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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Deer/Sheep Regs

    That’s fantastic! We can use their money!
  2. yotebuster

    Pointguard Plus

    Maybe I misread it but I read it as you can use it three years in a row, example, grandma Lucille helps Little Timmy average up to a 4b archery elk tag with her 25 points in 2022, surrenders the tag, then does it again in 2023 and 2024. I really hope I read that wrong as that is my one and only beef with point guard and point averaging for that matter
  3. yotebuster

    Taxidermist: Friend or Foe?

    I’ve only met 2 taxidermists in my life that “should” be operating a business. Being able to do the work is the easy part, anyone who’s run a business knows that the hard part is the business end of it. Taxidermy seems to draw a special crowd of folks who are exceptionally terrible at business.
  4. yotebuster

    Taxidermist: Friend or Foe?

    Your bad experience with a taxidermist is a breeze compared to the two bad ones I’ve had!!! I’m a little more patient but in both cases I ended up out my deposit and happy to have my not even started heads back 3 and 4 years later respectively. Never again will I get any work done anywhere other then my guy here in town.
  5. yotebuster

    Electric F150

    😂. To be clear I just said to not count on it as it would probably rain on and off their entire hunt. I just have shitty luck with water I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️
  6. yotebuster

    RL26 for trade for H1000 in Tucson

    Can I buy some from you 🤦‍♂️
  7. yotebuster

    Electric F150

    I agree with keeping things on topic and my comment wasn’t. I do appreciate the report on the post. If we’re drawing crappy parallels it’s also good to know on here who would report who to the authorities just to be a petty A hole. Keep up the good work comrade!
  8. yotebuster

    Electric F150

    I deleted it so hopefully your day will get better from here on out.
  9. yotebuster

    Electric F150

    Deleted so I don’t hurt Curtis’ feelings.
  10. yotebuster

    Electric F150

    I agree. There’s a lot of kinks to iron out, and I don’t think they are any more “green” then a diesel, but I like the idea of an electric pickup. I wish someone made a decent LiION utv. I need something with about a 80-100 mile range and a cab. I like the quiet of them and the simplicity. Hate having more engines around as there’s always problems with them.
  11. yotebuster

    3a3c porn. Score the bulls

    That’s an awesome video. I’d say the 6 is a solid 350-355 bull. The other one wouldn’t score much over 310-320 but is rad. Did your buddy shoot a good one?
  12. yotebuster

    Geology Help

  13. yotebuster

    23 North Early Archery

    If a person goes guided do they not need to be in great shape to get to said big bulls?
  14. So I lucked out and drew a sheep tag in CO. Looks to be a ball buster of a hunt. I currently run a Sirui with a fluid gitzo head. It’s actually pretty light but haven’t weighed it. To cut down on weight a bit I was thinking I could get by with a tripod that’s only 35-45” extended and just always glass sitting down (I mostly do anyway but my current tripod allows me to glass standing). I’ve got an angled spotter so that should get me down even more. Any thoughts on the best and lightest sit down size tripod?
  15. yotebuster

    New Mexico draw

    Thanks! Still can’t quite believe it!
  16. yotebuster

    New Mexico draw

    All red for me but I just found out yesterday I drew a Rocky tag in CO so I ain’t complaining!!!!
  17. yotebuster

    Trijicon Credo vs Nightforce SHV

    I’ve got a Zeiss duralyt 3-12x50 30mm I’d maybe consider selling. They don’t make them anymore, it’s one of the good German made ones.
  18. yotebuster

    Leupold Problem..Maybe

    I’ve had several VX6, 3 and old 2’s. Wouldn’t trust any one of them to dial over and over. Had two Vx6’s that were the worst. For what they get for them now they sure don’t have my faith in them. If I was to hunt with a leupold it would be hold over only personally.
  19. yotebuster

    Viht N568

    Good price! I see more of this for sale out there then 565 or 570. Wish they’d stick to making the older stuff first!
  20. yotebuster

    Mesa Elk Banquet and Auction

    If you’ve ever hunted on a reservation, you’ll know why it brings less money 🙂
  21. yotebuster

    Mesa Elk Banquet and Auction

    The real high dollar tags are always bought by phone bidders. So you aren’t gonna see them at the auctions.
  22. yotebuster

    Mesa Elk Banquet and Auction

    I’ve been around several auction tags in my life, and never was there a preset price, they were always a true auction and the willing bidders set the price. Usually higher then anyone anticipated.
  23. yotebuster

    2021 Northstar Ranger *SOLD*

    Daaaaayyyyaaaaammmm! I need one of those up here in ND. It’s either -10 or 100 above here.
  24. yotebuster

    The outdoorsmans

    Most unusual coincidence ever. I’m down in the valley seeing family and my brother and I sobered up enough to run up there today. About a 30 min drive from our VRBO and didn’t bother to look to see if they were open. Well they weren’t. That one was on me though for not looking. Google said closed when I pulled it up in their parking lot at 1500. Probably a good thing as I’m sure it saved me $1000
  25. yotebuster

    7 day backcountry elk hunt

    This wins the internet. Not just today but all time #1. You ain’t #backcountry #diy #otc #keephammerin unless you’ve hiked atleast double digits and slept in your #kifaru while eating your #mountainopps and “slid one between the ribs” on a giant “toad” of a bull and packed him out yourself. You know what they say, go in light and come out heavy. I can pack atleast 350# of meat in my 33,000 cu in pack.