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Everything posted by whiteeye

  1. Got this nice 3x early Saturday morning.
  2. whiteeye

    Opening Weekend Success!

    Update: Little Bro. and a friend both got theirs this morning.
  3. whiteeye

    Opening Weekend Success!

    Our family "Honey Hole" in a remote location in 24B. Shot him at first light Saturday morning. We have several bucks on camera and had seen them in the mornings at this location in the past. So my brother and I returned to this location early Saturday morning and this guy showed up. My bro., who was sitting about 50 yrds. up the ridge above me, saw him first and then radioed to me where he was. I turned and within a minute dropped him at about 125 yards with the old 6mm. (We had previously agreed that older brother gets first shot. Younger bro. got one two years ago and older bro. did not......) Young bro. will be returning Monday to hopefully fill his tag. (Older Bro. is going back to work.)
  4. whiteeye

    Opening Weekend Success!

    Ya, 8 was getting a little technical and "Eastern". But hey, there are 8 points on those horns......To avoid unwanted issues, I revised it.
  5. whiteeye

    Monster Muley

    When out scouting the other day. I think I found what I was looking for. Yes, this photo was taken with a 300mm zoom lens from about 125 yards away and then cropped to bring it in even closer. He looks nice and calm in the photo but he did not sit there very long. As soon as he figured out who I was, he was gone. I was very luck to get the photo.
  6. whiteeye

    Bore sighting

    Take it to Sportsmans and have them do it for FREE......... (No you don't have to have bought the gun there. At least they have never charged me.) That will get you on paper. Then goto the range and dial it in.
  7. Went and serviced the cameras yesterday. Things are looking very promising for the hunt this year. I've gotten this bear on camera before but never with her cub. PS. The date stamp is not correct.
  8. whiteeye

    Coues and Bear

    Yes, it's very much a "honey hole". We had success there last year and it looks like our odds are good for this year as well.
  9. Went out to check on my cameras (lazy man's scouting service) yesterday. It looks like things could be very good this year..... PS. Yes, I know the date stamp is wrong.