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Everything posted by desertbowhunter

  1. desertbowhunter

    13th day bull

    Totally agree with you. My main reason for my disapointment is cause I hit a 390 class bull behind the shoulder but low at 38 yards I shot him for 30. It will haunt me for the rest of my life, we looked for him for 4 days.
  2. desertbowhunter

    13th day bull

    haha!! No biggie I wasnt even taking it in a bad way.I just didnt want to come across as an arrogant A hole haha!
  3. desertbowhunter

    13th day bull

    I dont mean to sound like im not happy with my bull, I feel blessed to be able to harvestthis great bull. I just feel like I have some un finished buisness withe giant bulls I was on the whole hunt if you know what I mean. It didnt come across like you were unhappy to me. It is always difficult to put an animal down when you know and have been chasing bigger ones in the area. Great bull and always wanting a bigger better animal is what drives us all. Great job and well deserved! Gotcha. Just wanted to make sure I didnt come across the wrong way.
  4. desertbowhunter

    13th day bull

    I dont mean to sound like im not happy with my bull, I feel blessed to be able to harvestthis great bull. I just feel like I have some un finished buisness withe giant bulls I was on the whole hunt if you know what I mean.
  5. desertbowhunter

    Unit 27 Bound!

    Good luck!! May all your big bull dreams come true!
  6. desertbowhunter

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Hard work, dedication, persistence,scouting = BIG BUCK. Wow unbelievable!
  7. desertbowhunter

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Dang what a beast of a buck!!! Congrats on your buck!!
  8. desertbowhunter

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    I'm on my way up Tuesday night. My 10 year wait is about to finally come to an end and I'm more pumped they I can ever remember for this hunt. Please elk gods make all my big bull dreams come true!!!!!
  9. desertbowhunter

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Dang that thing is a beast!!!!!!!
  10. desertbowhunter


    What a Beautiful buck! Great job!
  11. desertbowhunter

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    And girls!!!!!!
  12. desertbowhunter

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    I think it's gonna be good boys!!!!!
  13. desertbowhunter


  14. desertbowhunter

    My better half has her first hunt

    I agree with go at her pace. On my girlfriends first deer hunt i went at my normal hunt hard pace and by the end of the second day she was pooped out physically and mentally. On the 3rd day she shot a spike just because she wanted to get the hunt over with. On her second deer hunt I made myself go at her pace and she seemed like she enjoyed herself a lot more. She didn't get one but she passed on numerous small bucks I was very proud of her. I even enjoyed myself more, because I could tell she was enjoying herself.
  15. desertbowhunter

    Henderson Vs Pettis II

    Both fighters are great! Im a big fan of both. I feel the same way as when Uriah Fabre and Jose Aldo fight. I didn't care who won as long as it was a good fight I kinda felt sorry for Uriah after that because Aldo just destroyed uriahs legs. I don't want to see anything like that happen Saturday. I say bendo in a decision.
  16. desertbowhunter

    ethics? how would you handle this situation?

    If it were me and some one had been on the bucks I would of actually just sat there and enjoyed the the show. But it is public land and competition is just part of the game. We had a situation a couple years ago on a muzzleloader hunt where we glassed up a nice 4x4 muley, right as the sun was coming up and a group of guys on a ranger stopped about 100 yards from us and started glassing towards where we were glassing and spotted the same buck. It then became a foot race to the buck. Our hunter and there hunter ended up missing the buck. I was heated on the way to the buck, and half way there I told myself its public land and that's what we get for glassing from the road. So I just calmed down and enjoyed the stalk. After the hunters missed, the other hunters confronted us and told us to get the heck out of there because that was there spot and they had spotted that buck the night before, so it was there buck. After some not so friendly words were exchanged and we went our separate ways, I realized we both thought we had rights to the buck, but like I said public land is public land and we all have the same rights to the game. Now ethics is a whole other story. All we can do is hunt hard and get away from people whenever possible. Good luck! Maybe you guys will find some bigger bucks. Everything happens for a reason.
  17. desertbowhunter

    Opening Day Buck, First Archery Deer Down

    Great job Parker. congratulations! I'm sure there are many many more to come.
  18. desertbowhunter

    123" Velvet Buck

    What a BEAST!!!!!!! Congrats on a heck of a buck!!!!
  19. desertbowhunter

    Nice Bear

    That is a pretty bear! Congratulations! Way to stick with it and do everything you could to find him even with the blood trail washed out.
  20. desertbowhunter

    WTB Swaros 15x56

    I don't have a pair to sell but I feel your pain I had a pair stolen from me also, and it was the worst feeling in my life I about passed out I was so mad. Sorry for your loss. Hope you have some luck getting a good deal on a pair of 15s.
  21. desertbowhunter

    UT Highcountry Mule Deer (Video)

    Great video!! congrats on your buck!
  22. desertbowhunter

    6b bear

    Nice! congrats!!!
  23. desertbowhunter


    I agree with you. I don't mind helping people if they're willing to help themselves, but just giving up good info to anybody that won't put in any effort does not fly with me. Although I do enjoy helping out first time hunters and getting them there first animals more than I enjoy shooting one for myself. The only reason I don't like to give out good Info is because good info spreads like wild fire. I told a couple people about a good mule deer spot about 5 years ago. I guess they told a couple people and then they told a couple and so on, because before that I would hunt there and see one other guy now I don't even hunt there anymore because it's over run with hunters. It sucks!
  24. desertbowhunter


    What Becker said. Food source is the key. When you find it you will know because there will be plenty of sign. Good luck and hunt hard. Oh yeah and bears stand out like a sore thumb in the glass. have fun!