebuster

    Wyoming Draw and Hunter safety card

    Lots of states are offering online classes right now due to covid. Get on and grab one and call it good.
  24. yotebuster

    AZBGSR 2021 Winners

    I would be real surprised if he isn’t buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth. 5000 tickets at $20 is $100k. It would honestly be cheaper to buy a ton of tickets then pay the $300k+ for the auction tag.
  25. yotebuster


    For real? He just posted on here a couple days ago about being back from a trip or something?