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Everything posted by eldonkey

  1. Hey Dan, thanks for the info I’m gonna send you a PM about coues hunting the San Carlos. Thanks!
  2. eldonkey

    7mm mag Bergara Ridge with extras

    I’ll have to set that up. Thanks for the tip
  3. Hello, I am selling my 7mm mag Bergara ridge. I have had the barrel threaded and I’ve added a Picatinny rail. It’s a 1/2-3/4 moa shooter with quality ammo. It’s in very good shape was was recently professionally cleaned asking $900 as is or $850 without the muzzle. Reasonable offers will be considered call or text frank 4809808399. Please no IM’s, I don’t check this page a lot
  4. Got drawn for this any antlered deer tag.. have done one research and it seems there are both species mule and coues in this unit.. anyone hunted it and what are your thoughts? Thanks
  5. eldonkey

    Athlon Midas BTR Scope

    NIB $569 2X15x50 I have access to all Athlon scopes , spotters, binoa, and range finders. Shoot me a text, pm me, or give me a call for pricing. You might be surprised what I can do for you. Thanks for your time Frank 4809808399
  6. eldonkey

    First Mule Deer hunt

    I will say this but once. 1. Do not Leave your Camp un-attended 2. Do not travel by yourself 3. Carry a pistol and rifle.. We have had some hairy situations down in that unit with drug runners and illegal immigrants. Be cautious, and good luck!
  7. eldonkey

    Elk 5B South Arizona

    Hi all, My first Elk hunt ( cow) is next week, and am very excited. Done some pretty decent scouting and have picked out a few decent spots. What I was wondering is if anyone new just how crowded this unit gets during the october Cow hunt? 625 tags, and a fairly small unit in comparison to others in the state. Any other info on the unit is also appreciated.
  8. eldonkey

    Elk 5B South Arizona

    Thanks everyone for the input, was able to harvest my first Elk on Saturday morning... about 2 miles east of the 82 rd in the middle part of the unit. Was one heck of an experience, and can't wait for the next opportunity this November in 20b for Deer.
  9. eldonkey

    Elk 5B South Arizona

    IVe thought about camping on rd 82, or maybe the 211, I am guessing those get really crowded... Any idea when folks typically start coming in to set-up? The hunt is Friday, I was thinking of heading up Wednesday evening.
  10. eldonkey

    2009 Bull Elk

    Well, not much to add here other than I have a cow tag ( 1st one ever) in 5B South... Any suggestions on areas to look in? All help appreciated. Can reciprocate with information on certain areas for Deer in 30B, 36A, and 27. Thanks!
  11. eldonkey

    Another deer and lion story with pics

    Just hope you never get caught saying you killed 41 coues in ONE day.... And for the record Jack, you have killed 42 more coues than I have... still looking for that first elusive buck....
  12. eldonkey

    My Unit 27 Oct Hunt

    Awesome Pics !!!! Nice House Scott!!! I will post some of my pics as well. This had to be one of the nicest landscapes I have had the privelage to hunt ever. Truly Truly beautiful...
  13. eldonkey

    Well.... Has anyone tagged yet?

    El Skunko for me this year... oh welll...
  14. I have looked at a couple, please feel free to share any opinions on any of these or other similar scopes that I may have missed. Primary goal is to bag a WT deer this year. Would like to keep it under $500, and preferrably under $300 Nikon Prostaff Bushnell Elite Bushnell Trophy Red Head Epic Let me know if you guys have used any of these and also about any Tripods out there that are reasonably priced. Thanks!!!!
  15. eldonkey

    Spot Satellite Messenger Sold

    STill available?
  16. eldonkey

    30-06 bore sighter wanted!!!

    Please email me @ fgarcia21@msn.com Thanks, Francisco
  17. Hello, Just looking for some general advice on this unit in terms of where to camp, and which roads I can use to access decent hunting areas. I hunted the Northen portion of this unit with no luck last week for Turkey. My guess is, and I could be wrong here, so please correct me if I am, that the CWT do not frequent the upper elevations ( 8000 ft +) in this unit. If anyone would be kind enough to pass on information on decent areas to scout in the next couple of weeks, I would be deeply appreciative. Would be willing to trade info on other units I have hunted as well, including 36A ( WT, MD), 30B( WT, MD) , and 35 ( Javelina). Thanks everyone.
  18. eldonkey

    White Tail Unit 27

    Thanks for the tip, about 3 weeks late, but good nonetheless... will take that into account for next years Turkey hunt!!!!
  19. eldonkey

    White Tail Unit 27

    Anybody heading up to 27 this weekend? I leave Thursday afternoon!
  20. eldonkey

    Almost time to hit the hills!!!!

    Yes good luck to all... Unit 27, leaving Thursday evening.... Above all be safe....
  21. eldonkey

    Precautions in southern units

    Um...Yes.... This unit borders Mexico.... The area from Nogales to the East is very hilly and mountaineous terrain.... I have seen Border patrol actually drive through the local golf course down there as we are golfing... looking for illegals. Be warry of the Santa Cruz River area, as well, as I myself have personally seen illegal traffic in that area.
  22. eldonkey

    Precautions in southern units

    From a person who grew up in Tucson and has spent plenty of time hunting in units south of I-10.... 1. Don't scout/ hunt alone, always in pairs. 2. Do not approach a group of folks who you assume to be illegal immigrants 3. Call Border Patrol Immediately if you see a suspected group of illegals 4. Keep an eye out for game trails AND human trails (yes they are out there and yes they are very evident) 5. If confronted remember A. From a close border patrol frined of mine, Most illegals are NOT intent on doing you any harm, and are NOT running drugs, just folks looking for work B. He also says that its the 5% of them that will cause you trouble C. The 5% being those that are "mules" running packs of drugs D. Or the other half of the 5%, the Coyotes, the guys escorting the illegals, the guys with the guns 5. With regard to the Glock 10MM poster, remember to think with your head first, not with your Glock... 6. Either way use caution when in these areas and do not leave camp unattended or out of sight, the odds of your stuff being ransacked or robbed go up dramatically in this area... and by stuff, typically what is taken are food items or articles of clothing.....
  23. eldonkey

    White Tail Unit 27

    With 350 permits vs. last years total which was less, how crowded to you think it will be out there?
  24. eldonkey

    White Tail Unit 27

    Fair enough... Fair enough.... I was kinda hoping the "locals" would maybe spend their nights in their local domiciles and leave the camping spots to us non-locals.... wishful thinking I suppose, and I don't blame them one bit, as it is beautiful country in that unit.... Only 275 permits or so for this hunt, so it shouldn't be all that bad... thats a big unit for such a small # of tags...