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Everything posted by bigbuckfever

  1. bigbuckfever

    Lion Sneaks up to my Camera

    Awesome!! This is why I love trail cameras.
  2. bigbuckfever

    New guy first coues buck

    Congrats on your first coues buck, he's a beaut. Love the color.
  3. bigbuckfever

    Sheds? To Early?

    got home from 23 yesterday and only found one busted tip from an elk (or a unicorn)
  4. bigbuckfever

    Score Guesses???

  5. bigbuckfever

    My Mx buck

    Congrats on a beautiful buck. Definitely a shooter.
  6. bigbuckfever

    Any portal updates

    Mine still says I didn't apply. No worries here as the memo from AZGFD states that the portal accounts won't be updated until after tags have been issued, which is April 2nd. They could announce the draw results at any time between now and the 2nd, but it is irritating that they have typically announced results the day after cc updates ended and we are like pavlovs dog awaiting our 'treat' (ie a tag)
  7. bigbuckfever

    Decent Coues

    Congrats on finding the dead heads, but it looks like somebody needs to hunt lions in that area.
  8. bigbuckfever

    Tick Tock

    If I were king, I'd get rid of bogus points and have one app, one chance. Even the field for all. Since there are soooo many people trying for such limited tags, if you get drawn, you sit out the next year. Ok, start with the insults, lol.
  9. bigbuckfever

    October buck

    Awesome buck!!!
  10. bigbuckfever

    18,000 new elk apps

    I guess it's a dual edge sword when we as hunters gain in numbers to help fight to keep our rights to hunt (and own weapons). Having said that , it kinda takes the wind out of your sails when you see the odds get even worse to successfully draw a tag. SMH.
  11. bigbuckfever

    Tick Tock

    misery loves company
  12. bigbuckfever

    Longest two weeks of the year

    I'm either gonna be like Ralphie on Christmas morning with my Red Rider or like Charlie Brown only getting a rock for Halloween. Here's to Christmas!!!
  13. bigbuckfever

    Summer time

  14. bigbuckfever

    New to group

    The classifieds. Nice moniker
  15. bigbuckfever

    RIP Rush

    lost a true champion of defending the 2nd amendment. Thanks for all your insights over the years Rush Limbaugh, you will be missed.
  16. bigbuckfever

    Fish habitat plants

    Nice!! Sorry, I don't know anything about what plants to use- but I will volunteer to sit your treestand with my bow just to keep any undesirables from leaving a bunch of trail cams on it.
  17. bigbuckfever

    Bobcat Vs Rattle

    Now that's some awesome trail cam footage! Love how he does a victory roll .
  18. bigbuckfever

    Chicken foot

    That's pretty cool! Wonder what the other side would look like?
  19. bigbuckfever

    Stolen Hunting Rig - Recovered!

    Back in the day when Jim Carrey was funny too. Now I just laugh AT Jim Carrey
  20. bigbuckfever

    Anybody recognize this magnet?

    I was out shooting with a buddy the other day outside of Maricopa and found this magnet. There was no other debris around it and I can't figure out what it came from. Anybody???
  21. bigbuckfever

    Anybody recognize this magnet?

    I never would have guessed that is what it was used for, thanks for the info. ( As I sit here laughing)
  22. bigbuckfever


    Siamese twin elk separated at birth from twin
  23. bigbuckfever

    Midwesterner Heading SW

    Nice buck, congrats on putting in the effort and thanks for sharing the highs and lows.
  24. bigbuckfever


    So that's what the front of a sheep looks like.
  25. bigbuckfever

    Close encounter with an F-22 fighter jet

    I have a feeling they will get a kick out of the footage when this jet went over me. I wear deer ears when I archery hunt, so the pilot probably did a double take when he saw me.