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Everything posted by bigbuckfever

  1. bigbuckfever

    Close encounter with an F-22 fighter jet

    Does anybody know if they film their training runs?
  2. bigbuckfever

    Close encounter with an F-22 fighter jet

    After looking at the pic posted, I couldn't tell you which one it was as it happened so fast and I am by no means an expert or even really familiar with the differences in the two jets. My buddy that was camping with me said he had one scare the crap out of him because he didn't see it beforehand, but he said he does know a little about jets and he told me it looked like an F-22 to him. It very well could have been an F35 (I've never even heard of an F-35 until now , So I could be mistaken in calling it an F22) 😊
  3. bigbuckfever

    Lion time!

    Hope you catch up to one. Good luck.
  4. bigbuckfever

    First Coues Buck

    Really nice!! Congrats on getting it all to come together with a bow.
  5. bigbuckfever


    Whole new meaning to "four on the floor"
  6. bigbuckfever

    2021 buck opening morning

    My target archery friend who has never hunted before , decided he wanted to try for an OTC deer in august 2020. I took him to a few waterholes I knew and I helped him with the basics. He sat a tank for days and never saw one deer, so I sat him at another tank and he had a large 4x4 mulie come in, but it never provided a shot he felt would be fatal so he had to watch it walk away. About an hour later, a lone Coues buck (that he described as huge) came in and stood broadside at less than 30 yards. He clinked his arrow against the bow while drawing and it took off, leaving him with just the experience. He was pretty stoked and has been ready for another go. I couldn't go this past week, but he found his own spot with a nice tank that wasn't dry and he got his blind set up on Dec. 31st. At about 9:30 am on Jan 1st, 4 does and 3 bucks came in to his tank. He not only got the big one of the group, but he had mounted a camera to his bow and captured the shot. (He didn't tell me he had video till later-the sandbagger!!!) I am pretty sure he's going to be chomping at the bit to go again. I'll try to get a few better pics posted later. trimmed-GH010049.mov
  7. bigbuckfever

    2021 buck opening morning

    It's a bow. With the mesh in place it sounds pretty loud, but you can see the arrow. He was using fixed blades. It was a 25 yard shot and he double lunged him. He said it went about 60 to 70 yards and dropped. If he hadn't had the mesh in place, that doe would have identified him for sure. There was a little snow in patches in the general area but I'm not sure about the ice. Everything came together just right for him.
  8. bigbuckfever

    2021 buck opening morning

    Yes you can.
  9. bigbuckfever

    2021 archery coues deer

    Awesome!!! Way to get it done, love big forkies.
  10. bigbuckfever


    dang chastity belt
  11. bigbuckfever

    Covid relif bill

    Pelosi called $1,000.00 "crumbs", and now she's proud of this???
  12. bigbuckfever

    Tree stand WTS $30.00 PRICE DROP

    I have a tree stand to sell that I won at a RMEF banquet years ago and it has never been used and has been in my shed since. It is a climber and it comes with a manual. $40.00. Dropped to $30.00 Call Doug at 602-319-4o96. In Chandler. I can include the harness if you need one (it is a few years old but in good shape)
  13. I have a full Guilly Suit from Cabelas for sale. It has a top 3x, bottoms xl/large, and a head cover. The elastic band is dried out but it has belt loops for the pants. It has Scentlock and is in great condition. $45.00. PRICE DROP to $25.00 In Chandler Call me 602-319-4o96
  14. bigbuckfever


    I've seen a coues buck and a mulie buck come to water together and leave together like they were buddies. Both were pretty young forkys.
  15. bigbuckfever

    46A East?

    I know you got pretty frustrated but way to keep at it and get it done for your dad Two thumbs up!
  16. bigbuckfever

    46A East?

    In my best Ted Baxter voice "Wellll, we're waiting!!!"
  17. bigbuckfever

    Late October bucks!

    Nice bucks guys! Congrats and I'd be smiling like that too with either one of these.
  18. bigbuckfever

    Joe and the Ho

    Two months
  19. bigbuckfever

    Name that bird

    I heard a bird in the neighbors tree the other morning and am not sure what it was , so I took a quick video IMG_2200.MOV . It was on the same perch I have seen an owl and another time a hawk. I saw it fly away, but it was still too dark to tell what it was. It was as big as the owl and hawk, but it flew the other way. Listen at the 5, 26, and 40 second mark and let me know if you have heard it before. And no, this is not a prank.
  20. bigbuckfever

    Name that bird

    Thanks for the replies all. It sounds like the Cooper Hawk is the closest call to this. That would make sense since there has been a hawk perched there before
  21. bigbuckfever

    2020 strikes again

  22. bigbuckfever

    The virus

    Okay, I could have done a better job of presenting my point and that is that the average person, that doesn't have underlying conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc, is not dying from covid. I feel more at risk of a car wreck than dying from covid. Next time I'll try not to state my feelings and opinions as facts.
  23. bigbuckfever

    The virus

    The odds of an average person dying in a car accident today are higher than dying from covid.
  24. bigbuckfever

    Tagged Out, First Coues Deer

    Very nice!! Sounds like a great spot to crawl around in with the bow in Jan. Bet it wont be your last.
  25. bigbuckfever

    Spot and Stalk Mountain Lion Hunting

    How about a pic of your November 110 buck??