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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    winchester pre 64

    I missed out on a Pre-64 in .264 mag last year, drug my feet for a day and it sold, they wanted 900 for it, it was just a shooter, had a different pad on it and had been reblued, but I'd love a classic gun in a classic caliber like that, throw an old bausch and lomb on that bad boy and kill stuff with it!!! I have a new model with the pre-64 extractor in it in 7 STW thats scary accurate, got it for my 12th birthday, its killed 41 deer, 1 elk, 1 moose, god knows how many coyotes, and even a partidge in a pear tree. (wasn't much left of him, so I ate a pear instead....)
  2. yotebuster

    ND Whitetail...Not a coues, sorry.

    I figured you guys would wanna see it!!! Didn't wanna go over board right off the bat!! We found this guy this summer, you could set your watch by him, I knew he was gonna kill him opening night, I had to move down to glendale 3 days before opener!! Talk about anxiety! The other buck is one I shot a few years ago about 3 miles from where he got his, the resemblance is uncanny, theres even a bump on the mainbeam of his where the little drop tine is on mine. They were both 4 year olds when killed, so I think mine musta done a little breeding the year before I killed him. Oh, you'll have to bear with my buddy, he takes horrible pictures!!! Spend 200 hours scouting, then he can't take an extra 5 minutes to take a tasteful pic!!! We got one other dudes sheds from last year that scored high 160's as a 3 1/2 year old, couldn't find him this summer, but I have a gun tag back home thats gonna get wrapped around his antler over thanksgiving break!!! Fingers crossed...
  3. yotebuster

    Precautions in southern units

    Holy crap, now you got this north dakota boy all worked up!!! I've never had to worry about anything while hunting except maybe a lion, which I secretly kind of hope to find!!! I hadn't planned on hunting any of those southern units, but it looks like draw odds are far better down that way. I may have to look into it, I took spanish in 7th grade, but I think my Glock 10mm would be a better translator!!