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Everything posted by rtkemp

  1. rtkemp

    Turnaround Times?

    Curious what everyone is experiencing for taxidermy work. Im waiting on some work and am patient but curious. I have used different taxidermists over the years and just curious about actual times these days post covid. Thanks
  2. rtkemp

    Euro mount?

    Brian @ Hammerdown Skulls in south chandler has done my javelinas. Puts a finish on at the end. ~$100
  3. rtkemp

    Lifesize Az lion finished up.

    Great work Dale! Looks fantastic!
  4. rtkemp

    Card hits??

    Its on. Hit for $25
  5. With the bucks dropping their racks, how do you tell bucks from does from their feet or legs? I see pics with deer feeding with their butts towards the camera and can't tell. Any insight would be appreciated.
  6. I'm shooting a 2004 PSE Firestorm (single cam / 30") with the original factory proview angled peep sight with tube. I have had frequent trouble with this peep only over the last year. The peep tubing first began pulling off regularly and ended up replacing the tube and lengthening it, the gluing it to the peep. It eventually stayed on. Then later, the entire peep sight began pulling out during target practice (no dry firing). This happened several different times. Each time I would take it in to the shop and have a tech add threads the string. Now I just had my bow restringed and tuned. I have shot about 200 arrows and my peep sight started pulling out of alignment and eventually came out. I'm frustrated that I keep having probles with peep. What needs to happen? Change to a new sight? Change draw length? See a different shop? Any help would be appreciated...
  7. rtkemp

    Peep Sight Trouble

    Can you just remove the tube from a peep that was designed to have one?
  8. rtkemp

    Peep Sight Trouble

    Thanks for all the input. I already got the new Winners choice strings on. But will get rid of the factory PSE peep and go with the new Whisper Peep. I will stay with the tube and scuff up the peep a little. Can't wait to get shooting again. Thanks again
  9. rtkemp

    newly found water soursce

    Dude, you are set for life there. So much for the hunt anymore
  10. rtkemp

    Coues Gender Identification

    Really.. ..... like how? please do explain? Yes, do explain. That was the reason I made the topic. I'm all for fun and games, but some legitamate help would be great. Thanks
  11. rtkemp

    small bucks

    All toads start somewhere. Those are trophies to some. I enjoy seeing bucks period. Thanks for sharing.
  12. You passed me just after the light out of Payson.
  13. I love the custom ideas. I have the bears feet, but will probably try the custom fleece
  14. rtkemp

    Finally They're UP

    Oh yea they are up
  15. rtkemp

    Turkey Hunting

    I will be heading up to unit 1 next month. Don't know weather to tell the wife i'll be hunting or skiing. Good luck to everyone
  16. rtkemp


    Congrats on a great buck. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. It helps all of us.
  17. rtkemp

    my first deer on the wall

    Congrats. He looks great. I'm still chasing my first wall ornament.
  18. rtkemp

    Tree stands?

    I like the gorilla lounger hang on. Especially the one with a hammock seat. It's good on the bum for those long days.
  19. rtkemp

    New Gilbert Archery Range

    I will vouch for this facility. The City of Chandler really did a nice job. Whoever helped get this added to the development project, THANKS. Its nice to have a such a place in the neighborhood for us in suburbia.
  20. Today there is an article on azcentral.com reporting on legislation to make hunting and fishing an Arizona right. From the article, it appears the wording may give the ability to manage wildlife to legislature and not the GandF. I would educate your fellow constituents again. As this move failed 2 years ago. At this point, I would vote against it.
  21. rtkemp

    coues or mule deer?

    MD. But can't be certain until you tell me where you found those quail at?
  22. Sounds pretty interesting. I hope your research goes as planned. Please post any determinations or results from your work. I wish I could help but no luck yet. Go Devils
  23. rtkemp

    Guess the Score Contest - Jan 2010

    130 7/8" That's a tough one. Great rack for this contest.
  24. rtkemp

    Prayers for Grandma

    My dear grandma is living her last days here on earth. Please add to your prayers that the good lord may embrace Isabelle in his arms very soon and to give her loved ones strength and peace. Thanks so much CW members
  25. rtkemp

    First archery hunt

    Wonderful story and thanks for sharing. I can relate to how you feel accept for connecting on a buck. I am still trying to tag for the first time after begining a few years ago. Its been a tough hunt with work (thankfully), bad weather and a family member getting extremely sick. Very happy for you and congrats!