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Everything posted by BigBfever

  1. BigBfever

    get the kids out ponds where stocked 4/29

    veterans oasis
  2. BigBfever

    Need Your Honest Opinions

    +3 I'll speak for the rest of my family
  3. BigBfever

    get the kids out ponds where stocked 4/29

    I took two of us about an hour to hit our limit, and it was a the day after they stocked, as far as how much it cost G&F I thought I'd read an article on their site saying a 1.50 -2.50 a fish I know when they stocked that pond that put 300 fish in. come saturday morning the banks are full of people at 18.50 for a U. L. so I really don't think it hurts their pocket book to much
  4. BigBfever

    lake roosevelt mercury

    yeah, G&F and AZgov can't remember what site had it posted but Bass and Channel cats have high merc. levels. if I can find the articles again I'll post them
  5. BigBfever

    head to the rim

    I know fs 300 is still close but is open far enough to get into woods canyon, has anyone been up there yet? Not sure if we're gonna hit woods or willow spring yet. I would like to get into some hold overs.
  6. BigBfever

    head to the rim

    Well guess no one has been up there, we went up last weekend and slayed the trout at woods canyon. took the little boat across the lake from the dock ended up catching 38 between 4 of us, kept 22. I say if you wanna take the kiddy's to a hot spot Woods is a great place. Corn and worms were the ticket.
  7. tried to look it up in regs. couldn't find it, but what is the minimum caliber to hunt deer with in AZ. I was reading a forum and the guys were bickering back and forth on 22-250 and .243. and it got me curious.
  8. BigBfever

    need help with weight.

    340/400 is that shaft weight or series? not knowing easton's to well I'd say with your set up your TOTAL arrow weight with broadhead, nock and fletchings should be 350-380 grain tops.
  9. BigBfever

    Badlands Hypervent

    Great pack in excellent condition can strap bow, rifle, gear, spotting scope pocket. very light weight. http://www.badlandspacks.com/hypervent.php $150.00 OBO
  10. BigBfever

    (HAM)MERS story (He'll love it)

    He's seen it, I gave him enough warning, I sent him the link, a good friend you should always do at least that .......and if nothing happens.....................well I guess you have to take matters into your own hands
  11. BigBfever

    (HAM)MERS story (He'll love it)

    Well like in the title there are two sides to everything this is my side ( how it acutually happened ). gonna be short and sweet and to the point Well it all start back with this red headed goofy lookin guy that I met about a year ago. Seemed like a pretty good guy and I started talking to him about my past time, riding dirtbike, fishin, huntin birds, big game etc. etc. So the friendship started off as any other and we started to hangout a little more. So after getting to know this guy a little more I invited him to go on a bird hunt, he was all up for it. This is where I should have known better, the guy shot like 3 1/2 boxes and had 6 birds. But being the good guy I am I got talked into putting in on a deer hunt as well. Unsuccesful because of loud talking, pissing and moaning walking up WT country, wanting to go back to camp, at one point I thought he was actually crying. I still couldn't turn my back on this guy, I felt a challange kind of like taking a 5 year old little girl out and teaching her how to ride a bike. So all the hunts are over we had some good dove and duck hunts throught the winter , then I came across some leftover tags in a unit where his soon to be in-laws live. Now I might has well have shot myself in the foot, of course he was all over it. So opening day I head out for a 3 day weekend with him and of course no piggy's to be found, rain and wind, just not a good hunt, again he might have cried. So feeling down in the dumps I told him this is what hunting is all about work your butt off and when the time is right and everythig comes together your hunt will be over in a blink of an eye.( that stop his crying ). Being the good friend that I am I told him I would go back out the following weekend. Low and behold after glassing all morning and hiking about 5 miles. his 5 second opportunity presented it self and the .44 pig stick did it's job. Congrats. Brother I wouldn't have miss it. I know my story is better but if you really want to know his side you'll have to ask. If nothing else tell him to put some better pics up this is the only one I have. GREAT JOB MAN. P.s I'm not the AC/DC Fan
  12. BigBfever

    Sight in question

    +1.......but I'd zero at 200 and then shoot 100 and 300 and see where your hitting. Don't just trust 3in hieght will get the job done, shoot those ranges and see what your bullet is doing. every gun is different and so is every bullet.
  13. BigBfever

    This is cool!

    I'd have to say with all the guys out there that are not hunters but love the guns, (tactical clowns) It's a selling point. I can already invision some beef cake sittin there talkin about how he can turn is AR into the sweetest cross bow EVER. lol very cool looking
  14. BigBfever


    just started reloading a couple months ago and have really got into it, my question is when you have a twist ratio for example 1x8 twist would a 1x9 0r 1x10 be faster? I'm working with high velocity and heavy bullets and I don't want to get to crazy trying to make some thing work that is meant to be.
  15. BigBfever


    Thanks guy exact info i was looking for
  16. BigBfever

    How can a guy accumulate this much stuff

    The gun shoots great and I'm am very happy with it. It's nice to know it came from a hunter and not a random from some of these other classified sites. I think I'm going to take you up on those scouting trips. Would you like me to send you picks of the the new scope, the Tasco just not going to cut it. Thanks again and I'll be talkin to ya soon
  17. BigBfever

    (HAM)MERS got a story and Pics

    Well I'm sure most of the fellow members on this site love to hear a good story and check out the pics of a hunt. I got a buddy AKA Hammer on CWT.com that has both and for the past two weeks i've been bustin his chops to post'em. But for some odd reason I think he's Scared . So with a little help from the board, lets heckle this guy a little bit to get off his butt and share a good hunt. On top of everything it's his first big game kill. (if considered BIG) I know there's a couple of Jokers out there don't let me down
  18. BigBfever

    minimum caliber rifle for deer

    going through the regs i saw that it just stated centerfire but i found that hard to believe. thanks for the reply's.
  19. BigBfever

    Jaguar Collared in SO AZ

    if I were out there at last light and heard one those cats roar I think I'd have to crap myself.
  20. BigBfever

    Who has Ammo

    the reloading supply is terrible as well I just got into it and finding large magnum rifle primers and power is next to impossible. put your stock into the ammo companys because there gonna have a record year.
  21. BigBfever

    Archery Pig during the HAM hunt.

    great pic of the cactus, congats on you pig.
  22. BigBfever

    Arrow tree

    if theres that many in the tree i'd like to see how many are behind the tree. thats pretty cool, If we get drawin for elk this year I think i'll have to stop by.
  23. BigBfever


    glad to hear everyone is so happy for there memories and not filling their tags but I'm P.O'd, but you know what they say better to be Pee'd off then Pee'd on ( clean for the kids). A couple of really good bucks that would look good on the wall and a couple that would have looked better on the ground over all a great Jan. not eating my soup yet still got a chance in velvet and december. Awesome job to all you Base Tards that tagged out. Great Pics this year so far. Good luck to everyone on the speed goat and elk draw. (but not really,I want to get Draw'n)
  24. I am dying to throw and arrow at this guy, today was the second time he's pulled the ol' Slip A Roo on me. (tear drop) maybe tomorrow