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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    What is the highest velocity caliber?

    Don’t shoot ‘em in the meat.
  2. I find it funny how guys on hunting threads are constantly complaining about how the state is “all about the money” and all they care about is selling tags until the do something about it, then the sky is falling.
  3. yotebuster

    Mc davis. SCAMMER?

    I had one when I was selling a scope the other day. Should we report these guys? Does it do any good? I usually just shrug em off I guess.
  4. This is a like new scope. Came on a rifle my dad bought and I’m not fond of 6.5x as the lowest power so we swapped it out. Second Focal Plane. These retail for $999 plus what you’ll pay Uncle Sam. Excellent shape. Looks brand new, glass is perfect. $650 shipped, insurance is extra if desired. PayPal gift or cleared check.
  5. yotebuster

    What is the highest velocity caliber?

    There was a guy on the hammer bullets FB group that broke 5000fps with some kinda .17 cal wildcat with like 20gr copper bullets.
  6. This thing has been hunted with so it’s not perfect. Has been in the back of my gun case for a decade and figured someone could use it. Duplex reticle. This thing was the cats meow back in the day when I first bought it. If I remember right it was $600-700 new. If I had bought bitcoin with that money instead I could buy the Big Bo Ranch but instead I bought this scope and shot coyotes and jackrabbits with it. Those sweet Butler Creeks caps come with it. Those were the old ones that were legit plastic and didn’t break off the first time you layed it on the truck seat with them open. $150 shipped
  7. yotebuster

    The Oscar’s

  8. yotebuster

    28 nolser load data

    I’ve got some but it’s up here in ND. It’s one of the fastest powders in a 28 nosler but I’ve heard it’s pretty unstable in extreme temps. I haven’t tested it enough to say either way I guess.
  9. yotebuster

    Nikon Monarch 6.5-20 $150 shipped SOLD

    😂. That’s the best response to a classified I’ve ever gotten! SPF to levers!! Wish I was closer as I know you’ve got something cool sitting in your gun case you are thinking about selling and I could trade toward it!
  10. yotebuster

    28 nolser load data

    My old .28 nosler shot great with 195 bergers at 3130 over 86.5 gr RL33. That was a pretty stout load but killed everything I pointed it at.
  11. yotebuster

    Scheels coming to Chandler!!

    I just saw a press release on Facebook they are building a new store in Chandler. I worked in their flagship store in Fargo ND through college. Very well run, they invest in their employees, even part timers to make sure they know their products.
  12. yotebuster

    Scheels coming to Chandler!!

    They may make that into a soft goods only store (clothes and workout stuff etc). Maybe just to get their foot in the door down there.
  13. Bought this pair new in September 2021 at my local sporting goods store. Almost $4000 with tax. Used them for a few hunts this season is all. This is the latest greatest with the ballistic data and tracking assistant. These things truly are next level. First rangefinding binos I can glass with all day without them giving me a headache (I’ve had geovids and the Zeiss RF). They’re right in there with NL pures and significantly better then my EL’s. Comes with box and all the stuff as well as unfilled out warranty card. Glass is flawless. $3150 TYD. Insurance is extra. PayPal gift or cleared check. Thanks!
  14. yotebuster

    Sold…Reduced Price…Ruger 10/22 Deluxe

    Wow. Great deal. I’d be on this if it wasn’t 1500 miles from home!
  15. yotebuster

    Swarovski 10x42 EL Range TA $3150 TYD PRICE DROP

    One last bump and price drop before these go to EBay. $3150
  16. yotebuster

    What is the highest velocity caliber?

    Even faster uphill.
  17. yotebuster

    Rossislider is a liar and coward

    If it’s driving around with a spotlight and a 30 rack of pounders I already know that trick. If it’s better then that I’m all ears.
  18. yotebuster

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    Anybody ever mess with the 220 BTHP to get them to expand more? I’ve wondered if I could cut the tips off or something? Might make them supersonic I guess if I lighten them up to much.
  19. yotebuster

    Rossislider is a liar and coward

    Am I the only one that wants to know what the “troubling and unethical” assistance was?!? Might need to add that to my bag of tricks and I don’t even know what it is!!!
  20. yotebuster

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    Yeah my blackout is technically a SBR with a pinned on suppressor to make it legal so I can’t take it off. I was really disappointed in the killing ability of those 220’d. Hornady makes some 190gr that are supposed to be designed to expand at low velocity but they’re impossible to find anymore. I have about 30 left but all it takes is a family of coons to run across the road in front of me at the farm and all 30 of those will be empty!!
  21. yotebuster

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    I bought some factory loads for mine with 110gr Vmax in them and forgot how freakin load a supersonic is!! I mostly use my blackout as a truck gun for skunks and coons and found I had to shoot them 3-5 times with the 220gr subsonic HP’s and they were just penciling right through so I figured going supersonic and lighter would pin em down quicker but they’re borderline too loud to shoot without hearing protection so now I’m reconsidering.
  22. yotebuster

    Which bullet?

    I’ve got similar dilemma except I’m loading for a 7mm Sherman Max. I plan to shoot 160 bulldozers, 177 hammer hunters 172 absolute hammers and 195 bergers. I’ve killed a pile of stuff with the bergers but headed to NWT this fall and a moose is on the list. Would like something that’ll hold up better but will go with what shoots best once I run em all.
  23. yotebuster

    Swarovski 10x42 EL Range TA $3150 TYD PRICE DROP

    Bump with price drop