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About PJM

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  1. Will there be another predator hunting event in 2025 as you 2024 post? If so let me know.



  2. PJM

    2024 Oct Coues hunt

    Absolute success! Were you in the southern unites?
  3. PJM

    34a hunt

    Well done - Nice BUCK
  4. PJM

    2 elk and a Kia forte, long read ahead...

    Fonda ain't got ELK in back of her KIA
  5. PJM

    2024 Elk hunt

    Great story. Congrats on sealing the deal!
  6. PJM

    Who's hunting turkey this Friday?

    4A-4B for me. Not packed yet
  7. Bright scope. No scope ring marks. Like new condition. These scopes are equivalent to Zeiss Conquest Located in Chandler $375
  8. PJM

    WTB .25 cal PCP Airgun

    AOA used page
  9. PJM

    Anything I should know before buying a trager?

    Buy a uesed on - look on offer up. Don't pay the new grill premium. TRAGER - the man crock pot
  10. https://4drentals.com/product/7mm-prc/
  11. Anyone have a 7 MM PRC Go -No Go gauges. Need a set to complete my savage barrel swap. Located in Chandler Thank
  12. PJM

    Vortex Optics Truth

    I used the Vortex warrenty alot. Got new scopes back and sold them. Gave the next user a brand new start at my loss. I put a Bushnell Elite Tactical scope on my son's Ruger Precission. Got it when NY Camera Land was selling them .. can't be happier. No issues - 4+ years of use. During peak of covid could not find them.
  13. PJM

    black hound optics

    I saw the 30 day warenty and it raised a flag.
  14. PJM

    black hound optics

    Thank you all for the responses. So I'm budgeting ~$1500 for my new scope. Thinking VX6 or Nightforece NXS. Any advice would be appreciated. This will be my one rifle for all four leged criters in AZ. Thx
  15. I'm building a new 7 mm PRC on my old Savage 110 action. Looking at 7 MM PRC reviews I ran into Black Hound Optics and it turns out they are out of Tucson and a having a huge sale. Anyone have experiance with Black Hound??