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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Draw Results

    Been so long since I had a credit card hit I don’t remember how it even works and when the results come out. What has it been in the last few years?
  2. yotebuster

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    That requires time and proximity. I drew a great NV deer tag a few years back and hired a guide and had an incredible hunt. It was a once in a lifetime tag and I shot a once in 100 lifetimes buck. It was a pre rut hunt and those require hundreds of hours to do right and there’s no way I could have done that being 1500 miles away. A year before that I drew a once in a lifetime mountain goat tag. That one was 5 hours from home so I made it happen and scouted it myself and killed a B&C Billy. Do I look at either hunt differently? Maybe. I enjoyed the heck out of both of them, one with family and one I met some new friends that I keep in contact with to this day. Last year I got a once in a lifetime moose tag in my home state. Ended up killing a great bull about 5 min from my house. Didn’t even consider a guide for that hunt. This year I just found out I drew a real good AZ tag. I’m 1200 miles away, I will be hiring a guide for this one too. I may only get one or two more of them in my lifetime so I’m gonna make the most of it. Am I less of a hunter then you? Maybe in your eyes I am. If I had to wager a guess you haven’t killed much stuff real far from home though and that’s one of the things I enjoy the most about my hunting career.
  3. yotebuster

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    I’m not sure which I find harder to believe. That Bob drew a early rifle tag with 3-4 points or that he’s got a girlfriend. Good work on all accounts Bob.
  4. yotebuster

    Unit Breakdown

    Gotta say “forbee”. Keep the internet searches down. I guess if they just search “best unit in AZ” all 4b posts will come up anyhow.
  5. yotebuster

    Going elk hunting

    Congrats! I’ve hunted all around that place and always looked up there and wanted to be up there. Especially in September with a muzzleloader!!
  6. yotebuster

    Guide Recommendation

    dang. I woulda guessed that woulda done if for you. I hate to rub salt on an open wound but I got a CC charge yesterday morning. Wasnt expecting it so I’m that guy this time.
  7. yotebuster

    Guide Recommendation

    You end up drawing your early archery tag in the best unit in the state? Forbee?
  8. yotebuster

    End of hunting season in 36A until the Fall.

    Sounds like he lives and ranches there. Maybe he’s on drugs too, who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. yotebuster

    Assorted powder SOLD

    I came here to memedrop that. Thank you for saving me the effort!
  10. yotebuster

    Sunlight calculator!!!

    We used that calculator for something different back in high school….
  11. yotebuster

    Elk Muzzle Hunt Suggestions

    My take on elk has always been the opposite. If you put a hole in their lungs and they tip over they won’t get back up. Seems like a deer can get an adrenaline rush and they’re so light they can pop up and cover ground. Elk have nice big lungs and if you drop the wind out of them they usually tip over quick. They’ve got a whole lot more hide, muscle and bone in the way depending on your angle.
  12. yotebuster


    Great buy. Shouldn’t last long!
  13. yotebuster

    Elk Muzzle Hunt Suggestions

    I’ll try to work my way through them. Let me know if I miss any. You are correct. Some will draw in the random pool. You get one point per year if not drawing. So statistically someone with 10 points is 10x more likely to draw then you with zero. While you can get lucky, there are VERY limited tags for September firearms hunts so the supply is tiny and the demand huge. The rough odds (apps vs tags is in the back of the book) I would say sheep tags are hardest followed VERY closely by September firearms elk hunts and firearm antelope hunts then strip deer and late kaibab deer tags. All of these you can expect 20+ Points right now but they creep up about a point a year so it’s very realistic that all the aforementioned tags will take 30-50 points in the future. Essentially people need to die in order for the demand to fall. Group apps are averaged. If you have 2 and your buddy 4 then your app goes in as a single app with 3 points. So it betters one guy and hurts the other. Kids are same story.
  14. yotebuster

    Elk Muzzle Hunt Suggestions

    I’d get the tag then worry about the hunt. If you’re just starting out you’re probably about 30-35 years out for an early muzzy tag at the rate things are inflating.
  15. yotebuster

    Tessa's White Sands Oryx

    Great work as usual!! I wanna be like Tessa when I grow up.
  16. yotebuster

    Any electricians on here?

    Check the powerlines……..
  17. yotebuster

    Elk draw screw up

    My cousin has a friend who works at the game and fish and she said they are switching some stuff around with the draw this year and it won’t be out until mid May.
  18. yotebuster

    Camp Navajo

    I hunted the October cow hunt right after that. Unreal seeing those big ponderosas uprooted and tossed about. Root balls on them as big as a bus!!
  19. yotebuster

    Unit 22 bull elk tags 1,300 some perspective

    Just be glad AZ has picked some units for opportunity and left some for trophy areas. It’s a great blend. I can promise you your chance of shooting a 6pt bull in 22 is SIGNIFICANTLY better then nearly all units in Colorado, Montana, or Utah. In a vast majority of the elk hunting world, a raghorn is a trophy and hunting all week in the rut might yield getting to hear a few bugles. I’ve spent a little time in 22 in the rut and it was a shoot show of rutting activity. Maybe not on par with 1, 3, 9,10, 23, or 27 but still a world class elk hunting experience that you can’t get in most of the country.
  20. yotebuster

    Best unit for 2022 with 23 points resident

    He’ll draw whichever allows it in the bonus pass.
  21. yotebuster

    Looking for a coin flip

    There any powerlines?
  22. yotebuster

    Swarovski NL Pure 12x42

    They’re $3199 and that’s MAP pricing so unless you’re getting some kind of pro staff discount that’s what they cost. Add in another $200-300 for sales tax and someone can save $400-500 with these. I know I wouldn’t sell mine for $3k.
  23. yotebuster

    Garmin Xero X1i crossbow scope price drop $1000.00

    Yeah they won’t even let me fill a rifle tag with a crossbow here in ND. You can fill it with any lesser weapon (bow, muzzy etc) except a crossbow. I’m trying to burn my elk points in WY and could use a crossbow but that probably doesn’t justify a $2500 crossbow and $1000 scope.
  24. yotebuster

    How big is he?

    Nice mature buck. Honestly looks like a 3x3 with a top fork on the one side and front fork on the other side. His beams look super super short, either broke or just that way. Not a buck to shoot and have expectations of scoring anything but definitely a shooter in OTC archery! I’d say he’ll have a real hard time clearing 140 and is probably in the mid to low 130’s. He’s probably the biggest looking 130-140” muley I’ve ever seen though.
  25. yotebuster

    Garmin Xero X1i crossbow scope price drop $1000.00

    I have essentially no use for this thing but am still intrigued by it and feel like I should buy a crossbow just to put it on.