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Ernesto C

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Everything posted by Ernesto C

  1. Ernesto C

    Mullin's Got it done in a big way!

    biscuits, welcome to cwt.com the best hunting site on the web. (of course that's my opinion but you do have the right to disagree) Here we all love the outdoors and here we all have something to share and I'm sure you do too. Please post some pictures along with the stories of the elk, deer etc you got under your belt because I'm sure you have plenty. If you do that, I promise you to share with you pictures of my trophy elk.........heck I will show it to every one here bucause I think no body has seen my BIG ELK! How that sounds? do we have deal? Take care my friend good hunting and always remember.........aim for the vitals Ermesto C
  2. Ernesto C

    Mullin's Got it done in a big way!

    Gggssssssss guys can you just wait! Ok......dont tell any body.......I will post the picture but keep it to your selfs ok? give me a minute................
  3. Ernesto C

    Mullin's Got it done in a big way!

    Oh boy, I got the picture, he is BIG!! Unfreaking unbelievable!!
  4. Ernesto C

    Youth Pheasant Hunt

    Mark, also do not forget to bring your shotgun (or you can use one of mine) we'll take you and your son out to shoot some doves. Ernesto C
  5. Ernesto C

    Youth Pheasant Hunt

    How could you forget about me?? Hey Mark, please take Matt's offer....or I can take to some places too! Please let me know when you and your son and any body with you come here. Remember, "my casa es tu casa" You'll have a place to stay here (I will not take a "no" for an aswer). Both are good, mornings and/or evenings and dont worry.......I'll be your dog Matt, when Mark gets here to Yuma lets get together and show him the valley. Ernesto C
  6. Ernesto C

    AZGFD Double Standard

    Ron, thanks a lot for your time and needed response on this issue. I'm glad you got to see this and that this issue was/is a learning situacion for us all. We are all in the same boat here but like I said, we all appreciate that this will make us better on what we do. Again, thanks a lot. Ernesto C. P.S. By the way......Welcome to cwt.com.
  7. Ernesto C


    Game Hauler.......that was more apropiate for the days Lark was a male dancer.
  8. Ernesto C

    crossbow question

    Lark, can you doctor give and excuse for work so I can spend another day or two elk hunting?
  9. Ernesto C

    AZGFD Double Standard

    Please allow me to disagree. A good judge starts in his own house. They should set the example. It is like telling your kids not to smoke or drink however you get home smoking and drunk every day. Ernesto C
  10. Ernesto C

    Carp Contest?

    "If you can find a coues deer way out there, a mule deer will stick up like a volkswagon" Who said that? For a great and true reason, a coues deer is called "The Grey Ghost" How a muler deer is called? All kidding aside..............I also enjoy hunting mule deer. That's why I hunt them with one leg, one hand, and with tape over one of my eyes to make it challlenging!
  11. Ernesto C

    No Coyotes Today But.......

    One thing I know for sure..........is not mine!
  12. Ernesto C

    New Mounts

    Wow Mitch they turned out BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for sharing. Ernesto C
  13. Ernesto C

    Upcoming Namibian Leopard Hunt

    Whaatt??????? you were snoring!!! You had a great and succesful hunt any way Danny, a once in a life time hunt. Thanks for sharing the thrill of your hunt. Ernesto C
  14. Ernesto C

    Lost my job today

    Mike, I talked a friend of mine she works at Wells Fargo. She told me you need to go WellsFargo.com and click on career oportunities. Ernesto C
  15. Ernesto C

    4 years today

    Hehehhehehehhehe That's funny!! You welcome Johnny, is an honor to have you here. Ernesto C
  16. He died happy. THIS ONE TIME IN BAND CAMP......................... What I saw in one ocasion, which is the wierdest(sp) thing I ever saw.....................I can't posted because is rated XXX. Ernesto C
  17. Ernesto C

    someone forgot?

    You are right.........the left side is a litle biger than the right side and that could hurt the score........but still a boone and crocket! Ernesto C
  18. Ernesto C

    AZGFD Double Standard

    How about bringing a copy, and asking the question in one of their public meetings?? Because you are right................if I dump a big game carcass next to the road and they see me...............oh boy! Not only I'll be in big trouble, I'll be in the news paper, T V news and even in cwt.com! Ernesto C
  19. Ernesto C

    Lost my job today

    Wow Mike I'm really sorry to hear that my brother. Did you already check other banks in your area or state? Ernesto C
  20. First put him on the ground......and then you can ask me about the score! It will be alot easier and more accurate. Ernesto C
  21. Ernesto C

    Carp Contest?

    No carp contest because..........FRIENDS.......... DO NOT LET FRIENDS HUNT MULE DEER!
  22. Ernesto C


    Where was this? Chihuahua? or where? Big buck and a tremendous trophy with a bow. Ernesto C
  23. Ernesto C

    Cabelas offers Women-only Outdoors Day Camp

    There you go Casey! just dress up as a woman, check who is the hotest girl in there....later on you declare her your love and you'll have a girlfriend that loves the outdoors. Ernesto C