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Everything posted by bigbuckfever

  1. bigbuckfever

    Unit 23 Coues

    There is definitely some cross breeding going on in 23.
  2. bigbuckfever

    New bow

    Another nod to Archery Headquarters. Travis is a great guy to get help from. Daniel at Timber Mesa is pretty solid too.
  3. bigbuckfever

    Bull 2023 3A3C success

    Congrats and way to stick with it, not easy to do. +1 on leaving the anlter the way it is,
  4. bigbuckfever

    Sword experts?

    Totally random purchase Edge. There is a sword fighting "shop' in Mesa on Dobson just south of Guadalupe. They might know something that could help. I believe it's called Mordhau Historical Combat.
  5. bigbuckfever


    Shot placement is critical in a lower caliber gun, especially on an elk. If he were to get buck fever when he's trying to hold steady on an animal, (it can hit anybody, and you can't practice shooting with buck fever) you can see all the steady practice go out the window. I would recommend the 06 for the first time just to have the extra punch for a less than perfect hit on a live hunt. Just my 2 cents. I agree with the muzzle break too, really helps. Hope he has a great hunt and you can set the hook for life!
  6. bigbuckfever

    How often do coues deer drink water?

    Thanks for sharing. I love velvet bucks
  7. bigbuckfever

    How often do coues deer drink water?

    Pics or it didn't happen (I believe you, I just had to write that and I want to see it)
  8. bigbuckfever

    Double Down

    What a great hunt!!! Congrats on your success. must have been a fun camp to be in.
  9. bigbuckfever

    Dead Head

  10. bigbuckfever

    2023 Coues

    Good for you, nice buck. I had some visitors come by my tank, but none of them were deer.
  11. bigbuckfever

    34B Lope

    Congrats. Love it when things come together on an archery hunt. Being able to draw at 30 yards without him seeing ya is not easy.
  12. bigbuckfever

    Lost Dogs - FOUND!

  13. You will see more mulies that whitetails for sure. Gonna need patience, and a tripod for the binos would be a huge help. Best of luck to you and your boy.
  14. bigbuckfever

    View out my office window

  15. bigbuckfever

    Otc elk. My first rifle elk.

    Good job!! Glad to see otc success by a local.
  16. bigbuckfever

    Freaks of the Woods

    Yeah, you don't see too many 2x6's. I would not pass on him either.
  17. bigbuckfever

    Moose or Coues Deer? Successful hunt!

    Huge congratulations on a cool hunt. Thanks for videoing and sharing it, especially during this time before archery when I'm going crazy with anticipation. Love the mass on that guy,
  18. bigbuckfever

    Look at this AZ freak buck

    Old thread, but I just saw it for the first time. What a stud!!!
  19. bigbuckfever

    January 2023 archery buck

    Awesome buck and congrats to you for your patience. That's the hardest but also the most rewarding part of archery when the shot connects.
  20. An uncle recently passed away and left some binoculars and a knife that I want to see go to use, so I will donate them to any newbie who would put them to use. Not top of the line by any means, but, good for starting out regardless of your age. One multi-blade pocketknife. One pair of Bushnell 7x35 with case. One pair Leupold 10x23. The leupolds are small and good for archery maybe. Located in Mesa near Baseline and the 101.
  21. bigbuckfever

    Worst Waste of Money

    Best purchase; tripod for my 15x60s
  22. bigbuckfever


    Thanks for posting the story and I'm glad it worked out for ya. Nice buck, I can see why you wanted to let one fly.
  23. bigbuckfever


    In the heat of the moment, it's hard to not shoot when you put in so much effort just to get that opportunity. I tell myself I won't shoot at a moving animal (especially with a bow), because I have tracked a wounded and not fatally shot animal before, and that sucks big time. That's just me. I'm not preaching to anybody, I just wouldn't want anyone else to have to go through that torture (for you or the animal). Now, having put in my two cents worth, let's hear the rest of the story. ☺️
  24. bigbuckfever

    Update on a Cool Find

    Awesome timing! Good on you for taking the effort. I kinda figured you as a decent guy.
  25. bigbuckfever

    Meanwhile out at Bartlett...

    A 35+year old cattle trail from a mesa to a prime whitetail spot I've been putting salt at has been turned into a road over the last two years. The tracks end about 15 yards from a primo blind area overlooking a beautiful bowl. Pretty much sucks.