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About chshunt

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  1. chshunt

    My quest has begun!!

    Welcome to the wonderful world of archery! I've never had so many amazing experiences in the great outdoors as I've had since I've started bow hunting. That being said I've also spent countless hours and days practicing shooting targets & 3d's before I ever thought I was ready to go out and attempt to arrow an animal. Part of being a responsible sportsman means you become proficiant with your weapon before going into the field. Given that you just bought your new bow a week ago I question if you have spent enough time on the practice range to hunt this winter season. I don't want to sound harsh, but I've seen too many animals wounded by people that do not put the time in to practice shooting, bows or rifles. Ry
  2. chshunt


    Nice! Great pictures too! We don't get to see many moose here on the boards let alone in AZ.