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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    If you were looking for a 300" bull...

    Looks like last year it took 12 to be in the bonus pass. So they are 3 years out assuming no point creep. It seems to have crept about a point a year the last few years so I’m gonna say they’re closer to 5-6 years out.
  2. yotebuster

    If you were looking for a 300" bull...

    You can kill a 300” bull in any unit in the state in either hunt if you look around a bit. I’d go with archery personally.
  3. Not sure if you’re interested in a guide, but Grant’s Guide service just killed a big bull out of there. Like bigger than most of the early rifle bulls that come out of either of those units. Grant knows that country better than anyone.
  4. yotebuster

    Non-Res Deer tags sold out

    As a NR I will say I was well aware of the change. I received multiple emails and saw it on social media many times. This will without question go to a draw in the near future as all OTC quotas eventually do. It’s gonna put a lot of pressure on mid tier (4-12 point draw) tags when it does as NR that are accustomed to buying OTC and building points will burn their points and then start drawing the easy to draw OTC archery tags once they have.
  5. yotebuster

    2- 30# River Anchors for boats

    I came here expecting it to be a few savage 6.5 creedmoors with vortex diamondbacks on them wired together. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. yotebuster

    Desert Bighorn sheep full cape for sale

    Congrats!! Awesome ram!!
  7. yotebuster

    Cabeza Sheep

    This is badass. Huge congrats! Love those red horned rams!
  8. yotebuster

    ID this 22-- what is it ??

    Cool as heck is what it is.
  9. yotebuster

    Whitetail processing

    This all seems in line. The 93# seems a little steep if you took the back straps. I’ve always had to pay for the pork AND the processing.
  10. yotebuster

    Marlin mod 55. The original goose gun

    Where are you located? This have the 36” barrel?
  11. yotebuster

    1st Duck Limit

    The thing nobody tells you about decoying ducks is the decoys usually are hardly necessary. If you’re in a place to really decoy ducks well it’s because they wanna be there anyway. I’ve shot more ducks over a single robo duck in the right spot than giant spreads.
  12. yotebuster

    1st Duck Limit

    Sweet!! Ruddies swim their way into the decoys?
  13. I think that’s a giant old ewe laying down, but I could be wrong.
  14. yotebuster

    Colters 2022 Elk Hunt

    Congrats! That’s what it’s all about!
  15. yotebuster

    Statewide Coues Tag

    Honestly could be FourBee. The biggest coues I’ve ever seen was up there.
  16. yotebuster

    Statewide Coues Tag

    I’m a little surprised a guide wouldn’t know how to cape a critter out for a lifesize mount?
  17. yotebuster

    Moose unit 36 colorado

    Good luck to him. I’m no help in 36. I was sheep hunting in the gunnison area and saw a GIANT bull moose. Like woulda shot him in Alaska big! I didn’t think I really cared to shoot another shiras till I saw that one!
  18. yotebuster

    Moose unit 36 colorado

    A shiras bull is about like a really big backwards bull elk. Fronts are heavier then hinds and more awkward to handle because of the length. Hind quarters aren’t bad. Heads and capes are heavier then a elk for sure.
  19. yotebuster

    Opinions on Rifles?

    You don’t need the “nitride” coating if the gun isn’t made out of chinesium like the CVA’s are. Go with the TC of that list. I’ve been around 8-10 CVA’s and 3-4 of them wouldn’t fire. Not great odds!
  20. yotebuster

    Looking for 7mm STW Brass

    I have some new hornady brass. I agree with above, it’s soft as heck. Fine for light loads I suppose. If hornady spent evem 10 cents of every marketing dollar towards making decent components they’d have some really good stuff!
  21. yotebuster


    I’ve got one in the laminated version. Its JFK’d more blue grouse and turkeys then I can count. Dead on at 30 yards, 1” high at 50 and dead on at 100. I cut mine down to 16.5” and threaded it. I know that’s blasphemous but I couldn’t help myself when I got my suppresssor. If you still have this when I drive down for my late elk hunt we’ll work out a deal.
  22. yotebuster

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Also I might add that you did in fact steal this buck from someone who waited and drew the general season tag in that unit. Gohunt didn’t steal it, you did. The fact that they let people buy those antlers back is beyond me. I’ve run into countless errors in hunting publications. I always triple check hunt codes etc from gohunt, epic and huntin fool as they all will say in the fine print they aren’t the rules and are not liable for any errors.
  23. yotebuster

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Oh lord. This is gonna take a turn for the worse. Also here are the current season dates: OTC elk 9/15/22-9/30/22 Units 9,10,23, 3a/3c only. Rifle with long range capability preferred. Oh yeah the OTC bighorn season runs the month of August next year too. Why would GoHunt even be worth a call? That tells me you somehow were still thinking they were to blame for this?
  24. yotebuster

    Need 120-130 gr 7mm Bullets

    I’ll dig around. I used to shoot those back in the pre rangefinder days. Like 3800fps out of my 7mm STW. Hold right on them out to 400 and level it on their back at 500!! Better bullet would be the 120gr hammer hunters. Those 120gr ballistic tips are like dynamite. Not big game bullets. Hammer hunters are in stock on their website. Easy to get to shoot good too.