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Everything posted by BigBfever

  1. BigBfever

    Bullet drop compensating scope?

    I have the Burris Signiature Series, I don't think its the best but it's worked pretty darn well. I don't care for nikon BDC Circles either, how do you hold true with an open circle?(especially when your shakin like a leaf with the fever as your aim at a big buck or bull) I chose the Burris because of the clarity and the wider angle of view compared to some nikon and bushnell. Mill dots were also to big on both brands, were Burris uses hash marks down the verticle post. I spent about the price range your in, maybe a little less and from all of the brands i looked through I felt i got the most bang for my buck with Burris. Givin If i spent that money again, I'd go with standard crosshairs and get turrets.
  2. BigBfever

    Archery when you were a kid

    LMAO, Awesome!
  3. BigBfever

    Vanes: blazers, 4in. fobs

    Thats funny you asked i just wrote this up on another site this morning. Well I'm sure some of you guys know this already, but I always have a lot a question before i change equipment or think about trying something else. I figure I'd share what I've learn about the Blazers. I was stuck on 4in vanes for awhile they seemed to work best for me, but with all the hype about blazers I had to give them a try. After straight fletching a dozen and getting poor results I went back to the 4inchers. I'd have to say you can get good results with just about any vane, but when everything is tune the blazer has incredible results, also if you have a short brace hieght your vanes don't sit on/in your rest like my 4in did. Which if you know what i'm talking about, how annoying that can be. Now I've always done a straight fletch or 1 degree, 4 inchers and blazers. I ended up buying a flecther made by Bohning same maker of the blazer vane and it has a 3 degree helix........what a difference. My groupings have shrunk by a good 1in or more at 60yds. Basically i've gone from softball size groupings to baseball size groupings. I use to aim at the middle of the bag when i shoot for fear of a pulling or missing the shot( I live in Arizona lots of rocks=broken arrows) and now aim at the corner dots on the bag with full confidence. I firmly believe that the 3 deree helix makes the difference from good flight to awesome flight. And if you think about it-it's like the FOB, in how the air flows across the vanes putting it into a spin faster. The FOBs might be next on the list. It's the little things you have to learn on your own sometimes that makes you a better archer, this is one of those circumstance for me so I thought i'd share it. Maybe somewhere down the road this will help another archery hunter.
  4. BigBfever

    have some stuff on craigs

    could always use more hunting stuff right!? don't typically like to advertise on this site unless it's a relates to hunting CW, BUT maybe you guys would like to trade? http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/boa/1604022153.html http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/fuo/1603940645.html http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/hsh/1603944893.html
  5. Water is always key? but with our recent rain there is a lot of water sitting in the desert. I'm new to the camera, and am not to sure what to set out to get som pics. I just recently try some dehydrated apple pellets with out any luck, I was thinking about salt next time. I'd did get 326 pics of a tree branch . Just wondering if there is a known product or a good home brew?
  6. Water is always key? but with our recent rain there is a lot of water sitting in the desert. I'm new to the camera, and am not to sure what to set out to get som pics. I just recently try some dehydrated apple pellets with out any luck, I was thinking about salt next time. I'd did get 326 pics of a tree branch . Just wondering if there is a known product or a good home brew?
  7. BigBfever

    How big does he have to be!

    this year, whatever crosses the sights first. other then coues spikes
  8. BigBfever

    Spring Draw IS out

    My first spring bird tag and a 37B HAM Rat tag,SWEET
  9. BigBfever


    the entire unit holds good deer population, finding water holes will be a good starting point. Chavez Siding exit hang a right and head north on the frontage road about a 1/2 mile or so to the access point. You'll find it on G&F web site, take the road all the way back till you get into some good hills there is a tank back there with some good vantage points around it. I don't hunt that area anymore but there's always bucks running around in there. Good luck
  10. BigBfever

    36B Very Dry and Very few Deer

    We had the first hunt it was drying up pretty quick, plenty of deer down there. Get into the rough country, numbers aren't as good but your only looking for ONE and odds are he'll be a little heavier then the deer hanging around water holes
  11. BigBfever

    .243 or 7 mm mag

    360 yard shot waded my buddies deer in oct. with a .243 using a 85 grain sierra match king, the bullet dropped him like a sack of potatos, down fall very little exit wound. As long as it a good shot the .243 will do the job just fine. shoot whatever is more comfortable/accurate .
  12. BigBfever

    Could use some help

    I really just need a starting point closer to Pine/Strawberry would be ideal. I have never hunted this unit, I couldn't tell you why he put in for this unit, being he's never hunted it. We have a cabin in pine and i think that is what made it more appealing. The only place i've ever been in 5b is Long lake, very open country by the lake, prob more of a winter ground if there's snow? I figure the timber would be the best place but will it be more water hole hunt, covering a lot gound, I would like to be able to glass but don't even know where to start to look for a vantage point? We have one scouting trip before the hunt which really SUCKS, the $$$$ is tight, so any idea's will be very much appreciated.
  13. BigBfever

    Badlands Hypervent

    in excellent shape got and MR pack couple months back, don't need this one anymore. $130 OBO They retail for 150-200 and Badlands gives lifetime warranties on all there packs. http://www.badlandspacks.com/hypervent.php Sorry Billy, if no one wants it for there hunts, I'll still let you use it
  14. BigBfever

    what do you think he'll score?

    I think he'll score a bullet!!!!
  15. +1 Jess is a great guy and will help you fine tune your rig
  16. BigBfever

    Remington 300 Ultra Mag

    I'm posting this for my cousin, I do not have a lot of info on this rifle yet. I do know that he bought it new it is super nice it's got engravings on the barrel and the magazine drop, It's only been in the field a couple of time. Reloadiing dies, brass etc. will go along with it, I belive he wanting $750obo for the whole package but i could be wrong i will update the post soon, but in the mean time feel free to call him with any question or offers. Hunting season is right around the corner. Sam 520-2604273 [attachment =18431:samsrifle3.JPG]
  17. BigBfever

    Remington 300 Ultra Mag

    I'm sure he will take less so give him a call and make and offer.
  18. BigBfever

    Remington 300 Ultra Mag

    [attachment =18431:samsrifle3.JPG]I'm posting this for my cousin, I do not have a lot of info on this rifle yet. I do know that he bought it new it is super nice it's got engravings on the barrel and the magazine drop, It's only been in the field a couple of time. Reloadiing dies, brass etc. will go along with it, I belive he wanting $750 for the whole package but i could be wrong i will update the post soon, but in the mean time feel free to call him with any question or offers. Hunting season is right around the corner. Sam 520-2604273
  19. BigBfever

    36B first hunt

    If anyone would like to share some good early hunt tactics for this unit would be great, We've done some homework on a new spot and found a place we're going to start out at that will hopefully get us into some bigger bucks and away from the pressure. If anyone is fimilar with the unit I have some some canyons/mnt ranges picked out and would love to hear some feedback. I will share info on what i know of the unit if anyone is up for a conversation. I've hunted this unit many time growing up but the haven't personally hunted it for 6-7 years now and the last couple time the family has been drawn we've bounced around through the unit. this year is the same thing trying a new area hoping to find that big boy stomping around.
  20. BigBfever


    any suggestions on a good gunsmith in the phx area?
  21. BigBfever

    Rifle scope for 7mm

    Burris!!! Signature Series,
  22. LMao thats funny, his name was wiley.
  23. BigBfever


    Video is cool, if they really are shooting their concept line. Regaurdless got me pump for tomorrow.