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About capt88

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  1. capt88

    Need a taxidermist for my Goulds!

    Nice work! Good luck on the San Carlos. I was the other guy with Basser... collecting the yard sale of equipment he left. HAHA. I am headed to New Mexico to try and find some birds not sure where to start but it will be fun.
  2. capt88

    What is the best tactics

    4a has very limited high points to glass from. This would be my preferred tactic but good to have other options.
  3. capt88

    What is the best tactics

    I have the the late archery hunt in 4a. Does anybody have any tactics type like to use for this late hunt? As of now I plan to glass in the mornings and sit water in the afternoons.
  4. capt88

    2005 Polaris Ranger $4500

    Forgot to put in the ad this is a 500cc carburetor engine.
  5. capt88

    2005 Polaris Ranger $4500

    Selling my 2005 Polaris Ranger. 417 hours. It has been used but not abused. Winch set up to use in the front or back, extra driving lights, aluminum hardtop, stereo is installed but not hooked up. I just put a 2.5 inch lift kit on it but it is easily removed. New battery and tires will be good for a couple years. I am selling it because I bought a newer Ranger. Text me at 520-405-6546. Located in Tucson
  6. capt88

    New Mexico Birds

    I want to go to New Mexico to hunt turkeys since I didn't draw a tag in AZ. Is anyone willing to point me in the right direction? I will be traveling from Tucson and hope to find something a little closer than Luna NM. I hear there might be a few birds in the Mule Creek area but have never spent much except around Silver City and Reserve. Thanks for any help!
  7. capt88

    wts 2005 Polaris Ranger $3900

    I am definately willing to meet in Casa Grande today if that would help.
  8. capt88

    wts 2005 Polaris Ranger $3900

    500 carb... in Tucson... thanks for looking
  9. I am selling my 2005 Ranger. It has 335 hours on it. Lots of extras like an all aluminum roof, front reciever for a winch, stereo and I just lifted it but will be taking the lift back off. The catch is it needs the4x4 fixed. The front wheels won't engage and I just dont have time to fix it. I believe the roller bearings need to be replaced and they cost about $160. Worst case scenerio you can buy a basically new front differential for $800. So for a little time and less than $4700 you could be hunting out of a ranger this season. Call or text me ASAP as I am leaving for my elk hunt on Monday and will be taking the Ranger with me if it is not sold! Patrick 520.405.6546
  10. capt88

    Swarovski CT 80 scope

    I am selling my Swarovski scope and it is in perfect condition. It has a 45x eye piece. I am willing to trade it and my Vortex 15x56 for a pair of Swaro 15x56. I am asking $1000 for the scope. You can text me at 5204056546 for more info or questions. I am in tucson but will be in Phoenix Sunday or Monday for a few hours.
  11. capt88

    wtb binoculars

    I have a pair of Vortex Kaibab 15x56 HD for sale. Text me at 5204056546 if you are interested.
  12. capt88

    27 archery antelope

    What a disappointing hunt! 2 herds of antelope and a total of 4 bucks to choose from on opening day. The biggest buck was taken opening day leaving three small bucks. There was only so much pressure they were going to take before they high tailed out of the area. I went three days without seeing any bucks. Finally the last day I had to try to make something happen but unable to take the second herd buck. The herd that was widowed split up and wasn't picked up by any other bucks which leads me to believe there weren't any! I am very disappointed I used 7 bonus points to draw this tag. On the bright side it was great to finally be out hunting and watching all the other wildlife. Plenty of bears and deer to help ease the frustration of this hunt.
  13. capt88

    27 archery antelope

    Too mxslaugh, I will be there the day before the hunt. I will be the crazy person to drive his motorhome in there! The first couple days I will be driving my Ranger until some friends make it up late Saturday. I am looking forward to the hunt. I sure hope there will be enough rain to green things up and get the antelope back into the valley. Maybe the pears will be ripe by then too!