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Ernesto C

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Everything posted by Ernesto C

  1. Ernesto C

    prayer request

    The Lord has so many things (blessings) to give you/us. HE is asking rigth now: My son, what do you want? Amen!
  2. Ernesto C

    Feral hog/Russian wild boar in 36C?

    Humm........ very interesting, but, does any one has any pictures or videos of javelina eating meat? I'm not saying that you guys are lying but any real facts or proof? In one occasion, one old and experienced hunter told me that he, one time, watched two javelinas fighting, one killed the other one and then ate it! Was he pulling my leg?? Ernesto C
  3. Ernesto C

    Another ride........

    Beatifull pictures and good looking country! Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I bet your son likes shooting the 22. I will take my kids out next weekend hopefully we will find some rabbits before it gets to hot. Ernesto C
  4. Ernesto C

    short collection of video clips

    That's cool! thanks for sharing with us Amanda Ernesto C
  5. Ernesto C

    Cartridge Collection

    That's a big collection G.H. How about the Wby calibers and the 25-35 Win.?
  6. Ernesto C


    Yea and how about some storys and pictures from your predator hunts? Ernesto C
  7. Ernesto C

    DOUG & AMANDA!???!!!???!!!??

    That's Casey in the red underwear!!
  8. Ernesto C

    The Hunting Report

    Wow!! What a buck from Javier Monge of Mexafari!! Ernesto C
  9. Ernesto C

    Thanks to all

    Man I dont know you personally but first things first..........CONGRATULATIONS on a buck of a life time, that's what dreams are made of. Maybe we'll meet sometime and you bet it will be a pleasure to shake your hand. Ernesto C
  10. Ernesto C

    Remington 700 Stainless .270

    Wow! I believe this is the 2nd one this month.
  11. Ernesto C

    Quest for the elusive Arizona camel.....

    Excellent, good job! thanks for sharing your succes. Ernesto C
  12. Ernesto C

    Feral hog/Russian wild boar in 36C?

    hoghntr, why do you say javelina eat meat? Can you elaborate more on that? Ernesto C
  13. Ernesto C

    Lever Gun guys...

    Awesome and good looking rifle! but I have one question...............How are you going to bring the giraffe? Ernesto C
  14. Ernesto C

    Angie's 1st Big Game Success

    Tracy, you are a blessed man! you better take care of that girl. Ernesto C P.S. Maybe......one day......Casey will find a girl like that
  15. Ernesto C

    Angie's 1st Big Game Success

    Since is her firs Javi..............now is time for a full body mount!
  16. Ernesto C

    Nick's First Javelina

    Ah that's nice.....I wish I could be there Congratulations. Ernesto C
  17. Ernesto C

    Another Robert Cat Down

    Hey dude! when are coming this way so you can show me how it gets done? Ernesto C
  18. Ernesto C

    Win model 70 300wsm

    Wow, that sucks!
  19. Ernesto C

    Pretty dry out there

    Well......first of all, welcome to the coolest site and second, dont get discourage, water or not....they are there just keep trying. Ernesto C
  20. Ernesto C

    Angie's 1st Big Game Success

    Waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy to cool! Congrats! Ernesto C
  21. Ernesto C

    2009 Success On Reservation

    3 out of 3.....that's not bad at all. Congratulations guys. Ernesto C
  22. Ernesto C

    Addiction to Coueswhitetail.com

    I used to be like that........................but then Casey showed up and..............we could not compete with a guy that has no girlfriend you know Ernesto C
  23. Ernesto C

    Finding the passion again.

    Coues, I will call you like that becuase I dont know your name, but let me tell you that the Lord knows you by name and last name too. He alos knows everything you have gone throug, and we can keep telling you all what he knows about you and how awesome and powerfull He is but we will never stop typing about Him. So here is some of the things you need to do to start living and breathing again: 1- Call for the Lord, beg for Him, tell him you need his help and to show you the way. Use you own words coues and say it loud, you must hear your self. Tell Him you regret all the bad things you have done and said and if you can mention them say them or mention them, tell Him you regret all those things and ask for forgiveness also for all the things you dont remember any more......tell him you regret all that and ask for forgiveness. Tell him you let go all those bad things and ask him to set you free. 2- Look for you daughter, ask her for forgiveness, tell her you regret your behavior and all the words you might have said that hurt her. Also if you have offended some body else apologize to them too. 3- If you hate some one or some one ever offended you PLEASE forgive them. If the "hate" is stronger than you say this loud: -I forgive you(them) in the Name of Jesus Christ- Forgive them in His Name. (In most cases, the "no forgiveness" is what it holds the blessings the Lord has for us. It also blocks our prayers to the Lord) So this is also important coues.....forgive. 4- Go to a church and keep attending their services, also tell them what you have tell us and any other problems or concerns you may have and you will feel relief............relief that the Lord is waiting to give you. About the friends you have lost dont be sad anymore, be thankfull to the Lord that he let you have good times with them and that he let you meet them. If you are still here is for a purpose coues and the Lord has not done with you and every single problem you have is an opportunity for the Lord to show His Glory just look for Him. 5- Have you ever accepted the Lord in you heart before?? (read Romans 10 9-10) Coues, I personally congratulate you for telling us how you feel, that's very brave of you. I know is not easy to come and type in a public forum how you feel but you did it, again I congratulate you and thank you becuase now you are causing us to pray for you and your daughter and guess what?? The Lord love to hear and receive prayers so ........thanks Ernesto C
  24. Ernesto C

    Feral hog/Russian wild boar in 36C?

    Do the indians raise hogs?? maybe it came from the reservation? I know Texas is a long way Ernesto C
  25. Ernesto C

    WTB.... 22 Mag

    If you get a chance, look at the Marlin bolt action, man I have own one for years and countless javelinas and coyotes had fell to its accuracy. The magazine holds 7 rounds plus the one in the chamber, plus I also like the wood stok and the looks. I know you'll love it. Ernesto C