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Everything posted by yotebuster

  1. yotebuster

    Savage 111 budget build

    What he said.
  2. yotebuster

    NM vs AZ

    Fewer people and more elk so this is definitely a true assumption. No point system so there is no point creep, so if you're one of the lucky people who beats the odds you'll be into tags now and then but if you're not lucky then you will never get a "guaranteed" tag. NM gives slightly more tags to NR but that reduces your chances but again, way more square miles of elk country in NM means more elk, and way less people means more opportunity.
  3. yotebuster

    They're growing!

    Awesome! Thwack!!!
  4. yotebuster

    6.5 Turbo diesel mechanic needed

    You might wanna keep him on speed dial
  5. yotebuster

    For the bug guys out there...

    That's an ant carrying a fruit snack
  6. yotebuster

    Unit 12 New Mexico advise needed

    Are you buying a landowner tag? All of the unit 12 landowner tags are private land only so make sure the ranch doesn't sell all of them they get or there won't be any elk on there to hunt. A good ranch will be locked up by an out fitter who will guide you and sell you a tag. Expect this to cost $6k-$10k. If you're a DIY hunter look at unit wide tags in 13,15, or one of the 16's. These will run you $3k-$8k but will allow you to hunt all public land.
  7. yotebuster

    They're growing!

    I think it's because they are fork horns in the making.
  8. yotebuster

    Arizona Big Game Super Raffle

    You could use another goulds tag couldn't you?!?
  9. yotebuster

    Real Velvet European Mounts

    The Chinese woulda ground em up for boner pills!
  10. yotebuster

    headgear growth

    I agree on all things except the grass being poor. If its green right now, it is LOADED with nutrients. There's a reason desert states grow bigger bulls then places that get more rain, they need food that is dense in nutrients, that's what a normal precip year in az gets them. I would argue that it's the lack of grass, or them having to eat dead grass from last falls monsoon that would set them back. If it was all about bulk and lots of grass, the bulls in Montana would be huge compared to the bulls in AZ, NM, and NV. We all know that isn't the case. I've heard a lot of antelope gurus say that a drought year is the best time to find a big one, but that's kind of apples to oranges as well.
  11. yotebuster

    Draw is soon

    Hey now, there is some talent at Pete's. The last time I was there, there was four girls there. Three were from the valley and one was a local gal. All very hot in there own right. The local was supporting her young son. Two were putting themselves through school and my personal favorite liked money and liked to travel so she worked as a dancer. Its surprisingly easy to talk to naked women after a few gentlemen jacks. I bet her son is so proud!
  12. I would stay away from the EZ load sabots. It means the sabot is softer and they're less consistent. The Barnes mulzzle bullets are awesome but use the regular sabots.
  13. yotebuster

    NM vs AZ

    I'm with Bob on this one, the food in both is awesome compared to the rest of the world!
  14. yotebuster

    Elk are putting on some good growth!

    Looks like some good grass there!
  15. yotebuster

    Antelope/Tag Question

    Those would be New Mexico landowner tags. They get a pretty penny for them. That's what happens when ranching interests take over a game and fish commission. The ranchers get them in exchange for letting public hunters on their land. Win win if you ask me. The alternative would be zero access for you or I on their land. Would that be better? I can only speak to how the similar program works in Utah, where large swaths of private land are not as big of an issue. There, tags that would otherwise go in the unit-wide quota are assigned to landowners based on the assumption that the habitat on their land benefits the herds. Some tolken tags are issued through the CWMP (to residents only), but landowners can fetch a bigger price for their tags if they completely shut their land down to everyone except their paying customers and the few lucky enough to draw a CWMP tag...and those folks they restrict as much as possible. In Utah, at least, there is plenty of public land to hunt, but the number of tags available to the public go down in order to give tags to ranchers under the guise of habitat improvement. New Mexico landowners had a huge part in changing the rules in NM so that it became nearly impossible for non-residents to draw tags. Why? Because then the market would be bigger for the tags they sell. The guides prefer it too. I don't know enough about New Mexico to know whether it actually increases public opportunity and access, but in Arizona at least AZGFD has been successful in obtaining access for us without selling out to large landholders. Just my two cents....but I'm open to reeducation. NM is extremely landowner friendly. That is because the ratio of private to public land is much higher in NM then UT or AZ. It's simply the way democracy works. CA is far more liberal then AZ, because its got a bunch more liberals in it then AZ does. Most states that have a high ratio of private to public have zero private land access for public hunters. NM has done an "ok" job of managing this. If an landowner gets unit wide tags for their land, they must let hunters on their land. If they get tags only good for their ranch then they don't have to let anyone on. I feel that this is a fair trade. I could be wrong but I think the resident sportsmen in NM pushed harder for the draw allocation changes then did the resident land owners. I don't blame them. If you want to hunt NM big game, move there or play by their rules. (I don't live in NM FYI, but love hunting there, not enough to give up a residency in my home state of ND though).
  16. yotebuster

    iPhone 5c

    How many GB?
  17. yotebuster

    Antelope/Tag Question

    Those would be New Mexico landowner tags. They get a pretty penny for them. That's what happens when ranching interests take over a game and fish commission. The ranchers get them in exchange for letting public hunters on their land. Win win if you ask me. The alternative would be zero access for you or I on their land. Would that be better?
  18. Hey you bought my used swarovskis were they stinky? Ah man. You didn't touch those 15's with your feet did you?!?
  19. I can't believe no one wants to buy your used shoes.
  20. yotebuster

    Sand Hill Crane Guide

    I would double check the lead thing, I've hunted them in 2 states and 2 Canadian provinces and always had to shoot non toxic shot. As far as decoys go, full body stuffers will decoy them right in, anything less they'll flare at 100 yards every time. This doesn't rule out decoys though, find a place they like to be (in ND it's whatever grain field they were in the night before) and set out 8-10 plywood cut outs. They don't have to look good. Get 150 yards downwind of them in some type of GOOD cover (tree row, fence line etc). I've been devoying cranes in ND for 20 years this way. We can shoot 3 a day here. Better yet fly up here. It's an easy DIY hunt as no one hunts them here. Mid oct anywhere in central ND will have cranes.
  21. yotebuster

    Huge Antelope

    Good lord! That's gonna be a 90"er if I've ever seen one!
  22. yotebuster

    NEVADA 2014

    No rut tags in NV persay, the archery hunt runs mid aug till early mid sept. The rifle hunts are in Nov. Draw odds are much tougher then AZ as there are far fewer tags. I would plan on one tag for each of the species you mentioned in your lifetime. At $200 a year to get into the game you gotta sit down and make sure you're ready to invest 15-20 years at $200 a year in order to get a tag.