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Ernesto C

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Everything posted by Ernesto C

  1. Ernesto C


    Mike you forgot the price for the cameras.
  2. Ernesto C


    Mike you forgot the price for the cameras.
  3. This ia a hunt with one of our sponsors, Mexafari Outfitters Javier Monge. And some of you my fellow cwt. members may recognize this guy on this hunt with a more than a 600 yards shot! WOW!! And here is another cwt. member Ernesto C
  4. Ernesto C

    2009 Goat mount

    Wow the mount and antelope are impressive!! Congratulations my friend looks really good. Ernesto C
  5. Ernesto C

    WTS-Buckmasters 4.5x14x40mm scope-sold pending funds

    I think these are really good deals here. Do you have pictures or the 9mm? Ernesto C
  6. Really pretty, thanks for sharing. Ernesto C
  7. Ernesto C

    Weatherby for sale(SOLD!!)

    How old is this rifle and why are you selling it? Ernesto C
  8. Ernesto C


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppmQl3qV3rY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQaoU0qRX4Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU6B-b-JEjM
  9. Ernesto C

    need a little help

    Dont worry my friend...you'll be ok! Take care. Ernesto C
  10. Ernesto C

    Got Drawn!

    Cool, good luck there buddy! Ernesto C
  11. Ernesto C

    Buck shot on video

    Hehheheheehe that's too funny Thanks a lot for posting!
  12. Ernesto C

    Just Got back from San Carlos

    What? the fishing wasn't good?? heck you were having a better time than me! Good job guys Ernesto C
  13. Ernesto C


    If you keep buying a product from me I will keep producing it; but if you STOP buying it from me.....wouldn't I go some where else to sell the product? Just my 2 cents. I want to make sure I'm not blaming any one here or pointing fingers, just mentioning what in my opinion is part of the problem. Mexico is really bad just day before yesterday 18 people were ejecuted on different states of the country by drug cartels including one child! Bad, really bad. Ernesto C
  14. Ernesto C

    azgfd outlaws some cartridges

    Congratulations Lark! Going back to the 270 If I remember right......that's what Amanda hunts with there fore......it is a girls caliber! buaahahaha!
  15. Ernesto C

    Happy Birthday Apache7mm

    How is it?........AOH DISH NEE! Ernesto C
  16. My hat off for you Doug....you the best! Ernesto C
  17. Ernesto C

    Desert Bighorn Mount

    Wow very spectacular!! and no wonder you got such a majestic animal.....the Lord was your guide. Ernesto C
  18. Bad really bad. Hope they get the guy soon and gets what he deserves.
  19. Ernesto C


    Again, if we keep buying the drugs....they will keep bringing them.......so, what we need to do so they wont bring the drugs here? Also who's being providing the drug cartels with SKS, AX-47's and grenade launchers, ammo etc? Are we giving them to them in exchange for drugs? Money is not a problem for them. I will keep spending my money in Mexico and specially with the dentist, my kid needs a job done and even with my insurance, here in the U.S. it will still costme $5,000.00!! You know how much a root canal will cost here? Go to Mexico and 50 bucks later you are good and ready for hunting Well, that's just my 2 cents since it is easy for me cause I live close to the border, I know for some of you is a long drive. When President Calderon declared war against the drug cartels the cartels answered back right away and I came up with the next conclusion and question: One, President Calderon is a guy with big b... and two.....is he going to be the "mexican JFK? I hope he wins. Ernesto C
  20. Ernesto C


    Sr. Bill, you used to love Mexico, what happened? did you had a bad experience? I know you used to go to Caborca a lot. I know the problem is bad but, here is what I notice.......before we used to say -"oh man Mexico is bad and dangerous lots of drugs and drug dealers and the mexican goberment does nothing to stoped" Now that finally President Calderon declared war against the drug cartels we say - "oh man look all those killings, fights between drug cartels and goberment etc etc" First we were complaining that the mexican goberment was doing nothing and now that is doing something we still complaining......... maybe he (President Calderon) should have closed his eyes like the others and do nothing? I wish we just stop buying all that drug from Colombia and Mexico but as long we keep buying and asking for more.........you can complete the sentence. I completly agree with Tim (TAM) and Coues Sniper, lets see if this coming season with lots of empty ranches and no hunters, I get to bring home a 110; yes 110...I'm not asking for to much. Ernesto C
  21. Ernesto C


    Johnny, were were you? You never applied?? Ernesto C
  22. Ernesto C

    37A pig

    Good shooting, good write up! Congratulations and thanks for sharing your succesfull hunt with us. Ernesto C
  23. Ernesto C

    Would like to have some Misquite

    How many semy-truck loads you want? Mesquite wood is really good too for the grill too when cooking stakes, shrimp, chiken, fish etc etc etc. Ernesto C
  24. Ernesto C


    My daughter is really happy with all the replies you guys have posted and she's telling me to thank all of you. Jeff, that rifle in the pictures is a 22 Mag. I have shot many javalinas and coyotes with that rifle. Ernesto C
  25. Ernesto C

    Coues deer art

    Really pretty......didn't our fellew member Mike has sam awesome paintings too? Ernesto C