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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    NM Elk Hunt/VIDEO

    What unit? Headed out there for first muzzleloader hunt. PM me if you don't want to share it on the WWW. NM can be tough, I've always found that the elk rut is way more predictable and strong in AZ, at least compared to the part of NM I hunt.
  2. yotebuster

    Best guess at score

    I think everyone is short changing you, I'd say 335-340. "Short Beams"? If there's one thing he has it's beam length in my opinion.
  3. yotebuster

    400" 4B Bull Down

    I think I have pics of that bull from last year
  4. yotebuster

    unit 15a,15b,18a late cow hunt

    Did you get an antelope Shrek? Did you use that decoy at all?
  5. I shot six of them this weekend in ND
  6. yotebuster

    Nm ibex hunt

    Good luck! I've got the Feb muzzleloader hunt this year! I wanna see some pics!!!!
  7. yotebuster

    3 days in Unit 27

    They'll be long done by thursday
  8. yotebuster

    Verde valley otc?

    I would look into colorado OTC hunts or a landowner cow tag in NM, they can be had for a couple hundred bucks. You'll spend more in gas going back in forth up to the verde valley multiple times then it'll take to just drive out to NM and smoke a cow. That being said, they do kill a few elk on those hunts, but I think it's a tough hunt.
  9. yotebuster

    Looking for a new tripod? These are great!!

    I really like a tripod with locking levers on the legs instead of the twist deals, always seems like I'm in such a hurry when I take it down I guess!
  10. 310-325? I'm probably off, just wanted to wager a guess and see if I'm at all close, I love "guess the score" games!!!! Looks like a young bull to me with sweet tops, gonna be a toad a couple years!!
  11. yotebuster

    rem700 titanium fs

    ugh.... to late again!!!!!
  12. yotebuster

    Any one worred about all the rain

    I actually prefer a "wet opener"
  13. yotebuster

    Pool Service NW Valley

    I may be looking for someone to do the pool service on my house (rented out) in North Glendale (59th/Bell roughly). I took care of it while I lived there and when I moved and rented it out I got a guy to take care of it for me and his work is starting to slide. PM me if you do this kinda work, always like to find someone on here first if possible! Thanks
  14. I thought everything had to be R-134a?
  15. yotebuster


    Make sure you test it out first. I was very unhappy with how wide angle the lense is. It's made for videoing things that don't require detail at a distance. Better then nothing of course, but it'll hard to even see an elk on it at over 30 or 40 yards. I would do the head mount if I were to use one though.
  16. Here's a link. http://www.dtechuppers.com/ar-15-wssm-upper-receivers.html
  17. I would go with a 243 WSSM or 25 WSSM. Enough KE for deer easily and way better long range varmint round. Dtech rifles in MN made mine. It's sweet.
  18. yotebuster

    Duplicate Tags

    Didn't this happen during the spring draw too??? I will take an extra 13A or B tag if anyone has one
  19. yotebuster

    Use of a freezer in sept Show Low/Heber area

    Thanks for your comment LEE. I thought this thread was just fine until you piped up. I've had a LOT of critters down in Aug, Sept. I also was in dental school when I shot my bull last year, on the last morning, I literally had to unload my camping gear to get the quarters in the truck as I was on my way out of there that day. I was just speaking of my experience with a certain processor that just so happens to be on the edge of 3C that will hang a bull for you for a fee. Dead elk does not = processing fee, you actually can cut it yourself, even if you use Millers, that's what I was trying to tell them in this thread. You would think a mountain man like yourself would know how to cut up an elk? Thanks again for your input.
  20. yotebuster

    Use of a freezer in sept Show Low/Heber area

    There's an outfit out of queen creek that sets up a refridgerated trailer in Forest Lakes. Last year I had them do my elk, they did an excellent job, I would highly recommend them. If I remember right it's Millers Southwestern Processing. They had a fee for hanging quarters in their fridge truck and you just pick them up down in Queen Creek at the end of the season and you can process them yourself. I shot mine in the morning and it was 10 am by the time I got it loaded, the only thing I wasn't happy with was the kid running the set up had just learned to skin, I think my elk was his third. It was 81 degrees out and I wanted it in the trailer asap, so I skinned it myself using their hoist, he was really a nice kid, just didn't have enough experience to get it skinned quickly.
  21. yotebuster

    Pistol grip

    4th the outdoorsmans... don't buy anything else.... don't do it.... just don't.
  22. yotebuster

    Dodge Ram 5.9L 360 Manifold Problems

    I think you answered your own question, you did say it was a Dodge didn't you???
  23. yotebuster

    15A / 15B Buck

  24. yotebuster

    Blinds and Scent

    They can smell better then a whitetail in my opinion. I also think it would help to get your blind up ahead of time. I had your tag a couple years ago. I had 3 bucks running together and on opening morning the two small ones came in to 20 yards and watered, but the big one stayed at 83 yards the whole time, bedded down at that distance for 3 hours, then got up and walked over the hill out of my life forever. I would've shot but I thought for sure when he got up he'd water as it was hot as HECK! (you'll see!). He ended up getting killed by a muzzy hunter and scored 87". It rained 3.5" the next morning, so I was stuck with spot and stalk the rest of the hunt, ended up with a 79 6/8" buck (in my avatar). Fun hunt, but they will wind you, and they can be scared of blinds, if you have no choice, then get after em.